
chapter 2

"right to it sir"

he quickly grabbed a glass and poured some wine into it

he gave it to the person before grabbing a tub of chocolate ice cream , cherries ,

vanilla ice cream , chocolate drip , a small cheese cake

he then diced up the cheese cake before taking 2 scoops of both ice cream flavors and mixing it into the cheese cake , he then added melted chocolate on the top along with cherries

he put in a recyclable spoon before handing it over to the guy

"that will be 25 dollars do you want to pay in cash cheque or credit"

???'s POV

as i walked into the strange building

a man behind what seems to be a counter greeted me and asked me what i wanted after aproximately 10 seconds of conversation i could feel pure and utter rage or was it blood lust coming from him

i asked him for the menu which he pointed towards it had pictures that did not line up with what the items said

i asked him for a vintage red wine and a vanta black ice cream

he took out a jar from behind him as well as a thin tall glass

he poured the strange liquid inside the jar and passed it to me

as i took a sip i knew what it was

i knew this taste...


he took what seemed to be 2 tubs of what appeared to be ash and crushed up bone 1 container of what is certainly a large chunk of very rare meat

another jar of blood this time the blood was black and a container labelled 'sou gravitas'

he diced up the raw meat and took large amounts of bone and ash and coated the meat in it

i could swear i heard him laughing as he cut the meat

he poured the blood on it and took a handfull of 'sou gravitas' which i am sure is just a fancy way of saying souls and topped the horrifying sight with it

he handed it over to me

"that will be 25% of your soul what way would you like to pay

cash cheque or credit"

what did he mean by cash or cheque

honestly at this point i was panicking

"uh credit"

"very well however i doubt that you have enough credit to buy this so i'll give you this for free only once however you must get more people to find and purchase food from here , they must say that you told them about this place and if atleast one person doesn't say it well let's not talk about that now shall we. anyway dig in"