
Chapter 6 (Rewrite)

As the sunlight illuminate my room I groggily get up. Like usual after waking up exchanging 'good mornings' with Lyra. I go to the bathroom to quickly wash my face then brushing my teeth before going to the dinning room to eat breakfast.

Now I am with my father as we drive towards City X and go to my grandfather's house as he will be supervising and will start my training. After around 5 hours of driving we reach the ancient dojo where my grandfather and grandmother lives. I braced myself as I know what will comes next if I step inside.

*step step step*

My father have a smile in his face as we walk closer and closer to the door. I firmly hold the door knob in the door as I slowly push the door open.


Before I fully open the door I am now above ground as I feel someone is hugging me tightly and when I mean tightly, it's that I can't breathe. As my face color change from my natural skin color to red due to the lack of oxygen.

"Father quick let my son go !!" I can hear my father shout at my grandfather.

Quickly realising that I can breathe he release me reluctantly. 'damn I cant believe I can see bright light shining down on me ' I thought. As i catch my breath a new challenger arrive. Now I feel someone pinching and pulling my cheeks and soon my grandfather follows.

"hewwo grama hewwo grampa cam wou spap puwwing my chweeks" I said as I watch my two lovable grandparents pulling both sides of my cheeks.

"Aww our little Luna grow up fast , I still remember when you are a baby" With a sweet melodic voice my grandma Susan said

"Heee~ This is a nice stress reliever. I might do this from time to time." my grandfather said with his deep voice.

After sometime they decided to let me go and now I can fully see the both of them. For easier description my grandfather looks like Hayato Fūriji from Strongest Disciple Kenichi except he have a long silver white hair just like dad that reaches mid-back instead of light blond.

If his towering figure cant Intimidate most people along with his macho mustache then his largely muscular and well defined body can. But for me he is Alfred Spence my dear grandfather and the head of the Ancient Spencer Clan.

Me , my father and grandfather have the same space manipulation Quirk. He is also the one who trained dad. That's why I am here seeking his guidance in controling my Quirk. I learned from my father that if I didn't have control over my quirk and my quirks energy strengthen I will passively create spacial cracks or worst a damn black hole.

Beside gramps I can see my grandmother. Despite her age she still looked like a middle aged house wife , having a pale blond hair tied in bun , her hour glass figure is showing despite her old age , onyx black round eyes and sharp face. Over all she look stunning especially when she wears her usual black fitting jacket along with her straight leg jeans.

She love to squeeze and pinch me while having that gentle smile in her face. She is my grandfather's wife Susan Spencer and my grandmother.

"So dad I will leave Luna here alright , I will pick him up before Alesha give birth. I can't stay for long so I will go now" My father Alex said

"Luna be a good boy and don't cause trouble for your grandfather and grandmother alright I will pick you up when it's time" he added while he grab something from his pocket and threw it at me

*throwing sound*

"Lastly here this card is yours it have some money you can use it as you please. I will leave now , take care alright" he said as he ruffled my hair before he go

"Alright dad take care of mom while I'm away alright you know pregnant women they got emotional at everything" I said before running inside. Upon entering the house of my grandfather I can see a old looking katana in the wall it looks like extraordinary so I examine it further.

The katana looks super sharp as it curved single edge blade shines , in the circular guard can seen decorated a black dragon and the black long grip to accommodate two hands. It give an ancient feeling into it. As I focused and examine the sword.

I suddenly feel someone taping my shoulders. I jumped from fright as I didn't feel my grandfather presence even with my passive observation haki. 'damn I didn't know someone can sneak around me , my gramps sure is strong huh' I thought

"What are you looking at boy" Gramps asked me

"I feel some intense and heavy feeling while im walking inside so I search for it , but all I did just see is this cool looking sword." I said truthfully while having my childish expression.

He look at me with a raised eyebrows and said nothing before going back to normal. After that small detour gramps guide me inside , since this place is quite large and I might get lost. I can navigate this place using observation haki but just kept silent as my grandfather tour me around their house.

After the following gramps around we didn't notice that it's time for dinner. I can't believe that we waste one day roaming and touring inside. As my grandmother called for us in the dinning table.

We talked some small things here and there before they guide me to my room.As I reach the bed I have some small talks with Lyra then asked her to sing a song as I fall asleep.

***Next day***

I wake up around 6:00am since it becomes my habit now. I rub my eyes as i can only see the unfamiliar wooden ceiling , then I just remembered that I am now in my grandfather place. My room have it's bathroom so I didn't have to search it in this large place.

I did my morning ritual after that I roam around in search for the dinning table. Now I can feel that there are more people now compared when I get here.

I can see a bald guy and walked towards him. As I reach the bald guy I ask for the direction towards the dinning table. I felt relieved because I don't have to waste my time searching. As I go to the kitchen I can see my grandmother cooking breakfast while wearing a pink apron.

"Good morning Grandma" I said as I went near her

"Ohh good morning as well Luna dear~ wait for a bit , the breakfast will be served in the table" she said as she continue to do her things in the kitchen

As I silently wait , i see my grandfather going to the table waiting for the breakfast as well.

"Good morning Gramps" I said full of energy

"Haha quite energetic in the morning ei~" he greeted back while laughing

"Yo gramps why is there so many people coming and walking around here?" I suddenly ask out of curiousity

"Ahh don't worry about them they are the disciples of this dojo" he said in his deep voice

"Ah? oh right this is a dojo!! " I said as I didn't remember my grandfather's dojo because his house is too large and just that keep my mind occupied.

While having some small talks and talking about the schedule of my training. My grandmother arrive holding a tray.

"Here's the breakfast dear~ " Grandma said while going back to the kitchen to deliver more trays.

"I will help you grandma" I said as I jumped off my seat. I'm still small due to my small as Im just 4 okay don't judge me. Then I joined her in delivering our breakfast.

"Aww soo cute ~" She stop as bend so she can pinch my cheeks and brush her cheeks against mine with a weird glint in her eyes.

After that whole fiasco It's time for my quirk training. My body is still small so exercising regularly is a yes as my grandfather said but training my body is a big no for now. My grandfather is quite nice in training and didn't go excessive that will over exhaust me or that's what I thought.

He told me to circulate the space energy inside my body for the next 3 months. He said this exercise will let my energy flow faster while still training my control over my energy and lessen the energy consumption when I create my own special moves. So that what I did for the first 3 Months at the first day I fainted because of over consumption of my energy.

After I woke up my body feel sore. 'Lyra why does my body feel sore despite that what I consume is space energy?' I ask my lovely imouto.

{space energy consumed both the mental energy and stamina after I analyze the problem onii-chan} Lyra enthusiastically explain

For the first 3 weeks I can't move after my practice but as the time goes on. My body adapt into my training. is quite nice there is ups and downs but still manageable.

***After 3 months***

In this 3 months other than circulating space energy. I am also sending my clones in the inner world to train and grind some levels for Basic Internal Energy Manipulation and Mind Arts. I will dispel them every morning then send another before sleeping.

So the experience will be transferred to me before I create new batch of clones at night. I can now create 8 clones as my energy consumption lessened due to the continues practicing of my control.

He give me a new exercise , The Energy Projection exercise after 3 months , this exercise will let me channel my energy outside my body to create things like animals construct , weapon construct and many more. He said this exercise is the upgraded exercise in controling space energy.

If its's already hard to move after circulating the space energy. Then projecting the energy is much more troublesome as the energy needed will be 3 or more times taxing and expensive than circulating that is until I can perfectly control my energy resulting in less loss in space energy , mental and stamina.

I'm just a happy boy want to train until he suddenly give me my schedule for training. My whole schedule is like this waking up - breakfast - morning jogging with gramps - energy circulation training - energy projection training - lunch - space particles control - dinner - sleep.

To create different construct all I need to do is to manipulate my space energy outside. Next step is firmly hold the energy then mold the space particles together and stabilize it to create a construct last step after stabilizing is adding more energy while compressing the energy to give the construction a substance instead of hollow and brittle construct.

I must say this is damn easy to say and very difficult to do in real life. The difficult part is stabilizing while the worst and dangerous step is compressing the space energy.

After that all I did is train day and night until I feel numb in training. I really want to quit but as I can see myself getting strong each time I check my condition so I persevere instead and didn't complain even once.

Waking up early, dispelling clones , training , after training have so slightly snacks in the middle then train again and again until it's time for lunch then train some more then dinner , then after dinner I send new clones then sleep. This cycle continues until my father pick me up as it will be time for my mother to give birth.

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