

Amidst a mist-covered ruins of what seemed to be some kind of a temple, a girl lies peacefully. Plain-looking, but at the same time carries the beauty of tranquility, dressed in a black dress with a white veil acting as her blanket. The surroundings mysteriously forming a symphony of tranquility for the soul.

Just then on the vivid skies, shone three moons: one Glaring Blue, one Sparkling Pink, and the last a Green Crescent Moon which seems to be smiling to those who looked at it. The light from each moon starts to connect with each other forming a Pillar of light that basks the girl's body. Strangely enough, no sound except the continuous calm sounds from the melodious rustling of grasses and trees.

The body of the girl began to float and slowly turns into mist along with an unknown voice coming from the skies.

"May you be reborn to a peaceful songs of the world...My child..."

A flash appears as it reflected a drop of water from the moons, as the body of the girl completely turns into mist.

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