

Vivi become nervous, her plan failed before even starting, she escaped from the royal castle to do an undercover work, her purpose was infiltrating baroque works and find the real instigator behind the scene, she heard his name was Mr Zero he was the reason her country was at this state.

Alabasta in the past was like a heaven, filled with forest's, gigantic greeneries filled with exotic Tree's and Rare Plants

Then the heaven became hell , since a shishibukai crocodile claimed to be a hero who saved the country from desperate state, rain never poured on the country shortly after rumours about the royal family using underhanded methods to make the country a dessert.

Things start to become more complicated, the country become split into two faction's, the rebel army and the royal forces, two different forces being played on the table of a single man Mr Zero.

Now in front of her stood the second strong person in the whole organization.

Frightened she stuttered " how did you found me this fast".

Not giving a damn about her question he made his way toward her he said "sorry princess my boss ordered me to bring you to him, believe me it's for your own protection ".

In his attempt to grab her by his hand, he got interrupted with a pale hand blocking his hand from reaching Vivi.

"sorry my friend but my captain ordered me to protect her highness" stopping in midway, Pincer continued " he also ordered me to bring you to him "

Bonez raised his eyebrows " can you live up to your claim".

Scratching his head he said " well I never fought in my entire life, but captain said if I used all my power I can take you do..." .

Before he finished his long speech Bonez interrupted him by slashing his body with his Blade Like arm.

Touching his chest Pincer found a scar reaching down from his upper body to his waist.

This was the first time Vivi ever witnessed such gore scene she screamed in the top of her lungs.


with a disdain, Daz clicked his tong " Tch, pathetic ".

Pincer got woken up from his shocked state by Daz comment , with anger surging on his head , he said, " Mother F.., , you will die ".

he stopped displaying his middle finger toward Daz he said "you know what captain told me to fight my opponent even while wearing this ring "

"you know what we make these rings with" said while his face become blue from anger .

Bones said with a flat tone " what ??"

"Cairoseki" after he finished his sentence, he removed the ring from his finger.

His shape changed, majestic 2gigantig wings spread with full glory from his body, his figure became transparent while a dark aura surrendered him, in place of his head a creepy green fire flickered .

"Now you die" throwing a punch toward him, the punch was a simple punch with no complicated moment or any flashy technique.

Daz turned his hand into blades, defending his body with his hand while trying to cut Pincer hands .

But what he didn't expect that his blade went through the punch without even damaging his opponent.

Seeing his situation become dire he retreated 3 steps back he felt his hands become limp he checked it only to find that his ability dissipated while his hands started to rot.

He got frightened, feeling losing control over his hands, he dropped on his knees never in his life encounter such an opponent.

Pincer getting ready to throw another punch, got stopped by Vivi she said " Please stop, don't kill him "

Hearing her, his anger faded, remembering orders Larry gave him he said " Shit Shit , I'm fucked up captain gonna torture me".

He made his way toward Daz , punching him one last time knocking him up in the heavens, he cuffed him with sea stones Before throwing him like a toy to the corner.

He said to Vivi " princess did you get hurt "

"No , thank you for saving me" said Vivi while her face betrayed her words, a powerful fella plagued her country for years, defeated with one punch, even in his first fight she became waryof him ,so how strong his captain can be.

Not reading the mood pincer said "Nah. you should thank captain, now we should go to Alburana captain said he should be waiting for me there, you too have to come came with me.

"Ok I will but first let me treat your injuries" said Vivi


While Larry and his mad scientist making their way toward Alburana , on marine ford every one from the lowest rank marines to the admirals had a gloomy face.

2days earlier on Shabody archipelago a celestial dragon was killed .

A young woman appeared from god know where on the island while she was passing by a celestial dragon ,clueless about what was happening she didn't kneel in front of him, he became angry he ordered his bodyguard to Arrest her.

getting disgusted with his perverted face she punched him, but what she didn't expect that she will lose control on her power, she destroyed his head.

every one on the groove got scared shitless, in less than 2 second the area became empty.

the women didn't know what her action got her into she passed through several grooves, enjoying the mystical like place, but the weird thing is the archipelago become deadly silent.

she turned her head toward the sky she saw a yellow light heading to her direction; she sensed that the light was dangerous, putting up her guard an old middle-aged man came out from it.

with his lazy look kizaru put everything in his power to end her life.

fighting for 10 minutes the woman figured her attacks didn't give him any serious injury.

the fight didn't continue for over 10 minutes before Kizaru defeated her, arresting her he got her scent directly to impel down.

back to sengoku office.

" weird, she killed him because he gave her a perverted look, when did people get courageous " sengoku said while scratching his head .

"bwahahaha" laughed Garp while seeing his old friend racking his brain " why did you even get this position it's so annoying ".

"Garp, get your shit up a celestial dragon is killed " screamed Sengoku veins popping up from his head.

Sengoku then said " just leave her in impel Down, let's wait for what the celestial dragons going to do with her"


near Alburana capital.


a wooden cart driven by a camel made its way though the sandy road.

inside of it a teenager resting his head on the lap of a beautiful woman, during their journey they got to know themselves better, not to the degree of being a couple but they didn't to put guard against each other.

playing with his hair robin said with a gentle voice "captain we reached Alburana".

Replying while closing his eyes he said " go closer to the royal castle"

lifting his head from her curvy legs, he sat properly on his chair , looking over the window with a serene face, putting his

hand on his chin he started enjoyed the city building and architecture.

Robin fixed her eyes on him, slowly a smile stretched on her face she too become engrossed in the view.

the cart passed several roads and street, passed by children playing without care of the world , happy merchant's dragging their obese body with a smug face, civilians with a pained face doing their best to put food in their family table.

Larry who was dazed by watching people , got his head drifted to his old world memories.

Larry who already witnessed how people got their life played with , while remembering Dr Doom organization and how many things were hidden from the public view, remembering how his classmen were tortured for their blood, and the fate was waiting for him if he didn't get lucky.

a pained expression showed in his face, Robin next to him noticed his expression wondering how a man like him had things hidden deep within him.

she didn't even notice when she put her hand on his cheek, feeling her cold hand, he turned his head toward her, then their eyes met, he lost himself in her ocean blue eyes, their face got closer they felt each other hot breath, they didn't even know what happened before they charged on a long deep kiss.

separating from their kiss, a long thread of saliva kept connected with them, a blush appeared in robin cheeks, seeing her cute appearance a feeling of possession start to took place in Larry heart.

not giving her a chance to retaliate he pulled her head gently on his chest , whispering in her ears, " you are mine now even if the world want us to separate, i will out everything in my power to have you next to me "

he stopped sharpening his eyes, an invisible pressure surged from him without even noticing , he continued " even if I have to kill everyone, that oppose us"

the cart continued its way toward the Palace, while Larry didn't even know that he just used conqueror Haki.

thanks guys for reading my work.

this is the first time I ever wrote a story.

if you have any suggestions, please out them in the comment section


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