
A night away


"Well yes I am one day I'll be king. King of the Vampires. That's one of the reasons I hid my power. When I was little people wanted to be close to me for my money or power. So I asked to be taken out of school after puberty and gaining full control of my powers I started at Moonbeam Academy. I wanted to find someone who liked me for me. What I found was someone to love."

"awww. I love you too."

" It's nice to just get time to talk. I like this "

"me too." I lay my head on him.

"they will notice if we are gone for to long."

"let's just nap and we will head back flying makes me so tired."

"you will get use to it. However we can't fly during the day light hours outside the school."



"Maire... " Devin

"Bab.. " Devin

"Hay you need to wake up sleepy head" Devin gently nudging me.

"I'm uo... I'm up.."

"you father is looking for you!" He said leaning over me.

I spring up headbutting him right in the face.

"oh my gosh I'm sorry so so sorry." I busted his lip with my forehead. I feel so bad as I look around we are back in his dorm room.

"it's fine... I'll be alright. it's just a little blood." He said.

My eyes turn red when I see the blood coming from his lip.

"no no Maire. we don't have time you have to go to the office now.

"fine but your coming with me" I smile as I gently wipe his lip with my finger and lick it. on my way to the door. since I slept fully dressed all I have to do is slide on shoes.

"ok you want me to meet your dad?"

"yes! of course! I want to spend my life with you. My dad should know who you are." I smile. *I know he will not approve because of your Vampire side but that doesn't matter* I don't say it out loud because I'm holding a hair tie in my mouth.

His lip is healed before I finish tying my shoes.

"I would be honored to meet your dad."

"while I'm in the office I can request to test out of all my work classes, and focus on learning about this place and the powers."

"sounds good, let's not make your dad wait any longer."

"My dad can be a bit of a bear. He never wanted me to leave the house."

we walk quickly to the office.

My dad is walking back and forth. He looks like something is wrong.

"Dad!!! it's so good to see you! I've missed you. So what's wrong? why are you hear?"

"Can't I just check on my little girl?" *I'm hear because I heard you almost died then leaped in to the arms of your savior as your lover your not old enough to be doing stuff like that. Is this him is this the boy you've been Fucking? *

"Wow ok dad. So maybe you didn't know but I can control my mind reading powers now. so please speak your mind it will make these easier on all of us."

"fine. Yes, I have a problem. I'm removing you from this school immediately!" *Taking you away from all the negative influences.*

"No, your not, I'm an adult here, and I want to be here. I have a lot still to learn about this country and the four power sources. This is the best place for that."

"It's not safe for you here." *You can't stop me from taking you, I'll take you by force if I have to! The only power source you need is the wolf!"*

"no the world is not safe. especially for the ignorant and inexperienced. which is why I need to stay.. "

*Devin I don't know how much more of this I can take while still being polite. Can you please help me here* I know Devin will be the only one bro hear my thoughts, I feel bad having him hear my father's thought.

"And what of this Who is the man you have let leave his mark on you?" *If we weren't on safe ground I would kill him for making you even a permanent mark can fade with death.*

"Dad this is Devin, Devin this is Dad. He has been my friend since my first day here. Plus he saved me from 'YOUR' kind and has been looking out for me ever since. Dad before you say anything else I want to to know, that I want to marry him."

"Hello sir, it's a pleasure to meet you. Your daughter has told me so much about you." Devin said so politely.

*I don't know who the hell you are but you will never date my daughter!* my dad thinks

Devin and I both laugh for only a second.

"Mr. Knight. With as much respect as possible, I love her and want to make her happy. I will make sure she is happy. I'm going to make sure she has everything she ever wants." Devin continues smiling politely.

"Once she finishes her schooling I have invited her to come back and live with me. She can pick any room she wishes, and when the time is right I will make her mine forever. We will be happy, she will be safe. This Mr. Knight I give you my word."

*I wont let you marry him! I'll kill him first. I'm going to kill him for ever touching you, that filthy mutt.* Dad glared at Devin.

"Sir. maybe I or your daughter was unclear. Your not needed here."

*Thank you Devin, but I'm afraid he's not bluffing.* *Don't worry Maire, I'm confident in myself.*

"Thanks for visiting Dad but I've never been better. If you don't mind leaving first I have an issue with my classes I would like to discuss with the office. Thank mom for keeping in contact with me and let her know to be expecting my next letter soon. I've already sent it out. That is if your going home. If your going back to the wolves den I'm sure they could they would be happy to know about the attack on my life maybe more so if you don't say I was rescued."

"That's not far Maire!"

"I love you Dad, Bye."

"It was nice to meet you Sir."

My dad stormed out slamming the doors on the way out. He slammed them so hard he cracked the window next to the door.

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