
Monster Trainer Bigshot System...

Monster trainer. A profession that came into being, after the apocalypse in the 22nd century of the Milky way galaxy. The human biggest change and chances of exploring the new frontier of the galaxies opened up, with the new unexplored dungeon and races. Where humans found themselves to be high sufficient and advanced than any other race out there. But being advanced did not mean that they were the strongest race out there, given species that can live even in vacuum-like space started to pop out. Making humans astonish beyond their belief, not to say many of them had the power to control the planet and move them around the galaxy without crumbling its ecosystem at all. After all, they were able to live on energy called Star light energy, which can be found on any planet and any place inside space. Humans talked with them, as they desired nothing from their planet which had resources next to none for them. As we found the manner, humans can use those energies and extend their life. But not all of them were kind enough, so among million of races out there, only 10% helped out humans and the rest were dead set on removing them from their world. In that kind of situation, where Humans were discriminated against by 90% of the races out there, we started to develop a profession called monsters trainer. Which turned the tide, and the time human started to shine in outside space started to dazzle out their path of success. Yun Lixin was an unknown little child of an ordinary family who died but it was the moment, that humanity's trump card from the future descended on the Tinpen Continent. Along with the Bigshot System...

LineofAshes_Devils · Urban
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12 Chs

Xin and Prodigy Society.

"We are here! This is the club that I have founded, and it is a secret from others. So, I hope you will not tell anyone about it."

Ema brought Xin to a club room, which was located at Sector 1 Building A, one of the prime locations to form a club.

It was a whole flat with a kitchen, training facilities, swimming, and many other facilities and rooms. Xin felt that his own apartment was very tiny, in comparison to the facility in front of him.

'Training here can double no triple my speed, but who would have thought that sister Ema had such a club behind her? Also, I am super happy she brought me here.'

Xin's eyes were wide with amazement, but he regained his calm due to his life experiences.

'She definitely cares about me, although a bit tad like a little brother, being in the care of beauty like her. This old host was not that bad either.'

Xin looked at the whole club room with a single glance.

When Ema looked at Xin who was amazed by the clubroom, she smiled and thought how surprised he will be in the next moment if he would see her.

"This club only takes female applications, not to say the person chosen should pass a certain test that is set up by the vice-captain and captain of the club."

Xin was amazed when he heard, of so many complications for only club entrance, but with such an inbuilt application and training set-up.

He agreed that such a limitation was necessary, to decrease no of applications.

"Sister Ema, are you Vice-captain or the captain of the club? Plus I am a dude, don't you think it will create problems for other members who had already joined the club."

Xin's question raised Ema's brows when another member came in, and Xin was stunned as he looked at Jing. The ice-cold beauty of their class.

'What the hell! She had joined this club, and that is why she had been refusing the application of so many clubs, that tried to recruit her.' Xin was surprised and it was the second time that it had happened again.

Still, at that moment, Xin really wanted to shout out a single sentence inside his mind, 'What the hell is this club???'

"Surprised, right you are definitely surprised to see her. right. Yes, our club is also called prodigy society midnight club. One of the most powerful and yet most hidden clubs inside Academy, where only a few of its members and principal knew off."

Jing was looking at Xin, as she remember this boy from her class, given today he was really off the whole time.

He had caught the attention of almost all the teachers and her attention too. After all, he was sleeping all the way to the end of every class.

'Ignore him.' That was her first thought, before the class. But now when he was brought inside the club with Vice-captain, she could not help but look at him.

"Vice-captain Ema is he here for some work, or is he going to join us."

He was ignored! Xin was totally ignored by the other party, which was really pissing Xin off, but he did not try to create a scene, so he only ignored the other party as she had done to him.

"So, sister Ema when is the test going to start?" Ema was puzzled as she looked at Xin, who seemed not that interested in talking with Jing.

Which usually all the boys in his class would cherish too.

'Hmm! Then he must be a serious type. Huh!'

"Yeah! Test, as you had heard him, is here for the application and joins our club. One of the people, that I will recommend with my recommendation."

Jing nodded, as she gave a side glance Xin and walked inside, where all the other members started to come in from the side room which was a virtual station room.

"Eh! A boy had come with sister Ema..." Around 40 to 50 members walked over and among them, there was only a single male, but the guy was dressed like a hooker.

With all that makeup and heavy perfume, Xin was stunned looking at the guy but just shook his head and focus on Ema, who looked much more pleasing to his eyes.

"So! Is he the one, that you were talking about Ema? Still, he looked quite plain if I were to say."

One of the members, who had silver hair long hair and an ice-cold persona spoke, with a single glance at Xin.

"Something off about her, or is she somehow against sister Ema for some reason or what?"

Xin did not know why, but her vibe was giving him a lot of pressure.

When his eyes found a screen pop-up around the silver-haired girl, it mostly only showed around monsters or non-living objects, it was the first time it reacted to humans.

[Metaloid Specimen.]

[One of the metal species intelligent creatures, that had the tendency to convert its body into anything like clothes and ornament.]

[Limitation: Cannot imitate Human being.]

"Miss! Will you call your Metaloid back, it is definitely trying to suppress me with his pressure, given I am still a common person."

At his call, the pressure suddenly vanish and the silver-haired girl looked at Xin with astonishment and disbelief.

"Don't worry! That monster was hidden pretty well and his way of wrapping was also great. But I had seen it many times, so I am just way too cautious of everything like that."

Xin lied with a straight face, he did not even look disturb by it and his tone was pretty casual.

"Oh alright!"

The silver-haired girl recovered pretty fast, but now there was a hint of curiosity within her gaze.

As she looked at Xin up to down, but she still was not able to see anything special about that kid.

'Hmm! She is trying to deduce about me, but normally a kid of my age would not be good at controlling his emotion and body gestures this well. Hence! My camouflage is pretty good against them.'

A slight curve on Xin's lips appeared as he looked at the silver-haired girl and others.

"Hello! Everyone! My name is Lixin but sister Ema always calls me Xin, so don't mind calling me the same. As for the application, I had been studying under an Evolver and he asked me to make a debut in my high school."

Xin introduced himself! He was polite and casual with his tone, making everyone greet him easily.

Where most of them also noticed one thing which made him different from other boys.

As he did not give them those gazes, they get from another side most of the time.

'A group full of girls!' It was pretty obvious to Xin, why they made this group. Given that one male, everyone in the group was pretty ladies.

Xin was able to tell, that his chance of hooking up with one of the girls in the group was pretty high, but he could also tell that most of them were still uncomfortable around him.

That is why, he started to approach them with a soft stance, which was a viable option for him in this group full of girls.

'Good day!' Almost every one of them greeted him in the same manner. 'Haha! It seems like it will take a lot of time for me to build some relationships with them. Although! Not every one of them seemed to be wary of me.'

Xin nodded. When Ema smiled and took out a monster card, that she had been carrying.

"This card has a berserk bunny, with a fang attribute special case. So, your task will be to evolve it given its energy is already at a saturated state."

The card in Ema's hand was provided by other girls on her side, which Xin had seen when he was talking. So, he looked at the girl and nodded.

"Don't worry! It will be fine, but the material will be presented from your side. I do not have any of them yet." Xin nodded.

As he used his sight skill, that he had gotten from the system and looked at the berserk bunny which was called out of the card by him.

'Sure enough! With a single thought and flash of light, this card can materialize a monster. Which is just like a spatial ring, with a light effect.'

[Berserk Bunny Specimen. Attribute: Fang/Normal.]

[One of the combat-suited mele monsters, with its sharp claws and special state of mind, which put her skill in berserk style and amplify damage and reaction speed of her attack...]

