

Getting out of the cart, behind me Robin stood with an expression concealing her true emotions, standing in my shadow I unleashed my observation Haki, to my surprise I found several royal guards in a ready to attack Formation.

I felt the solemn atmosphere, curious about what's happening, i walked toward the palace entrance i tilted my head toward robin behind me I assured her, "don't worry let's just figure things out".

I turned my head toward the strongest presence if felt in the watching tower, I said " I have things to discuss with your king ".

Igaram felt my piercing gaze, cold sweat ran through his back while thinking ' how did he know I'm commanding them'

he exited the tower doing his best to look strong, but his expression made thing weirder, he said, " sorry but you are dangerous, we can't let you enter the Palace "

stopping in midway he eyed robin saying " besides what brought miss all sunday, here".

Robin came into light then she chuckled while saying " I'm not miss all sunday anymore, I quit baroque works".

Igaram didn't believe her he said " this is my warning, go back from where you came ".

Robin put her hand ready to attack, I lay my hand on her shoulder stopping her from killing them , i said " now this is the last time i don't want to say it again, step back i don't want to get my hand's dirty".

Igaram didn't put my words seriously he ordered " Arrest them".

marching toward us, I sighed i gently lifted my hands directing it toward their direction I shouted.

'chaotic Blood'

suddenly the entire army felt their blood going berserk, while their were their march people start to fall down like an ant in the earth, while their veins start to throb in a chaotic manner , while the weak one stayed in the back, the stronger soldiers had their pace weakened, while every step they took they could feel the pressure intensify.

getting closer and closer soldiers fell unconscious one after another, shocked by this situation Igaram was about to attack.

while Larry satisfied with the results, he felt his danger sense went off, from the sky like a hawk Pell fell from the sky like a lightning bolt.

'Blood shield'

blood poured from Larry fingers, hurriedly he made a huge sphere of blood covering it with Haki around him and robin.

Pell claws scratching the shield leaving the cracked sphere shattering like a piece of glass.

with an annoyed look, Larry said " sorry about this but you forced me into this"

from his fingers steel like nails protruded , his hair grow wildly reaching his back, while his body start to get taller while his eyes turned crimson red .

'Awoooooooo' tearing his clothes while howling like a mad wolf, he looked to the choked Igaram , he then grinned like a blood-thirsty monster, he said with creepy tone " now good bye"

with his transformation, everyone saw a flash of light before stopping in front of Igaram, holding him by his neck.

" Captain don't" preparing to crush his neck, he heard a familiar shout, he turned his head he found his Pincer holding his breath while picking someone in his shoulder, he said, " oh, Pincer I see you completed your job".

taking a deep breath said while scratching his head " sorry but didn't bring him in one piece his hand's should be useless now"

he said again " oh yes captain i saved the princess from him, quickly give me my prize"

i removed my transformation i said " where is she ??".

"she is in her way, I heard your cry earlier, so I left her behind me " said Pincer

i said while removing my transformation " you got a little bonus here, i didn't want her to see me killing her closest person "

i tilted my head toward Igaram saying with a threatening tone " you heard that we saved your princess, But if you talked about what's happend here." I stopped , making my grip around his neck tightened. i continued " i'll crush you neck".

he gave a quick nod , i released him from my grip before turning to my serene face i said to Robin " this is your crew mate he's our ship scientist ".

as they did their first conversation, remembering i just destroyed my new coat i said with a defeated tone "I have to get rid of this bad habit ".

"why is that"

out of know where, I heard a sweet voice in my left side, turning my head Blue color took the entirety of my vision, I felt something wrong, I bent my head a little down i saw a curious face looking through my eyes, I said " you look prettier than pictures".

I felt a pinch in my tight I knew it was the work of robin fruit , i said with an awkward look " sorry about that, you must have heard of me from Pincer, I'm his captain, nice to meet you "

" ehhhh" she checked my frail naked body she said " really but you don't look that powerful, i mean Pincer captain should be like a monster, and you look harmless ".

next to me Igaram lips twitched, I felt him about to say something, i narrowed my eyes toward him he quickly cowered, I said " so you're saying I'm weak, princess"

"ehh, yes, No...." i saw her face became twisted trying to find the best answer I said " I'm just joking, by the way when did you came ".

like being saved she said without thinking " I just came and i heard you talking to yourself "

" well, how about inviting us to the castle I have things to discuss with your dad " i said while walking toward pincer , i heard from my back a shocked grasp " are you really his captain ".

Pincer said "oh Vivi this is my captain you can call him fang , and this is our new crewmate Robin".

with an awkward laugh Vivi said " oh sorry i thought you were just kidding " she turned toward Igaram saying " quick Igaram take them to the castle ".

" But princess they are dan...."

he got interrupted by Vivi with a fake smile she said " Igaram they are our guests's don't be rude "


"so Vivi, did you really thought your plans will work", inside the Guest room, sitting on a comfortable sofa, drinking a cup of tea with Vivi sitting next to me I asked her.

"well yes, I thought I should do something, I asked my father about our situation but he treated me like a child" said Vivi.

"well, that was a stupid decision, if Mr 1 caught you, then would have another problem to deal with ", Vivi lowered her head, then she said " yes I know but .."

"no but, " I kept scolding her, even if i already know that the problem come from me playing with the story line, in the original story Vivi infiltrated the organization successfully, but I couldn't help watching her pitiful expression.

suddenly we heard the guest room door get knocked, I turned my head I saw Agaram entering the door with a Darkend expression, he said, " the king approved of the meeting "

"yosh" I put the cup gently on the table, as I stood I turned toward Vivi saying " accompany me, they are things you should know earlier"

exiting the room, robin and pincer already waiting me in front the door, I nodded at them to follow me, walking next to me Vivi felt a piercing gaze at her direction, she saw Robin giving her a cold glare, she thought 'what's wrong with this women'.

little did she know Robin saw her as an enemy.

walking through several passages, Larry kept examining the Palace, the palace was filled too many sculptures of the people of the old ruling era, beautiful gardens, different painting hanging on the walls of the palace, we reached long hallway, in the end stood a big door leading to the royal library.

getting closer to the door, the guard opened the door, in front of the door stood a man of average height. He has a wrinkled face, a tied-off beard, and long, curly, black hair. He wears a green robe with yellow edging, an orange and beige sash around his waist, and a purple coat. He also wears sandals and a necklace.

King Cobra

he stood in front of he said " My name is Cobra, the king of Alabasta, I thank you for saving my daughter ".

I already expected his short speech, i stopped him from continuing I said, " well, she still a little girl she didn't know what her action may lead to, but I'm not here to talk her".

I passed by him, walking toward his desk, I sat on his chair, I pointed toward another chair I said you can sit there".

with an ugly face he sat in front of me, he already knows from Igaram about my rude character , waiting for him to sit, said I

" I'm here for that thing inside the royal tomb"

Next chapter