
Zombie's head

When Roy noticed the penalties for not completing the quests, his view about the kind system that just saved his life dramatically changed. From the beginning, he was kind and helpful. Who would've thought that he had such a side to him?

He stared at the guy beside him and couldn't help but back away a little. Only after giving it some thought, Roy understood that it only made sense to demand something for saving him and helping him.

'Still, isn't this penalty a little too harsh? I don't even know where that best university is!'

Roy looked up at the night sky and let out a sigh. This black space filled with small light bulbs was the only thing that stayed the same. No matter how hard he tried, he couldn't deduce what kind of place he ended in.

He stood on a narrow road made from cement and on both sides, tall square buildings were blocking his way. Roy could occasionally hear a weird noise coming from both ends of the valley.

Although he could control his emotions, the fear of the unknown was still there. He cautiously walked forward with his hands close to his body. Every few steps he checked if there was someone behind him. Like this, he walked out of the valley.

The moment he stepped out of it, he opened his eyes and mouth wide. For the first time in his life, he saw a world filled with light at night. Even though it was already dark, the streets were filled with traffic. People in all kinds of colorful clothes were walking by with phones in their hands with all kinds of expressions on their faces. The glowing billboards with images of people using magic and lightened up glassy buildings illuminated the streets. Everything was so sharp and bright, like never before in the night.

Roy immediately staggered backward after seeing such a sight. This sigh was worthy of being a sight from another world.

For him, this experience was even harder to understand than the magic he saw before. He was like an ant that somehow entered the human world. Tall buildings made of glass and billboards were something he could still accept, but phones and cars?

What kind of world did he end up in?!

"Hey, are you sure you can't give me any answers?"

Roy couldn't help but ask after walking back into the alley. He was looking at the entrance, ready to fight to the death with anyone who enters it.

"You should understand it all on your own, don't worry, as a gift, I impaired to you human language. Of course, you need to pay me back later on. Now, explore the world. Expect your clothes, you look perfectly normal. The human world is extremely safe. Just copy what others do and search for a store in which you can get a part-time job."

The system encouraged him with his thumbs up.

"Can't they see you?"

"No, I am only visible to people I want to be. Unless there is someone super strong, no one will notice me. Of course, if there is someone super strong, I will hide inside of you."


Roy nodded his head and walked out of the valley once again. This time, it took him only a few seconds. He observed the people around him and quickly blended into the crowd. Since it was already late, most of the people were going home or going to work. They weren't in the mood to talk, but Roy could still hear some conversations and to his surprise, he could understand them.

"Now, I need to find a store."

Roy took a deep breath and looked carefully examined every building while walking. Although his village wasn't big, he could somehow understand the concept of trading based on their bakery.

"I found it!"

Roy entered the first store he found and carefully looked around.

It was a small grocery store filled with shelves. On them, there were all kinds of packed things that made little sense. Below them, there were numbers with a $ symbol on the front.

"I see, so that's how it works!"

The language was a powerful weapon. Although Roy was new in the human world, he could understand many things thanks to how he understood the words.

Unfortunately for him, he didn't know all the words at once; he was learning them and all similar concepts only after seeing them at least once.

After looking around for a while, he warily approached the cashier who was an obese man with a short beard reading the newspaper.

"How can I help you?"

The shop owner said in an unpleasant tone without even looking at Roy.

"I am searching for a part-time job."

Roy snapped back at him in a wary tone. It was probably the first time someone asked for a grocery store job with that kind of attitude. It sounded more like a threat.

Yet Roy couldn't be blamed. It was his first interaction with a human, and the only image of them he had was that they were fearless machines ready to kill him at any moment. Adding to the unpleasant tone of the shop owner, Roy couldn't help but be wary.

He stepped back, ready to run away at any given moment in case things went south.

Contrary to normal people, the shop owner wasn't angry and showed some interest in Roy instead. He looked at the youth before him and started assessing him.

Roy in the human form was tall and handsome. His human form wasn't much different from his monster form, so his muscles were still there. Although he was lazing around all the time, as a high-tier monster race, even without training, normal humans didn't stand a chance against his physique.

The shop owner nodded. His eyes glimmered as he put down his newspaper.

"What kind of job are you looking for?"

He took out a cigarette and a lighter and started smoking while waiting for an answer.

"What kind of job can you offer me?"

Since Roy knew almost nothing about the human world, he obviously couldn't tell what kind of job he wanted. All jobs he knew about were from his village and judging by how advanced this world was, they weren't useful or normal.

After his question, the shop was filled with silence. Roy was standing in place unmoving while focusing on the shop owner, while the shop owner was constantly nodding or shaking his head.

After some time passed, the shop owner finally stood up.

"Follow me."

With these words, he went to the back of the store and waited for Roy to enter before closing the door.

"Are you interested in doing some illegal business? You will earn a lot more from it."

The shop owner said after they were closed in the dark storage room. While they were in the darkness, he seemed much more relaxed. His body seemingly towered over Roy, who was much taller than the human before him.

His words shocked Roy because it was his first time hearing about something that could be illegal. In his village, there were things you were punished for, but the complex information that emerged in his head wasn't something that the village rules could compare to.

He was about to reject this offer when he remembered a sentence from the first quest's description.

To fulfill the requests of the mighty Monster Saving system, you need money.

With this sentence, a thought emerged in his mind.

'Won't I get better rewards if I become more useful to the system?'

Although Roy was a lazy fellow, he still cared for his life. Doing illegal things was dangerous, but was it as dangerous as displeasing the system?

Absolutely not!

"Alright. What kind of illegal jobs do you have for me?"

Roy finally made up his mind and answered firmly. As long as the task wasn't too dangerous, he would go for it!

"I need you to take this thing and take it to the shop on the other side of the city. As long as you complete this task, I will give you five hundred dollars."

The shop owner said while pointing at a ball covered in silk.

"Where exactly do I need to take it to?"

"To the shop called 'Fresh Fruits'. As long as you ask someone, they will show you the way."

The shop owner threw away his cigarette and waited for Roy's answer.

"Alright, I will take this job."

"Good! You can call me Steven! I hope we will cooperate more often in the future!"

"I'm Roy!"

Steven firmly shook hands with Roy and opened the doors again.

As soon as he left the room, Roy saw the system beside him, smiling and opening his hands.

On his right hand, he saw that his first quest was completed while on his left hand, a new one appeared.

Quest 3: Deliver zombie's head to the 'Fresh Fruits'.

I hope you enjoyed this chapter. Please vote for my novel with your powerstones and add it to your library! I would appreciate if you pointed out mistakes in case there were any : ).

OIdMancreators' thoughts
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