
Inside the Enemy Line

"How's today?"

"Still stubborn. We tried inflicting pain and putting her out of consciousness but she's good in protecting her brain."

"Do not understimate her. She's the prime minister's only child and took all the stubborn DNA from him. Negotiation with her family has also been establish and the old man won't budge. Emotionless as ever to sacrifice his own blood for the sake of his country. Anyway, double the pain. Anyone experiencing unbearable pain will be unable to focus. She'll give up eventually. Nevermind the body, we just need what she knows."

With that, another set of higher level shock waves was given to Yume making her grit her teeth from the intense pain. Her lips are chapped and a wound in her lower lip can be seen when she had bitten her lips to maintain her sanity 3 hours earlier. Now, said wound is again dripping fresh blood. She was strapped in a chair with an object attached in her head, arms and legs. Her heartrate is monitored and breathing under observation. A brain hypnotizing machine, as those people call it is trying to attack her mind and take over the moment she lost focus. After that, she will be a puppet on their beck and call.

'It's morning outside. I have been a captive for a week now and all I accomplished is shield my brain from their hypnotizing wave. What technology do they have? First, the AI and now this mind hypnotizing machine? I don' t know how much longer I can hold on. Arghh! "

Another wave course through her body. Agonizing her already swollen and battered one. At least two ribs are cracked when she tried to escape during the first day of captivation. A fracture in the leg and a possibility of internal bleeding.

" She's weakening."

"Perfect. Continue what you are doing. When she's subdued, direct her to follow me."

"We'll need your voice for her mind branding."

"Enter her mind first then call me if you are ready."

"Yes sir."

Turning towards the little girl sitting inside the lab the man said,"Now little one, let's crack you up a little more."


Haru woke up startled. He unintentionally snoozed off after conditioning Tan-tan. He haven't sleep properly for days. Whenever he close his eyes, he could her Yume calling out to him. She's not crying. She's too proud and will not cry in front of the enemies, he is sure of that.

Sweating and heart pounding, Haru went down his robot. It is almost in the middle of the night and he's going to the main quarters to ask again for updates. Nowadays, he could often be seen in there, just waiting for news regarding Yume. His mother called to him and told him that a group of terrorists claimed that they have the prime minister's daughter. As predicted, the prime minister refused to have any business with them. Haru's mom is crying in the background while recounting the story which did not help the atmosphere. Haru felt helpless. He can't do anything but just wait. He called friends from the underground community for help but also they were unsuccessful in locating her.

Then something happened. A report came.

"There is an untraceable tip saying that Ms. Dala is being held prisoner in an abandoned laboratory in the northern part of the himalayan mountains. Further, it states that it is guarded by radar and several high technology missiles ready to target foreign objects. A small wrong move could put Ms. Dala's life in danger."

An emergency meeting for selected agents is called. Some arguments are raised on the authenticity of the tip---it could just be a trap or a lose bait. A diversion to confuse the military.

"But regardless, we have to try this one.", Hayato insisted. "Haru, say something!"

Haru has been silent all the time. Yet for those who know him well, they can certainly say that he's already making plans and strategy to enter that laboratory.

Sano tap Hayato's shoulder and directed him to be silent. The team is just waiting for a go signal and soon enough communication for rescuing the prime minister's daughter is passed down. The mission is a top secret and only selected agents will be dispatched to ensure confidentiality of movements.

The team is composed of fifty agents, divided into five sub teams. Sano, Hayato and Haru were separated and professional wise, they did not protest with the arrangement. Their goal is to rescue Yume is the shortest and most efficient way possible.

The agents flew using the fastest ship the military has. They have to be dispatched before the radius of the enemy' radar to avoid detection. They have to move in land using snow motors and discard such on specific area before the lab. After the rescue, they are to proceed to a safe place and blow the entire lab. Agents with medical knowledge are spread among the sub teams as well as assassins.

Arriving before the lab, multiple enemy guards could be seen patrolling.

"Okay, we move according to plan. When target has been safely secured, notify the group and leave for the safe place. Do not linger anymore. Follow the plan on T, do not make any mistake. Do not jeopardize the mission. Prepare to sacrifice yourself if needed but do your best to come back alive. Good luck."

After that, the agents dispersed.

Haru lived up to his reputation. He systematically dispose guards before they could notify their comrades. Swiftly he was able to locate Yume.


"Just like common hypnotism, we have to crack and condition the mind first."

"So you are just going to give instruction then introduce my voice for mind-branding."

"Yes sir. You have to be the first voice for her mind to accept as her master. I will be starting now.," releasing Yume's head from the contraption. It could be observed that though still sitting, the captive is barely moving with eyes closed." Listen to me Yume, from now on you will offer your life for the glory and orders of your master. After my count of three, you will forget everything that transpired here and only heed the orders and voice of your master. 1...2...3..."

Suddenly a loud explosion and opening of the lab door transpired. Gun fires and lasers flashed everywhere. Screams of pain and shadows of death overwhelmed the whole room. A certain silhouette moved fast as lighting upon locating Yume's whereabouts.

Seeing the girl's almost lifeless body, Haru did not hesitate to put her in his arms, "Yume, stay with me." And quickly carried her out of the area where fighting is still going on. A green signal flash on each agent's communicator indicating success of mission and start of countdown before explosion.

Fighting while escaping with a girl in your arms might be a little hard for a simple agent but Haru made it look easy. However, they do not know the anguish the young man is feeling seeing the girl's condition and how scared he is for her life.

"Hold on. I haven't courted you properly yet so don't die. Heck, i haven't kiss you yet. After this I'll kiss you but you have to kiss be back. You finally said you love me, you also have to show me that using your corny ways. ,"a chuckle bordered in panic escape his lips."Just please, don't die. Be with me. I love you."

Rated +18 for the next chapter. Well, it depends on your mature scene tolerance. Just warning the sensitive and reserve readers for caution hehehe..

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