
Moonlight Cruise Chapter 1

"If I ever have to go back to that office I will go insane, that old director is nothing but a PERVERT always looking at girls in the wrong way." Luna screamed, while talking to her friend and coworker Betty in the coffee shop.

"Quite down Luna you never know who can hear, we can get in trouble for talking about director Li in this way" Betty said with a worried expression.

" IS SUCH AN INJUSTICE!!! I have been working in that office for THREE YEARS and, I don't even get a raise? after all the work that I have put into that company" Luna said with an angry tone and shouting even more loudly.

"Luna if we lose our jobs, what would we do? How would we pay our bills? You know that the working industry is not good and getting a decent job that pays well is hard even impossible."

In that aspect Betty was right, It was not easy to find this job. She also understood that Betty had responsibilities with her family. Luna was and orphan, she did not have any family to take care of or that could help her out financially. However Betty had to help her parents out with the expenses of Betty's mom hospital bill as she was greatly ill.

"Luna you know how hard it was for me to get this job" Luna did sympathize with Betty. Betty had always been in the top students and work hard to get where she is today. Betty was you're casual well behaved straight A student. In the other hand Luna did not have the same qualities.

"You are right Betty I am so sorry, but we can't just live our lives like this. We have to enjoy or lives. Tell you what let's go to a casino tonight" Luna said with a hopeful look, even do she new that Betty did not like going out much.

Betty had never gone to a casino and was worried about going, however she was also curious about how going to a casino would feel like. "Ok let's go" Betty said still worried.

"Yes!!! We are gonna have so much fun." Luna said with a giggle. Luna had never gone to a casino before. She had heard story about how fun they could be. She had also read in novels how rich guys fall involve with the poor girl main character in the casino.

"I'll pick you up at 11:00 pm"Luna said "Isn't that a little late" Betty responded however Luna had all ready run out of the coffeeshop and did not hear her.

The walk from the coffeeshop to Luna's apartment was not a long distance but Luna took more time than necessary, as she likes to walk next to the sea. Oceana city was one of the biggest port city in the country. People could see the beautiful ships coming in and out of the harbor.

"If only I could own a big luxurious yacht…." Luna said imagining how nice that would feel. "Maybe I can find a rich guy to marry me and I could leave my days without a worry in the world drowning in luxury. Too sad that only happens in novels" Luna said with a discourage tone.

"Wait there is a cruise that is in the city and has an open casino maybe we could go to that casino" Luna said as she got her phone out and called Betty. "Betty I know where we should go tonight let's go to the luxurious cruise that we saw in the news. "It has an open casino that we can attend." Luna said full of excitement.

"But how are we going to get in. Is the most luxurious cruise in the country the Moonlight Dream. Only the rich and famous can get in." "Dont worry Betty leave that to me I think I have a way just put on your best dress for tonight." "If you say so." Betty answer with a worried tone, thinking just what was going on in her friend's head.

After Luna got to her apartment she feel empty there was never someone waiting for her. Not even a dog or a cat to make her company. All do once she did try to have a plant, spike did not survive for long.

"Lonely sweet home I guess. What should I wear for tonight? Maybe something a little revealing or something cute." Luna said while taking out all her dresses from her small closet. Nothing in Luna's apartment was big including the very tiny closet. Everything was compact, so she did not have a lot of room for fancy dresses that she never got the opportunity to use but tonight.

"This one will work." Luna said while pulling out a beautiful dark blue mermaid dress. This mermaid dress had cost her almost all her saving, but she just had to have it. With quite rebelling v neckline cut and an open back. The dress was luna's favorite it look like the night sky and even do it was revealing it looked classy.

As Luna looked at her self in the mirror one final time before she went out. Part of her wonder who would she have taken after her mother or her father. Luna had never know who they wear. Luna did not consider her self as drop dead gorgeous, but she did consider her self pretty.

She was taller than most girl had some boobs but not any double D cup most maybe a B cup, long brown hair and brown eyes very common features.

She was quite the opposite of Betty. Betty had a small body. She was short in a cute way. Blond hair, pretty round eyes and a double D cup. If Luna had do choice a word to describe Betty it would be cute. However Luna enjoys been consider more of the dangerous sexy evil empress type, at least in her head she is.

Luna look at her self one last time given herself a life pet talk that tonight was her nigh and just how fantastically fun she would tonight would be with Betty. She could only imagine what was going to happen tonight in the casino.