
Not Everything is Within Control

Yume is walking to visit Captain Nagi in hospital room 302 when on the last minute she made a U turn and thought of walking past and visiting Haru first in room 215. She'll just have a peek inside the room to see whether he is finally awake or not. Five meters away from the said room, Yume is certain that visitors are already inside Haru's room causing her to stop and hesitate to enter. She is just quietly leaving when a voice called out to her from afar. It is Hayato. And he is coming her way.

Hayato suddenly tap her shoulder mindly and said, "Don't worry, Haru will wake up soon."

"He' s already awake."

"Oh you little shy girl. What are you then doing outside? Don't be embarrassed. Being the intellectual that I am, I already know your secret."

Yume is surprised but no emotion appeared in her face, "What secret are you talking about?"

Hayato moved his eyebrows up and down, "You really like Haru huh.."

Yume gave a sigh of relief. She is not exposed.

"Silence means yes. Don't worry, Haru is my bestfriend and I can see you perfect with each other, so I'll help you out."

Yume is so taken aback with this man's balloon brain that she is not able to react fast. She is dragged inside Haru's room where Sano, Amy and Haru's mom chatted. Upon seeing Haru's mom, Yume gave a respectful bow," Nice meeting you again Aunt Miyu."

"Oh my stars. Is this my little Yume? Haven't heard from you for a while. Seeing you both here in front of me makes me want to question my son: When are you going to make my dreams come true and finally give me a daughter?", Haru's mom beamed.

"Mom, we've discussed this already."

"You both did not change. You both cutely blushes hehehe."


"Hello Aunt," Hayato welcomed,"You are as young as ever." And gave his aunt a bear hug which was reciprocated by the lady.

"..." (Is he your son?!)

After the hugging, "Oh right, it is time for mom to leave. Haru Yu, this will be the last time you will make me worry about you. Make sure not to scare me like that again ok? And drink your medicines. Bitter medicines are better." And after saying farewell and a peck in the cheek, Haru's mom left.

"OM goodness! I talk with Beauty Lily? She gave me her autograph!", shaking Sano vigoriously Amy continued saying, "I can't wait for vacation day! Mama's gonna love this!!!"

"So your mom is an actress huh? And a really famous at that.", Sano added. "I wonder who's your dad."

Instead of answering Sano, Haru looked at Yume and said, "Thank you."

Hayato saw Yume blushing in her corner nodded her head, looked down and apparently so interested with the floral pattern of the table cover in front of her. Likewise, Haru's ears started turning red.

'There is something going on about these two.' Then an idea click!

"Oh, I am wrong Yume. You do not like Haru.", Hayato exclaimed.

The people inside the room showed surprised expressions and bewilderment. And the torture in the person of Hayato continued,"You do not like him because you love him!"

Now, all eyes turned to Yume.


"Is that true? Oh, how come Hayato knew about this before me?!", Amy started shaking Sano again.

"Sis, behave yourself. There is a profound explanation for this."

"She's blushing whenever she see Haru.", Hayato said proudly.

Amy interjected, "Blushing does not mean you love someone."

"She frequently peeks inside this room before visiting our captain. See? Haru first before anyone."

Haru looked at Yume.

Yume wanted to defend herself but is pathetically muted on the spot, 'Captain Nagi wants me to report to him Haru' s progress that's why I have to check on him first. How did they arrive at that conclusion in the first place?!'

"And last but not the least, I saw her ogling Haru' s picture in her laptop."

All eyes displayed shocked expression, even Yume's,'I am not ogling! I am studying his data and it happens that there is a picture in it!'

But of course, she doesn't have the voice to defend herself.

"Now now, do not be shy little kitten. Do not keep it all inside. We understand. Lots of girls are in love with Haru. There is no reason to deny it anymore.", Hayato added.


"She's my fiancee."

Just three words from Haru and the atmosphere inside the room dropped. The twins grabbed the troublemaker and exited the room subtly smirking leaving the two silent individual behind.

Finally, Haru broke the silence, "Don't mind him. He is just teasing you. Come closer. I haven't seen you for so long."

Unfortunately, the girl stayed on her corner. But a cute dimpled puffed cheek could be seen.

'She's annoyed', Haru thought and a rare glint appreared in his eyes. He paused and breath out dramatically.

"Yume, I miss you."

Blushing harder, the girl walked closer but still with puffed cheeks.

"You haven't forgiven me yet?"

"You haven't seen me for six years and the first thing you'll do upon seeing me is pretending that you don't know me?"

"That's for enrolling at X Academy when you know that I hated people from that school. And for taking you long to transfer here."

"I did that to make you see reason. You are being childish. Did I change upon graduating there?"

Haru stared at Yume and a light red line appeared in his cheek,"Well...You changed.. Do I really have to.."


"Wait, what?!"

"That's not what I meant when I asked you if I did change. And that reminds me, you avoided me for days then you sneaked inside my room. You... You saw me!"

Haru shifted his eyes annoyingly,"Nothing extraordinary. As if I haven't seen you running naked when we were kids." Yet his reddish ears and cheeks gave him away.

"Nothing extraordinary my ass."

"You are starting to sound like Amy."

"Oh, I am sorry that your future wife's figure is plain. You haven't seen me for so long and when you do, you pretended not knowing me. You avoided me. You sneaked inside my room and saw my body. Now you are criticizing it."

Panic started inside Haru's chest. If you put it like that, he really sounded mean.

"Yume, you know I love you right?"

And just like that, the climate inside the room changed. The brewing storm disappeared and the fuzzy warm feeling creeps in.

"And thank you for updating Tan-tan's defenses. I should have sufferred more if not for your upgrades."

"I can't just let you go in the space to explore knowing that your robot's under repair."

"I know. And thank you Yume for helping me. Finding the moon piece means so much to me."

"We promised each other."

Holding Yume's hand, Haru softly said,"Yes.. Yes we did."

Again, help me enhance my work with your feedbacks, ratings and *ehem*ehem*power stones ^.^

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