

His eyes were ruby red. His hair black and wavy, tossed to the right side of his face. His skin was pale, but not as pale as Lucine's. He had a crescent moon marking on the left of his neck, which identified who he was straight away. He was one of the heirs to the notorious Eltzar pack. But why he would choose to come to this college was a mystery to Lucine. Why would he choose to be away from his pack?

Lucine swallowed then, before letting out a cough.

"I would appreciate if you didn't breathe on my face," she shot him a look. "Ever heard of respecting someone's personal space?"

Her words stunned him. She was so soft-spoken, yet her comments were like a slap to the face. Never once had a girl disliked him being so close to them. He backed off then, sitting opposite her and watched as she unpacked her lunch bag.

"Sorry?" he coughed then, before he brushed back his wavy locks. "I was trying to work out if your hair was naturally this way or dyed."

"Natural, unfortunately," Lucine picked up her egg sandwich, taking a bite out of it, keeping her gaze focused on the table. "No need to point it out. I get enough of that already."

He didn't see anything unfortunate about it. Of course it was pointed out. Her hair was as white as the moon, her skin giving off a luminescent glow. Who wouldn't point out such rare, beautiful traits? Damien was about to introduce himself, but then he heard coughing behind him. Turning in his seat, he saw Hala standing there, a hand on her hip, giving a sickly sweet smile.

"Damien," Hala rested her free hand on the table next to him. "What are you doing, talking to this reject? She's nothing special. She's not…your level, if you get what I mean."

Lucine watched as Hala and Damien exchanged gazes, taking another bite of her sandwich. Hopefully the two would hit it off and she would get peace again. Besides, it would be bad news if Damien kept talking to her. She'd rather she got less attention.

"I'll leave you two to it," Lucine ate the last bit of her sandwich, grabbing her bag quickly and walked out of the canteen, hearing the snickers of Hala's cronies and could envision the triumphant smirk on Hala's face. She was used to it.

"It's better this way," she murmured to herself. "Besides, he was probably just being nice. I need to stay focused. Make Mam and Pa proud. That's the only thing that matters."

As Lucine headed to her next class, she saw Damien out the corner of her eye, following after Hala.

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