
Monsternomicon: The Library of Monsters

An encyclopedia detailing multiple kinds of mythical creatures and the like.

HahaYes · Fantasy
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29 Chs



[Presence]: 58

Athena is the Goddess of Wisdom, Warfare, Arts, Skill, and Heroes. She appears in a human form which is a tall woman around 9 feet tall with olive skin. She, like many other gods, has constellations all over her body appearing like markings. She has a golden aura around her, her eyes are golden with blue irises, and is always adorning armor and carrying her arsenal. She always has her companion Athene Noctua with her, an owl who's her strongest Angel who can sense emotions, killing intent, and attacks.

Athena will always aid heroes in their battles, guiding and giving them everything they'll need. She is a prideful Goddess who'll punish those who mock the Gods, torturing or corrupting them with a curse to change them into a spider or gorgon. She's prayed to by the Amazon more than any race, for they love battle more than anything but dislike men, and as result constantly avoid her brother. She is always in constant battle with her brother as they're opposing forces.

Athena was born from Zeus' head after having her mother consumed by him, and is part of the Olympian Clan of the Gods. She helps build many of the empires within both The Weave and Limbo, creating many warriors that would win glory for their kings. The most recent war she help guide was between the Sun Elves and Elementals, she chose neither, but aided both to seek the birth of a truly great warrior. She'd eventually find this warrior in Queen Lux. She displayed her steel in battle and was able to guide her army with little loss.

From the Elementals, she chose a single warrior, Prince Paris. He feared battle more than anything, but she believed that he should be the one due to being the most arrogant towards the Sun Elves, disrespecting them and their beliefs in an unsavory way. Since he feared the idea of a battle against the Queen, his brother Hector put himself forward to fight the match in his place. The match truly lived up to Athena's hopes, the Queen displayed more than Athena thought she would though as she was already being assisted by a higher being.


<<Athens>>: Athena, like many gods, has her own plane that she completely controls. She can create it to be anything, and if another being (that is not a god) of equal or weaker strength enters they'll become powerless. She created a massive city called Athens and has her army of Angels who are called Athenian Warriors, men and women adorned in armor.

<<Goddess of Warfare>>: Athena is one of the most skilled fighters even among the Gods. She has mastered every weapon and martial art that exist in both The Weave and Limbo and can completely understand and learn a new technique with a single glance. She can also know a person's next move from seeing a single muscle twitch, breathing, or flow of power.

<<Goddess of Arts and Heroes>>: Athena can make complete copies of any hero that has and ever will exist. These copies are as strong as any Angel and if she desires she can make them as strong as herself, though with a snap of a finger they'll be erased by her if she wishes so. She can create many things from her arsenals, such as ships and weapons

<<Zeus' Favored>>: She's the favored of Zeus and as such he's awarded her a thunderbolt from his collection. She can use it to control Ateleíotes Kataigída, a dimensional storm that covers multiple higher dimensions across The Weave. She can control the lighting, air, and many other things involving its nature of it.

<<Aegis>>: She wields the Aegis, a shield with the head of Medusa, a gorgon mythological beast slain by Perseus. and which was given to her as a gift from him. She can use the shield to instantly petrify anyone who meets its gaze, and after she added her blood to the shield to modify it, even the Gods aren't safe from it. She can extend its protection all around her and nullifies any attack that comes in contact with it.

<<Presence of a God>>: She, like many Gods, has a presence which's usually a golden aura that makes mortals and non-god creatures feel attached to her and fall in love, wanting her attention, altering their will to fight, then slowing down the flow of blood, making them docile. But if she feels threatened, the aura will change to a black aura that corrupts the minds of anyone near, driving them mad. It alters the flow of cause and effect locking them in a loop, with them unable to escape. If they are exposed for too long they are instantly killed and erased from existence.

----Modus Operandi----

When it comes to a fight, Athena usually likes to have her Angel act on her behalf, but also finds glory in fighting alongside her soldiers. She might also pull her opponent to Athens forcing an all-out war on her enemy, creating armies of heroes to fight with her Angels, and likes to watch and observe her opponent while setting up traps to either test them or to make her job easier, be it on the Axiom or within the Weave.