

A donkey years since Lilly went on a vacation to overwhelm her mind ever since the incident. She decides to go for a vacation to spend the summer holidays. It was about Lily to realise that it's was morning so she went to the frog's kingdom to take a bath. This came to her mind that she was at the beach so she had to bath quickly. She then went out of her condol were she had booked only for a week. As she moved towards the pool, he saw a guy who left her blushing. As she was still looking at him, the guy them looked at Lilly,just as love at first sight. He's eyes were just as white as snow it's like Lilly has already seen the apple of her eye. To make the matter worse, the guy came close to Lilly and looked at her which left Lilly completely at sea . The guy the said "hi beautiful" Lilly replied while stammering"hhh hlo" she said. Then the guy introduced himself as halland and he also came here for a vacation. This was a chance for Lilly to also introduced herself as Lilly Williams . Halland asked Lilly where she lived. So did Lilly reply that she was from Chicago."Cool" replied halland."It's a coincidence because l also live at Chicago"he continued. Lily then told him it was nice to meet him.

Halland went further and told her that he came with his friend which he will introduce to him in a while.so did they exchange there contacts. It was then, Lilly realised that this guy was to cool and the will have an interesting time together for this holiday. Time passed and days,it was a Saturday morning. Halland decided to prepare lunch and invite Lilly for lunch.when lilli received the invitention,she wore her best clothes . As time passed Lilly went to the next room as they had promised to meet for lunch. She knocked and Halland answered"wow you look nice " he said. Lilly appreciated and had a seat. This was the time for Halland to the the cat out of the bag. He started telling Lilly on the first day she met her,it was like he had met an earthly angel .To say in a nuts hell,Halland confessed to Lilly about his feeling for her not knowing that he was already preaching the converted. This was when Lilly also confessed his deep feelings to Halland.

This was the night were they celebrated and drunk too much which let them to grow feeling to each other. It was like they were on top of the world. As it is said,they could not tell which way the wind blows ,they went in an act (sex). As Halland persuaded Lilly with sweet nothings. Waking up early in the morning, Lilly woke up and realized that she was totally naked in her room. This left her in a daze as she remembered what Happened to her last night with Halland. She couldn't believe it because it was an expected. Neither did she know if Halland had wore a condom . She moved towards the bathroom but Halland was no where to be found. Lilly rushed to the nap room to check his phone but hen she reached, the phone was no where to be found, so was her money. This came to Lilly's mind that she was being conned. And Halland was able to catch more flies with honey than you can with vinegar. It was a mile away from the beach to the nearest town.Lilly wore her clothes and Ran to the to her car , she took off at a high speed inorder to find Halland . As she was driving, she met an old lady and stopped the car, she then asked the lady if she had seen a guy with blue eyes, and curly hair. The lady then directed her and added that the man was on a hurry it seemed as if some thing was chasing him. Lilly appreciated the lady and the stepped on the engine. As she drove , this was when she noticed that she will never find halland and she backed off. She then went back to Chicago as there was no use of her staying on the beach.