
Monster Trainer Bigshot System...

Monster trainer. A profession that came into being, after the apocalypse in the 22nd century of the Milky way galaxy. The human biggest change and chances of exploring the new frontier of the galaxies opened up, with the new unexplored dungeon and races. Where humans found themselves to be high sufficient and advanced than any other race out there. But being advanced did not mean that they were the strongest race out there, given species that can live even in vacuum-like space started to pop out. Making humans astonish beyond their belief, not to say many of them had the power to control the planet and move them around the galaxy without crumbling its ecosystem at all. After all, they were able to live on energy called Star light energy, which can be found on any planet and any place inside space. Humans talked with them, as they desired nothing from their planet which had resources next to none for them. As we found the manner, humans can use those energies and extend their life. But not all of them were kind enough, so among million of races out there, only 10% helped out humans and the rest were dead set on removing them from their world. In that kind of situation, where Humans were discriminated against by 90% of the races out there, we started to develop a profession called monsters trainer. Which turned the tide, and the time human started to shine in outside space started to dazzle out their path of success. Yun Lixin was an unknown little child of an ordinary family who died but it was the moment, that humanity's trump card from the future descended on the Tinpen Continent. Along with the Bigshot System...

LineofAshes_Devils · Urban
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12 Chs

Changes within

One hour passed, and Xin was finally able to control the berserk energy within him, as he also realize two facts about starlight energy.

No one of the facts is that starlight energy is similar to Qi from his world, and he is able to absorb them inside his dantian.

Which came as a relief when he was able to use the Basic Qi mantra to activate the Qi inside his body and absorb it from the surrounding.

The other one of the facts was that starlight energy was actually not only stored inside his dantain but was also stored inside his mindscape, where he was able to send his starlight energy over to little bunny through their spiritual link.

But what come as a surprise was the food they had taken. They contained a large amount of starlight energy, which he was able to absorb from the basic Qi matra.

While refining that energy, Xin has already started experimenting with strengthening his body.


Yes at that moment, Little bunny was feeling really weird given the resonance of the energy and spiritual link between her and the human being.

She was able to tell that, the energy-drawing method of the stupid human in front of her was way too advanced even for her.

Not only he was able to draw out the energy from the food they had eaten more meticulously, but he was even able to absorb them and refine them as they do. At that moment, she really felt lucky to partner with this human.

Given the resonating method, she knew that her growth is going to be easier than she thought it to be.

After all, she had never heard about such a human technology that can help them absorb energy from the surrounding.


One of the attributes of the spiritual energy connection. Xin who was reincarnated carried the spiritual energy that he refined in his previous life. Was something that came as a cheat, given it was the reason why he was able to host the system.

With this not only he was able to resonate his thoughts with little bunny, but he was also able to understand simple gestures from her within an indirect link of the spiritual energy. It was more like that of telepathy than conversation.

Opening his eyes and releasing foul air from his lungs, Xin looked at the little bunny who went to sleep after a tiring session of the changes within her.

Unlike him who was a cultivation maniac, a normal monster cannot continue to train like Xin, who was not considered as a normal category even among the immortal cultivator from his previous world.

'I am feeling a little tired, but I had to prepare some dinner. So should I use those materials again, and make some noodles to top with soup.' Xin walked toward the kitchen, where the little guy opened her eyes and looked at him.

"I am not going anywhere, just try to relax over the bed and I will make some food for both of us. Also! Next time try to hold out for a little longer when practicing, alright!"

Xin's words made little bunny twitch, but there was no harm in his words, so she could not deny his command.

"But for our first hard work! I am going to make a good dish again, and after that, both of us have something to do. So I would like to see what ability you had awake in the middle of your training before." Xin smiled.

Given at the time both of them were practicing! He suddenly felt the changes in the Astral energy which become denser and had a lightning attribute within it.

'She was a mutant! With the lightning attribute within it.'

Xin smiled at that thought and started to use his system skill, to see what kind of material and herbs from the outside, can help the little rabbit in this new awakening of lightning attribute ability.

Xin also had many plans for his cultivation, as he realized the fact that he can send his astral energy to the little bunny. Which made the attribute of the high-density volume of Astral energy a favorable source of increasing their strength.

In the cultivation world, Xin had known various kinds of cultivation methods that could help increase the intensity of the Qi, making attacking power ridiculously high in the same realm of cultivation.

There were also those techniques that can increase human Qi defense.

But at the moment according to Xin what he needed was the high density of Astral energy, which can keep a continuous stream of energy for the little bunny to use.

While Xin had a perfect technique that can meet his requirement and increase the amount of energy 10-fold, although! the resource needed for it was very high.

[Swallowing Heaven Method]

The name of the sutra that Xin was thinking of using, this one had more than 12 mortal sutras for each realm and immortal sutra beyond that.

'Not only that it can help me cultivate a thick amount of Qi, which can be applied to Astral energy! In this world. But it can also integrate ten different cultivating sutras at the mortal realm.'

Xin ponder, as he decided to cultivate lightning sutra first and integrate it with [Swallowing Heaven Method].

'Lightning Metamorphic Sutra is best suited for calm-natured lightning cultivation, it will suit a lot with the Swallowing Heaven Method.'

Deciding upon the sutra, Xin put down the food he had prepared at the smell of which, the little guy woke up and was sitting on the table waiting for him to serve.

"Okay! It is about to be served." He smiled and put down the food, which was devoured by both of them in a matter of a minute.


Burping with satisfaction both of them sat down, where the little rabbit tried to copy Xin sitting pose but was unable to do it for a longer period of time.

'Done!' Xin opened his eyes and sat up for a few minutes, where the little bunny was looking around the apartment with her curious gaze.

"Little guy, let's decide with your name, after all, it is quite inconvenient after we had come to know each other so well, right."

Xin's words made little bunny look at him, as it seemed to Xin that she was also agreeing with his words, and so they started to come up with different names.

Where Xin was trying to come out with a new name idea, while little bunny was continuously rejecting them, for being uncute.

"Hmm! Little Blue! How does this sound, given it is extremely normal and with your color it suits you a lot."

The little bunny was reluctant, but the name was still better than all those previous names, so she decided to let it go at this point.

As she was also looking forward to checking out the new ability she had acquired before.

'Yes!' Xin revealed a victory pose. At which, little blue rolled her eyes and looked at the little master of her.

After all, whatever his naming sense was like, she was not able to deny that he was a great cook and an excellent trainer too.

The thing, that most of the trainers lacked from her perspective was the confidence Xin gave when talking with her.

At this point, his way of talking and his direct method of conveying his feeling was way too different from all the trainers that she had rejected all this time.

After all, she was special and this fact was something that she knew about far more than anything.

'But he is more special! Then, everyone, I have seen in my 3 years of life, among the human society.'

At night, they checked out little blue ability in the park.

Not only that, but they had also checked the online market, where Xin sold two batches of evolution material he got from the morning evolution process for 5K Milkyway Dollars.

Now Xin who was left with another two batches of material saved the rest for little blue evolution since she came from the same species with just a slight variation.

[Energy Tube Container] X 10 bought... Total amount 2K MD.

[Herbal Basic Set... Contains 10 different herbs of host choice.] X10 bought... Total amount 3K MD.

With that, Xin's total balance returned to 0 amount, as he felt how poor he was at the moment and how much money one needs for rearing a monster.

'I need money!' With that thought, Xin closed his tired eyes and slept.

Where his system appeared and blinked with an unknown request, which faded with the accepted icon, and his account balance was increased by 10K MD.

While the process of evolving the monster from the system database was collected and merged with Xin's experience, to make the monster which was accepted to evolve within one set and the other 9 sets were stored in the system storage...

With several new evolution pictures and videos that appeared on the screen, the website was again updated with 1K MD. Where a single review appeared after 5 hours of process, from the person who had asked for the request on the website.

[5 Star---review]

[Thank you so much for the low fees evolution. I will definitely promote this site, to all my colleague from the workshop. While in the function of acquiring an ability for 100% real or not, after all, it is all about luck, right.]

[Thank you for your review, can you please send a pic of your evolved monster along with you in the review section?]