
Past and ....

After a couple of minutes of waiting. Mr Lu walks in he is a dark-haired man with dark blue eyes and a very charismatic face with distinct jawlines.

According to rumours, he has many admirers in his circles. He started to talk to us after giving all of us a roundabout stare and distributing the paper to all of us which surprises me because usually rich people like him let their assistants take care of manual labour like that.

The headline on my paper says: to find the moon children

Mr Lu proceeds to explain:

Moon moon children, also called stars are the children born from the power of the moon there helpers servants and friends the people that bring light to her darkness. Each child has a crystal which he or she has given to the human or a being of their choice. There were millions if not more stars in the sky as there are millions of crystals on Earth but sadly many children have left the sky together with their mother only leaving the big three stars in the sky.

They are the oldest among the Stars. The most powerful.

I already know that, since it is common knowledge.

" In other words you want us to find the crystals of these stars?"

" Correct, you are going to search for them and collect them ...

after you are done you are to bring them to me and I will pay you."

"What will you do with them?" asks one of the men

"Not part of your Job..."

decades ago:

under a dark sky in the middle of a round Lake, surrounded by trees

two beings stand in the middle of the lake

"Why are you doing this? Why .... Why"


"This is not how this was supposed to happen .."


"Please turn around we can fix this ..."

"FIX, Fix what you already started? You in Your thirst for power, your egoistic."

"I'm not the one at fault... I'm not the one who created it.."

"They say otherwise..."

"You rather trust them, than me?"

"You created this mess so now you and your people must pay for it such as the law of the land!

This is the responsibility and power over you I have been granted. It is within my right to hand down this order and you must obey, no questions asked!"

Tears streamed down one beings face and sorrow field the lands!

"The decision you have made on this day shall be remembered forever!"

Darkness followed ....


Mr Lu went on about the "mission" of finding said crystals and bringing them to him.

Life truly plays games with me.

Going on about the three different teams, he brings out the different pearls.

They look ordinary but upon close inspection the seem mysterious like one could never see through them and their power.

Next chapter