
What The-

Chen Qiang felt the sudden vibration, but he had no time to think about it because at the same time, his body felt heavy. His heart was beating so fast, and he felt something warm seeping in his body. His veins also start to bulge. He was sweating profusely and felt so uncomfortable, but he pressed his urge to resist it.

That warmth spread thoroughly to every inch of his body with every heartbeat he had. Along with it, all his fatigue washed away at a fast speed and his inner wound slowly healed. But he still can't control his body.

His mind seems also working at manyfold than normal like his body now. His senses, his thinking speed, and perception were so much better than usual. It's like the time is slowing down.

However, not long ago, he felt more and more uncomfortable. His body seems full and couldn't take anymore. His body and mind are also already at the limit. Because of his mind, it felt so much longer than the actual time he experienced.

He thought he was like an overheated engine from being forced to its limit. The something warm in his body continues forcing his body and mind at the limit. That feeling was truly not good.

Fortunately, he soon felt it stop pouring into him anymore. His heartbeat and his mind gradually slowed. It should quit taking a toll on him, but along with the dissipating of warm feeling in his body, he felt relaxed.

He immediately opened his eyes and looked at both of his sides. His sisters tightly hold his arms respectively. They both still close their eyes. Although their body relaxed, they still had a weary expression on them. Then they also slowly opened their eyes.

"Wha-What was that?!" (Zhang Mu)

"What happened to me" (Lan Yue)

"Is that really happened?" (Li Wei)

"What the hell" (Fei Rong)

The commotion made Chen Qiang look at them. They were flabbergasted to what had happened. The rest also have a confused expression on their face. They all seemed panicked as they started to check their body, their surroundings, and... Him.

Li Wei wanted to ask him the moment her gaze landed at Chen Qiang. But, she canceled the intent as she remembered that not too long ago she had ridiculed him, she also cut his word and thinking that he was crazy.

So she just stared at him while having a lot of complicated thoughts.

Chen Qing let out a sigh the moment she saw Chen Qiang. She didn't know what had happened to her, she was confused and anxious. However, when she saw the calm Chen Qiang, she felt relieved. After looking at her little sister and the rest, She asked Chen Qiang while still holding his hand, "Brother, what just had happened?"

She still remembers what her brother said.

'I had said to some of you that in the future there would be a huge virus disaster.'

'The thing I said, I really mean it. Soon, it will happen. You should be prepared.'

'If you feel something on your body, don't resist it or you will feel the pain. Just let it flow in your body.'

'Don't be afraid and panic, you all will be okay.'

'Trust me, there will be nothing wrong. You have me here.'

So when she felt the earth shock and all the things that happened to her, her mind only kept playing his words and ignored anything else that makes her panic and afraid.

At that time, she also could clearly remember her memories. Her parents, the happy time when she was with them, their sudden death and how her life afterward, her brother change, and the time when she was with him these three years. It was so vivid like she had experienced it again. The memory after the sudden death of her parents made her realize more how blissful the life she had these three years.

The moment Chen Qing asked Chen Qiang, Every eye in this room directed at him. They are all eager to know what has happened.

Chen Qiang stands up from the couch. After he had confirmed that everybody was okay, he said, "As I said, there would be a disaster happen, and now it has started."

"The vibration! Was it an earthquake?"

Zhang Mu asked, he panicked that what Chen Qiang said seemed true.

"Then what happened to us just then? Are we getting infected by the virus?!" Lan Yue asked. She was already anxious from the moment that happened to her as she remembered Chen Qiang words.

"The vibration and the thing that happened to us are very hard to explain. But be relieved that we didn't get infected. The certain thing is that the disaster has really happened."

After he had said that, he went to a large tv in the corner. He turns it on, but only the sizzling sound is heard on every channel.

"Check your phone. It should lose the signal."

Some people who had a phone on them quickly checked it. They all saw the word 'emergency' on the top of its screen.

"This, it may not be that horrible right? I mean look at us. We just seem fine right?" Bai Mei said.

Chen Qiang shook his head, "No it far more than horrible. You guys can slowly take your time. Calm yourself first, you also sweated all over your body right?" He then looked at li Wei and said, "Didn't you also want to take a bath?"

Li Wei immediately lowered her head while mumbling something.

Afterward, he looked at Da Hongli, "Uncle, prepare the helicopter one hour later. We all will check the outside."

"Alright." Da Hongli simply nodded.

"Ok guys, I need to do something first, we all will gather at the helipad one hour from now."

Just as he was about to walk out, Chen Qing held his hand and said, "I am coming along"

"Me too." Chen Xi added.

"No, you don't need to. I will come back soon."

He walked out of the house. He then walks to the warehouse area. After some time, he arrived in front of one of the warehouses there. He inserts his hand into his pocket. There is an object in it, a pistol. He calms his mind and takes a big breath. Then he put the code, the big metal gate in front of him slowly opened.

Immediately, a lot of loud bark from the dogs got heard. Far in the inside, he saw many cages. Every one of them has a dog inside. Some of them were violently banging it.

After he saw it, he hurriedly got inside and closed the gate. He then walked to them. The barks gradually become quieter the moment they saw him.

All the dogs in here were all his pets which he raised since they were small from three years ago. It can be said they are very precious to him as they had accompanied him for three years. They are also his training friends. He really put so much care on them.

But now, he has put all of them in this cage since morning. They all get locked, including Xiao Yi, Xiao Wu-Shi-Yi, and his sister pets Xiao Er and Xiao Wu.

He didn't have a choice as he has to avoid the risk. At least, there are ten dogs that still banging the metal cage. He looked at them. Their eyes were slightly red, saliva kept pouring from their mouth, their expression also became contorted.

"Ssshh... Calm. "

He gently commanded while staring at them. Like an instinct, they immediately stopped. But soon they became more contorted and started clawing the metal bars.

Just as he wanted to give an order in a high tone, a very loud bark suddenly heard. He looks at the source, there he saw Xiao Wu-Shi-Yi Growling with ferocious expression while looking at the berserk dogs.

Startled with the loud sound, all the berserk dogs looked at it. They immediately flinched when they saw Xiao Wu-Shi-Yi staring oppressive at them.

Their gaze only meets him for a moment, but they are immediately cowering from it. They gradually crouch down in fear as their instinct has taken over their violent urge. They started whimpering with a still contorted face.

Chen Qiang looked at Xiao Wu-Shi-Yi in detail. His body became larger than in the morning, his fang slightly protruding from his mouth, and his claws now have silvery light.

Just as he was analyzing his change, suddenly a slightly transparent window popped up from nowhere which made him taken aback.


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