
punishment or pleasure?






    "The darkness can't consume the light in her eyes, she is star of my darkest night".



"Am I dead?"  that was the first question popped into my mind when I opened my eyes in the darkest room I have ever seen in my life!

the bed I was sleeping , was better than that of clouds! but the one thing was unclear to me , where the actual hell i am in?

"If I was dead then I should have been in heaven" I mean come on I am such a good girl, I have never done something wrong and moreover I haven't even given my first kiss so in that case I can consider myself as good so why don't I have wings and flying around in heaven? i asked myself because with all the honesty there was only me who could help my self in this situation. it didn't take much of time for me to realise that

I am still alive in this world but I can't understand how am I alive? then the reality drowned into me that,

oh my freaking lord I'm alive and He saved me again! OMG!! how can I forget this thing? "god where I was when you were distributing brain? was I literally there or I was eating Taco Bell?

I don't know but moreover first I have to find a way to go out of this room! because all I can see is Pitch Black and i feel like i am in a temporary blind condition called as...by the way what is it called? I don't know lets forget it anyhow I am in a mission to find the switch of the light.

I got down from bed and went to find the so-called wall so that I can find the switch. I was the half blind person right now so I couldn't see much though. I tried my level best to find the switch alas after the struggle of thousand and five hundred years I found the switch .when I switched on the light the first thing do was the little victory dance on my mission accomplishment! Phewww i should have been in FBI i would solve the cases like in the snap of my fingers. Hail the queen "MIA".... i said to myself being so proud of what i did just now.

when i turned around to look at room the first thing came to my sight was a big picture of the man who saved me, the man i adore too much, the love of my life from past 10 years!

looking at the picture I can tell you that "this man is not innocent. the way his eyes are shining ,the way he's looking even though it's a portrait I can tell you that he was looking straight into my soul! though it was giving me darkest vibes i can be the light of his life. in his eyes there was this pain, as if they were moarning on something, as if he has lost everything, and everyon he loved  in his life, as if that he is searching for love and indeed he will find the love in me! I don't have any idea whether he is single or married or worst if he has kids but guess what I'm not going to give up! if he has someone he loves then I'm going to leave him! right away! but if he is single then guess what he's going to get me! how lucky he can be..?  I mean i am smart and quite beautiful too, so i guess he is going to get the best wife in the world!  but before that let me search for the doors so I can go and speak to him.which I realised just now. I seriously think that I was eating burger when God was distributing brain!

finally At last I found the door and turned the knob but guess what my saviour thought  locking up in the room is the best thing to do! so I can't go out of the room now and i don't know what else to do. "Wait a second i am MIA and i don't get locked up. so i am gonna do the best thing which i can do right now I AM GONNA SCREAM MY LUNGS OFF HIIHAHAHA MR.RED EYE MAN GUESS WHAT YOU ARE GOING TO PAY FOR LOCKING ME UP!"


Making my self ready i took a deep breath and then "aaaaaahhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhh"  I screamed like my life depended on it. Not more than a minute the door knob turned and the man who came slammed the door directly to the wall. Ok that was not needed and guess what, i made him angry may be?

"SHUT UP!" WHY ARE YOU SCREAMING? He said with his eyes shining bright red and looking at me as if i took his last slice of pizza. "DONT YOU DARE TO SHOUT AT ME! you are the one who locked me up here and shouting at me as if it's all my fault. And by the way THANK YOU FOR SAVING MY LIFE AGAIN! i said these all things in one breath. He was looking at me confused then in the flash of a second i was pushed to the wall behind me and he hovering over me.

"is this a way to thank someone who saved your life? If you want to thank then you can use your lips"

Is he dumb or something? I mean i used my lips i said the word using my lips he looking at me as if i used a sign language like come on how can he be dumb, don't tell me the man i loved from ten years don't know the difference between the sign language and normal speaking!

"are you dumb mr.red eyes! I mean i just now used my lips to say the two words "thank you" then why are you asking me this? He looked at me as if i have grown some hornes!

A lil smile broke into his lips but he covered it and leaned against me and said "first of all you came to woods without thinking, secondly you messed up with my meeting by shouting here and thirdly you don't even want to thank me properly isn't it rude? Guess what you look like a bad girl now and bad girls get punished he said the last line in my ears which made a shiver pass down my spine!

"i am sorry I didn't mean to offend you, how do you want me to thank you? i asked in a polite way because i was way too rude.

"let me help you" by saying this he carshed his lips to mine. It wasn't any gentle kiss. It was the kiss of possessiveness. As if he owns my lips, my body and my soul too. I couldn't keep up with his rough lips going against mine because i was inexperienced. Though i was slow he made his way to my mouth with his tongue. When his hot tongue was entagled with mine a small moan left my lips. He pressed himself more to me his hands travelled from my waist to my ass. He squeezed them and one more moan left my lips. I was getting breathless but he was not stopping at all. He didn't even left the air to pass between us. And then i was being completely breathless i was going to black out sessing this  he left my lips. My eyes were closed because this was my first kiss and it was by him! The one i loved forever! it has blown my mind away. the way our lips were mended together i forgot the world around me. I opened my eyes to look at his beautiful orbs which were red again. He leaned forward and pecked my lips and then he said  "never moan if you can't take the consequences coming next to that! Your moan drives me crazy but if you come near me i can burn your soul" He said it with affirmation in his eyes. I looked at him with all the love i had and said "i am ready to burned alive by you, even if you will push me i will still make you fall in love with me. I promise you that i will love you no matter what."

his eyes were back to normal again those honey brown eyes were beautiful. He saw me one more time and said "try your level best but remember one thing though i won't love you, you can't leave me! You will be here forever with me and remember one thing YOU ARE MINE AMORE" with that he left the room, with me being with flushed cheeks and messed up hair "is it really was punismet or pleasure? " Was the only question which crossed my mind when i saw his figure leaving the room!



To be continued...

