
Years in the moonlight.

An egg from the dragons,

And a heart from the mage.

When love combine did magic make,

Endless whispers and a joyous time,

Their company they did enjoy.

A dragon did share his heart with her.

And now in repay she gave her all,

To him who did open his heart for her.

One day the two did make,

A treasure much more than gold.

Soft whispers no one should know.

The dragon will see and keep they shall,

The moon shines high,

When the jewel comes.

The dragons to tame,

To hide and train,

Till love she brings....

For all...

She was running deep into the forest, and she had to be fast if she wasn't Ruby would catch up with her, and it was never good when that happened. She would lose, not that she ever won but she would like to for a change. It should have been easy to evade Ruby, afterall she was low in the forest and should probably be hidden in the trees if it weren't for the damn dragon (Ruby) that kept separting them (the trees) and exposing her wereabouts. But this time around she promised to beat her last record even if she was caught she wanted to at least last longer than she last hunt. So she had to act fast or think fast whichever did her good.

There was a derversion not far off, up ahead was the Jasmine lake, while to her right was just ruins left from the last battle between the dragons and their arc enemies the mages. But if she continued onwards she might not make it in time to the cave, so she made a last minute decision and took her right headed straight for the ruins.

Ruby came to a stop behind her, her (Ruby) heavy wings beating as she watched the kit make the turn, she huffed smoke coming out of her gaint nostrils, her ear twitching in agitation, she flicked her tail a strained smile on. Not that she was not happy to watch the kit make a new turn for the first time since the began to go on their hunts. It was just that her destination was not were she ever wanted to be again.

That place she lost many of her friends her family and her childhood. It was off bounds to the dragons orders form Sapphire, and now Waterblue was headed that way and she could not stop her. Part of the reason why it was off bounds was the fact that no magic be it that of a mage or dragon would ever work there, so for security and all. The damage the war brought on it, not to mention the left over chaotic magic from the war.

«Come back kit!» Ruby called to Waterblue and got a slam back as her words bounced back and echoed in her head, Waterblue had blocked her.

«Sapphire we have a problem Blue is headed for the ruins», she called with her mind voice a little desperate though she could try to catch Waterblue she was not sure she would succed.

«Then go after her », Sapphire's voice was filled of boredom she belived that her dragons were strong and capable of conquering their fears, most esppesialy Ruby.

The ruins was never off bounds afterall, there lay their friends and kin. Ruby's mate had asked a favour of her to help protect Ruby from herself until she was ready to face her fears. She understood perfectly, afterall she would have done thesame for her mate. That is, if he was still alive and not lost in the wars.

«I can't,» Ruby's strained voice interrupted her thoughts.

She flicked her tail and asked, «why can't you?»

«It's off the boundry and ... I just can't Saphira. I think I might have the...» Ruby trailed off she had no excuse and she was the one that encouraged Waterblue to make do with what she was given, always to thinkand act fast. She was proud of her teaching method but not just how her kut applied it. Take now for example....

«Ruby, should I remind you that when you are out with Blue she is in your care?»

«But Sapphire the ruins is off bounds.» Ruby whined.

«The ruin is not out of bounds Ruby yuo know that, or should I remind you you are are bound to Blue, and your bound one is headed right towards it what do you do? Other than to fly and stare helplessly at her, a dragon fears nothing Ruby not even her past.»

«But it's different.»

«You claim to be the strongest, but not being able to use your power should not scare you. You are after all, bound to the strongest dragonbron ever or should i say the only dragonborn ever.»

Sapphire was right, she was strong and Waterblue was the only dragonborn remaining and she was bound to her, should anything happen to her she would be held accontable. It would also reflect on her Waterblue was a good kit, she loved her as she would her kits if she had one one day. So, she would go after her, she was a dragon and dragons never backed away from danger.

Taking a deep breath she swayed and went after her, her wings beating in sync with her heartbeats as she chashed after Waterblue.


It was good thing I came this way, Waterblue thought as she made her way towards the ruins. I finally get to beat Ruby and explore this side of the forest. It does not look how I envisioned it.I thought it would be filled with gore and skeletons, or perharps the war was just an excuse to keep me away from this gloriousness. No... no they would not do that I can remember White telling me about the war. Yes...then why does it look this way, she wondered.

«Got you kit.» Ruby's voice echoed as she dived aiming to grab Dice and get out of the ruins she had not even spent a minute there and she already felt light headed. And she had this feeling that something was watching them.

But Waterblue managed to duck on time, «missed me.» She dance sticking her tounge out at Ruby.

Ruby bared her teeth, «do not rejoice to soon kit, I will definately get you make no mistake and think otherwise.»

«I won't but I am going to win this round no matter what.»

«That is yet to be seen kit, you will not be this lucky on my next dive. »

«Yeah, yeah what is holding you back now, come and get me if you can.» Waterblue taunted before she slipped in between trees to hide from Ruby.

Ruby smirked, this was usually Waterblue's go to last move before she caught her.Her big red crystal eyes followed Waterblue movement as she made turns in between the trees. She did not have to do anything but to wait and watch her after all there was always an opening at the end of every tunnel, so what if this was not a tunnel. There was an opening at the end of the forest, to the place that bore the heart of the fallen were the wars inpact was stronger. They were in the ruins and she was very familiar with the opening ahead of them. Did not mean she would let Waterblue linger in the woods alone, she would watch first then, the opening was just two beats ahead.

Dice stepped out of the woods into the clearing and gasped bewelled, so it was true. The war did happen, and she was standing at the center of it all.

«Well, well what do we have here.»

Thanks for reading.


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