
Beyond Hypnotism

(Author's Note: Have to insert this chapter on the last minute for clarity of storyline. Be warned its +18. Haha..)


What happens when you undergo hypnotism but on the last minute your tired brain just shutted down and protected the core memory you cherished most, rendering you hypnotized uncompletely?

Yup, that's what happened here.

You see, our heroine here is under hypnotism for the last two chapters. Yup, those two smutty chapters. And right now she's so frustrated that she can't say anything about it. Notice her limited dialogue from the last chapters? Actually, she's talking--- talking internally. Because the hypnotism prevented her from revealing it. (Please refer to chapter 6 for more details.)

Instead of forgetting everything that transpired inside the laboratory in Himalayas, Yume was able to protect her mind and retain the memory. Yet a certain part of her brain prevents her from revealing anything about it.

After the hypnotism, her mind drifted in oblivion. She can see herself surrounded by darkness. Floating into nothing. She can hear voices around her, but she's looking for a certain voice. Everyday, voices come and go. She felt her body being carried, cared for and treated. She heared her father and mother calling her. They stayed beside her for a long time. She heard her mom's cry and her father's self blaming voices calling to her. Telling her to come back. And then eventually their voices became relaxed and happy. She's been trying to tell them not to worry and she's not going to leave them but her body won't cooperate. Still, days passed by and she's waiting inside nothingness. And then...

"I am here now... We are together now...."

He is here! Master!

'Wait, what?! Where did that come from? Why is my brain telling me that he' s my master? Is this some kind of a joke?'

And recalled something important: mind branding. The first voice the mind will hear and accept as its master.

'Thankfully its just Haru. Wait, what again? He is to be my husband. He is not my master. We are to be equal!'

And proceeded hearing his words being repeated again and again in her mind. Like mantras to be followed:

"Stay with me...."

"Kiss me back..."

"You love me, you also have to show me..."

"Don't die.

(Kindly refer to chapter 6 for these lines.)

'Oh oh.. I am in deep trouble. Just listening to his voice I can feel my body responding to wake up. Oh Haru, why did you choose that moment to be talkative all of a sudden?'

She internally, face palmed. The only redeeming factor here is that, she trusts and loves him. But that doesn't mean she's ready to embarrass herself in front of him.

When she finally wakes up, it is already night time. And everything is dim around her. She is inside the hospital. As per training, everything that is unfamiliar is ground for suspicion. She removed the IV and felt her body condition. A little stiff and sore but perfect.

'It' s better to be safe. '

She silently waited near the comfort room and attacked the enemy, when suddenly it is not actually an enemy but, "Yume don't fight. Stop. It's me."


And another voice echoed in her mind: kiss me back.

'My body's moving on its own. I can't believe I'll initiate the kiss. Damn Haru. And I can' t even curse your generation because I'll be your wife.'

Her body instinctively moved for a kiss. But seeing his shocked expression, she told herself that it' s all worth it.

'I can kiss you anytime your reaction is as cute as this.'

And with this thought, her body's reaction intensified and the kiss escalated into a french kiss.

'So if my feelings are in agreement with the order, my reaction intensified.'

And that is the last coherent thought in her mind for a while.

Whenever she feels him leaving her, she automatically says out, "Stay Haru." As echoes of his voice telling her to stay with him rang in her mind.

Don' t get her wrong. She's equally into this deep as he is. But she's questioning this whole set-up.

Then she felt him kiss and nip her. Felt him explore and devour. And knows within her heart that her reaction towards him is not because of hypnotism. It just felt natural. As if they are always meant to be together. Then she smirked in herself. Or maybe they have just waited for each other for too long and now their emotions burst like an overspilling dam.

When he nipped her hard in the neck she wanted to push him but her reasoning was overrided by lust. Then she felt him tugging something behind her and her hospital gown gave way. She tried to cover herself out, suddenly shy to show him herself. Then he said, "I want to see you...." And her body just moved on its own.


But seeing her man worshipping her body, looking at her like a treasure made her forget everything even her embarrassment. Then he shocked her by sucking her breasts. She is not aware that Haru has this side of him.She remembered him criticizing her body, and even if she denied it, it left a sore insecure spot within her. But now she realizes how much control he's been doing and that he's just teasing her all along. He craves for her all this time. All the blushes, all the annoying remarks are just to cover his true feelings.

Now, everything is clear. Every touch, every move. Until, he touched her there. And she tense up.

"Shhh... Relax." Her body immediately obeyed.

'Double damn.'

Somehow, she promise herself to settle the score with him in the future. Moreso now that she knows his body's secret. Then he did something to her down there and all she could do is accept the waves of pleasure he's bestowing her. She clung to him. She felt herself tensing up to the edge then all of a sudden, unable to hold on, just let herself go.

When her brain became oriented again, she realized what just happened and what that glorious feeling was. She catched Haru's eyes and unable to contain herself, smiled. He then said those ambigious words, "You also have to hold me..." And yup, she also shocked her self when her body obeyed him and gripped his thing. She knew he's not pertaining to holding him there. But somehow her body wanted to reciprocate what he made her feel just then.

She saw desire when he closed his eyes to savor what she's doing. He said she's not hurting him. Then all became a dazed of arousal again. Later on, he is reminding her to relax.

She feels surreal until pain pulls her back to reality. He's entering her. And when she finally braced herself, she felt him leaving him, carrying her princess style and hurriedly enter the CR.

Panting, she tried to collect herself when she heard the nurse call. And felt indignant when Haru made that lame excuse of a bed pan. When the nurse left, she saw Haru leaving her and just automatically blurted out for him to stay.

'Damn hypnotism.'

They were almost caught and she's still asking him to stay! She felt like crying that time. The humiliation of being mistaken for a wanton. Haru saw her misting eyes and misinterpreted.

She thought nothing will shocked her anymore after what happened between them. Then he proved her wrong when he kissed her and kneeled in front of her and literally eat her tofu.

She'll definitely get him for this in the future.

Dear readers,

I need your ratings, feedbacks and power stones. Help me please. Thank you!

Yours truly,

Your shameless author *.*

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