
Rescue Mission

" what's going on, " asked Robin as she slowly opened her eyes, after her Mikita woke Up.

I smiled " Nothing Bad happened, you just lost your consciousness ".

I added, " you are dismissed".

"Okay," said Robin as she slowly stood, following behind the rest, I stopped them saying " Wait!!"

"what is it captain" Robin turned her head waiting for me to answer.

pondering for a moment, I said: " I will leave the island for a period of time, Robin you will take shot's in my absence, I have some serious things to take care of".

"I will go with you," said Robin

" No, you have another mission " I took a paper I wrote some instructions on it, I added " don't read it now, pay attention to the newspapers, you will know when to act".

"But .."

I put my fingers on her mouth, moving closer to her face, I whispered " how about the time, I came back we will go on a date ".

" why do you think, I will agree to that" she glared at me.

I felt awkward, I didn't think she will give me such an answer, I whistled, " well that's bad for you, I was thinking of showing you something you will like, but act as nothing did happen ".

"hehee" she made a wry laugh saying "I was just kidding ".

she gave me a military salute " don't worry Captain, ill do my best ".

' damn she looks cute' i thought.


as i was flying away from the island, i had a bad feeling nagging my head, my crew is messed up, the chain command is not flexible yet, many things still unfinished, i wish i wouldn't leave the island yet but some things must be done.

flying over the calm belt, with my fastest speed in the direction of Amazon lily is the first move i had to make in my plan, i wasn't planning to make a move on Boa Hancock yet but this was something urgent.

it took me 4 hours to reach amazon lily, Fatigued i landed on the forest surrounding the center city, i turned my head toward the sky, it was brightly sunny, i took my time for resting, i grilled some fish filled my stomach then i took a little nap until i felt my self recovering a little bit.

I felt it's time to make a move, i soared into the sky until the whole city was in my view, i scanned the city for some time until i found the best place to land, it was basically a big plaza filled with girls training archery swordsmanship while some were in a meditative state.

the plaza was close to a gigantic cliff, attached to it a medium castle supported with massive stone pillars.

faking a lustful face, i landed on the plaza, i screamed " Oh God, Thank you for leading me to a wonderful place".

the girls in the square stopped what they were doing, an awkward silence took over the place, it took them some time to process what goes on until the trainers finally acted.

" Kyaaaaaa" the normal girls gave me a curious look, but the trainers who already know the difference between male a female screamed.

" how did you come here " taking an attacking stance one of the trainers talked.

with a lustful look, i laughed " haha, truly the rumours weren't wrong this is a man paradise".

the girl face turned serious hearing my words she said: " quick he's dangerous, catch him".

before she would attack me, she saw a blur coming at her direction, i grabbed her hand, crippling her hand movement, she wanted to escape from me but she felt my hand like steel she couldn't wear them off, i laughed from the top of my lungs " haha, little girl i should start with you"

"Kyaaa " "Kyaa" " Quick call Hebihime-sama, " the whole plaza became a mess, girls running from every direction, like a frightened chicken the girl in my hand stuttered " Hibehibe-sama won't forgive you ".

i smirked at her "Seriously, maybe i should eat her too".

i know that Boa will show up after hearing the chaos under her house, and my plan worked exactly as planned, from the sky an angry voice echoed.

"Oh really" Boa followed by her two sisters landed on the ground, showing a dark face she said, " how the hell did you come to this place".

i whistled " damn your posters didn't give enough justice to your body, i hope your legs can stretch enough"

drool poured from my mouth " because I'm afraid i will break them "

Veins bulged from Boa after hearing my sentence " you filthy scoundrel i will feed you the dogs "

with a blur i ran toward her direction my speed took her by surprise, with a little strength i punched her in the stomach, her eyes turned white she wasn't expecting me to be merciless, i said: " hehe, I'm gonna play with the empress ".

i didn't finish my attack before her sisters using their devil fruit powers shielded her, Marigold said: " Big sister he's the one Kidnapped the Princess from Alabasta, he is Fang with a bounty of 350 million".

the other sister said, " Big sister, he looks mesmerized by your look use devil it will work better on him".

Boa stood from the ground, wiping the blood from her mouth she shouted: " you Bastard you dare to put you hand's on this Empress, turn into stones!!".

"Mero Mero Mellow" she shaped her hand in a heart form, a pink light escaped her hand, i knew it was her power i faked my amazement waiting for the light to touch me, soon my body became stone.

Boa sighted, feeling her attack succeeded, she was about to make the final blow, but an old woman stopped her " Wait!!, Don't"

Boa still didn't have enough authority on the island like in the manga, she stopped while saying "why he a monster he should die".

"Empress, but if you kill him they won't find where the Princess is hidden, better give him to the marine, they will do their job and we will take his bounty ".

gritting her teeth, she nodded at her she said to her sister " contact the Navy, tell them we caught Fang, on our way to Shabody we will hand him to impel down".

"okay sister"

inside the stone sculpture, i felt relieved felling my plans finally working, i know i could leave this situation with just activating my Haki but i endured it, soon they picked me up from the plaza they took me into their ship, Boa ability ended, but soon they but sea stone cuffs in my hands.

sea stones basically have no influence on me, But i hope my plans work as expected.


Marine Ford.

Sengoku finally heard some good news, after being scolded by the world government, again and again, he got a report that the kidnapper of the princess of Alabasta was caught by the Kuja pirates, he said: " Finally the shichibukai system showed some benefits ".

Garp laughed " hoho you seem in a good mood "

Sengoku shouted at him " damn Garp act like a decent marine".

"Hahahaa" Garp as always as he's not concerned started to laugh.

Tsuru from the corner of the office talked " things don't seem that easy from Hina report i doubt a little brat can handle him".

this time was Akainu turn to talk he said " he's just a filthy pirate got lustfull by her look, we all know how her ability work"

Tsuru raised her eyebrow she said to Hina who was sitting next to her " what do you think about this".

Hina crossed her eyebrows "I don't think he can easily be swayed, he flirted with me, but i don't think he's a lustful person".

"so it's decided, i will send Momonga to escort him to impel down, he can't escape from there" concluded Sengoku.


somewhere in the Grand Line.

in a windy Island, the island had gigantic rock pillars, the sand was white as it was like covered with snow, this island was the headquarters of the revolutionary army.

in the Office, Dragon, sabo, Koala, Belo Betty and the rest of the members was sitting in a round table.

Belo said " so Dragon-san are we going give him a hand "

Dragon said, " No, from my first impression he's not a fool, i don't know what's he's thinking about, but he knows his Business, what should we discuss now is how you think about the deal ".

Koala said, " is it true that the weapons you saw worth their price".

he nodded " yes, especially those communication devices, but if he could improve them then we would be a step ahead of the world government".

Sabo noded " let's agree to the deal, let's try his weapons in the North army if they were worth it then we will go all out with him ".

the rest of them nodded, Dragon added: " Okay let's order 2 ships and 500 M-15, Contact Karasu to make the resource ready and send them to Ruskaina, this is a secret operation we don't want Rat's to destroy the first impression".

Betty nodded before taking her denden mushi.