
Chapter 5: Boss Suwa

Damn, my head is just killing me. How long was I out? Ugh, I hate coming back from a rage, it feels like a hangover. Err. . .at least I think that's how it feels like, never drank a drop of alcohol in my life.

My eyes shot open and I sat up on the bed, I regretted it immediately. Sharp pain ran through my brain and I groaned, clutching my head. My eyes blurred for a moment but I blinked it away, I needed to concentrate.

My students. . .what happened when I was fighting the former clan members? I left them so quickly to fight the intruders that I didn't even clam them down from their scare before going back in.

Oh, I hope they're doing well. I hope none of them are hurt or scared to go back to school.

Wait. . .Shit! I forgot I still work as a damn teacher there! I bolted out of the bed and ran to the door when it opened and in came three young ladies. They didn't even blink when they grabbed my arms and pulled me back in.

"Wait! What are y- AHH!" I was thrown into the shower, clothes and all. They turned it on and cold freezing water came crashing down on me. I gasped and started to get up but they kept pushing me down.

What the hell are they doing?! If they wanted me to take a shower, they could have just told me! I was about to scold them when they started to take off my clothes.

"Woah! Wait stop!" I yelled by they didn't listen, someone else though did hear me. The sound of the door flying open rang through the room and Thorn came barging in. He looked around frantically until his eyes rested on me.

By the time he showed up, the women had already gotten my shirt and pants off so I was only in my bra and panties when he saw me. His eyes widened as his gaze went up and down my body. For a second I could see his eyes darkening before he turned around and leaves.

The women look at each other then me, two were smiling while the other tried to hold back laughter. I glared at them, but it didn't seem to work cause they just started laughing. My cheeks became as red as my eye and I hid my face into my hands.

Holy hell! He saw everything! Why didn't he have a shirt?! Wait, since when did he have a tattoo?! The large tribal patterns on his upper arm and half his back made him look so. . .so. . .hot!

This isn't freaking fair! Why is he so damn good looking? No Esphera, calm yourself, now is not the moment. Get ahold of yourself, woman! I sighed and let the women do what they had to.

Apparently all they wanted to do was get me ready to meet the boss in private in his office. Couldn't they have done it a little less aggressive though? Finally the torturous hell ended and I was on my way to his office.

Seriously, without my good sense of direction I would have been in deep trouble. Their directions didn't help much either, all they said was "13262". Took me a bit to decode that thing, I am so lucky my parents taught me secret codes and such.

Now that I think about it, what the hell were they thinking when they taught me so many odd things? They practically taught me how to be a spy, could they see the future or something? Oh, what if they were part of a group?

I laughed at myself, damn I must really like conspiracy theories to think of something that stupid. I did what the women told me and took a right, went passed three hallways took a left went down six hallways and took another left. Damn how big is this place?

Soon enough I was in front of a large wooden double set door, I hesitated a bit but knocked deliberately. A loud, old voice said come in and I entered.

His office looked a lot more smaller and humble than I thought, it looked like a normal sized room with a desk and filing cabinets. He glanced up at me then gestured to the chair in front of him. I sat and waited for him to talk, when he didn't I mustered up my courage and asked something that has recently plagued my mind.

"Sir, when can I go back and continue teaching?" I asked slowly, taking in mind every word. He saw my worries and he smiled, I was taken aback by his sudden friendly manner

"You won't need to continue your job for a week or two due to reconstruction and safety measures." His smile broadened when he saw my relief, "Though I do suggest you email your superiors and students to let them know you're ok, they must be worried sick after they saw the camera footage."

My eyes widened, oh damn he's right. They must think I was taken and the worst happened to me. I was about to stand up when the boss rested a hand on my arm, telling me to calm down. I relaxed back on the chair, waiting for him to speak

"Don't worry, you'll have plenty of time to talk to them later. Since you'll be working with us now, call me Boss Suwa. Thorn will be your supervisor and you will train and work with him." Boss Suwa informed, as soon as I heard his name, my heart sped and my face burned with embarrassment when I remembered what happened.

Suwa saw this but didn't say anything. This made me even more embarrassed, he might already know what happened. No, the whole clan might already know what happened. Ugh, I wish I could die in a hole!

"That was all Eshpera, you may go. feel free to go around the place and know where everything is." I nodded and walked out the room, glad to have left that awkward situation behind.

As I was walking down the seemingly endless corridors, tense pain grew in my stomach. Seriously?! Premenstrual cramps?! What kind of shitty luck do I have? I groaned in pain and crouched against the wall, shutting my eyes to fight the pain.

I heard heavy footsteps but I didn't bother turning around, I just kept groaning and whimpering. Why is it hitting me so hard now?

"Hey, you alright sweet cheeks?" A voice of which I was all too familiar with came from behind me. Thorn came closer to me and knelt beside me, checking for any wounds.

"I'm fine, it'll pass in a couple of minutes." I said straining my voice, he grunted softly before helping me up. I couldn't even open my mouth when he spoke again.

"Fine my ass, come on I'll take ya to the kitchen for somethin' to bite. You were gone fer a day, must be hungry enough to eat a horse." I just noticed his heavy southern and husky accent, and honestly it made him even more attractive.

Damn it, Esphera! Get your mind out of the gutter. . .but oh god his long messy locks around his face look so damn soft! Shit, stop it! You aren't fit for love, you're a freak, no one in their right mind would want you.

It felt like an eternity when we finally got there, my pain and thoughts making the journey treacherous. He set me down gently on a stool in front of a long bar counter. He starts taking out ingredients and kitchen appliances.

I stay silent, I myself don't think I was breathing. This guy can cook?! He sensed me looking at him and he turned around. He looked like he was going to ask what when he got interrupted.

"Oh! Thorn dear what are you doing here?" An old lady asked, she looked very healthy for someone her age. She was wearing a light pink blouse and light gray knee lenght skirt, her height was just a head shorter than me.

As soon as Thorn saw the woman his face softened and he gave her a kind smile. My breath hitched when I saw this, I've never seen him like this. It was kind of. . .cute?

"Esphera, our new member wasn't feeling well so I was plannin' on making her something, hope ya don't mind." Wow, correct grammar and speech, well mostly. She must be very respected here. The lady nodded then looked at me.

"My name is Margaret Hill, if you ever feel like talking to someone don't be afraid to come visit me. From the office, my room is in 24211." She smiled warmly, she reminded me of my grandmother when she was alive.

"Esphera Holt, I'll keep it in mind." Margaret's eyes widened at hearing my name before leaving in a hurry. Both me and Thorn looked at each other in shock. That was odd, she heard my name from Thorn but she didn't react, maybe it was my last name?

Does she know something about my parents? No I must be wrong, how would she know anything about them? I must've been staring off into space when, Thorn brought me back by snapping his fingers close to my ears.

I swiveled my head towards him, he had an eyebrow raised. My face flushed with embarrassment and I looked anywhere but him. He grunted lightly before speaking.

"So, what was the deal with the Clan triplets undressing you?" He asked, I cussed under my breath and met his gaze. He was slicing cheese without looking, I swear he's going to cut himself.

"Hey, I was in as much of a surprise as you were. They just barged in and threw me in the shower with my clothes on. You came knocking down the damn door when they were in the middle of undressing me." Even though I was embarrassed I still wasn't going to let him go, "You still owe me an apology."

He scoffed, "Sure, I owe ya and apology for seeing if you were alright."

"You saw more than making sure I was alright" I added. To this he frowned slightly. He grumbled incoherently before shoving the sandwich he was making, to me.

"Fine, fair enough. I'm sorry." He said softly, but just enough so that only I could hear. I smile and accepted his apology before biting down on the sandwich. Well damn, how he made a sandwich taste heavenly, I don't know. Must be a damn miracle worker.

We talked for a while, I told him about how my parents died and how my mother's side of my family practically hated me and wanted nothing to do with me. How my father's parents took me in after their deaths and raised me as their own. I have to admit, he's a good listener.

I learned his full name, Thorn Everson about how he came to be in the clan. His parents were from the clan and he was born already a member. His parents also died in a shooting but in a clan war. Margaret was the person that raised him and took care of him.

He told me how he was feared as a kid and how nobody except for Margaret wanted to take care of him. He told me about all of the fights he was dragged into and blamed for when he was a teenager. The severity of injustice he endured made me flare up with rage.

He chuckled at my anger and told me to calm down. That he was used to it and that there was nothing I could do to change the past. He was right, but I couldn't help but feel protective of him. After a while he told me it was late and that I should go to my room and rest.

I sighed, I rested long enough, why do I need to continue doing it, I thought but didn't dare say out loud. He walked me back, he lingered by the doorway before finally leaving to his own quarters. I wonder what time I woke up to have the day end so quickly.

I took a quick shower and got some clothes from the drawer. I realised that I should ask them wether I'm going to stay in the clan or stay in my apartment, but I'm going to have that for tomorrow. I got to my phone and began sending emails to my supervisor and students.

My supervisor didn't see the email, but my students saw and responded almost immediately. A were along the lines of,

"OMG, are you okay?"

"Miss Holt what happened?!"

"Where were you, I thought you got hurt or died!"

I simply laughed at their histeria, even after knowing them for only three days they already care about me enough to respond this fast. I wrote back saying that I was fine and that I was just resting at home. This seemed to calm them down. I told them to keep in touch with me and each other and that school wasn't going to open for a week or so.

I finally got an email back from the principal asking if I was alright and who was the person that carried me out of the school. I answered quickly saying that it was a friend that happened to be around when the shooting happened and he entered to see what happened. When he saw me he carried me and brought me to his place and treated my wounds.

Like the students, he accepted what I told him and we left it at that. After handling everything I set down my phone and laid down on the bed. My mind wandered a bit, thinking about my parents, my family, and everyone that I've met. This clan and my students, along with the people who raised me, didn't care what color my eyes were. They didn't care about how odd and menacing it looked.

That's why I love my students, but I'm not sure about the clan members though. They're from a clan that has an extremely violent reputation. That couldn't be good. Well, whatever they were going to throw at me, I will handle it accordingly and fight them if I have to.

Mind made up, I let my body go limp and relax as I fell I to a deep sleep. What the hell did I get myself into this time? I don't think I can crawl out of this mess.

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