
Da Hongli

Two months have passed since he ideally made the dog care facility and now he has 100 dogs in the facility.

Since they arrived, he has been very busy. He personally trains them with efficient assistance from specialists. From deepening relationships, routine activities like feeding, professionally training the basic command until incredible advances like defending and chasing, accompanying play and so on.

Now they are around 11-13 weeks old. They now easily comply with his basic order, but from the start, he got many headaches because of their different kind, the shepherd and pinscher are very often fighting and hardly getting along. Basically, because the shepherd would always tease the pinscher and eventually lead them to fight as the pinscher would sometimes take it seriously. He must always give the command to prevent them.

He naturally gave them the name as well, but the chosen name is really crude, from Xiao Yi, Xiao Er, Xiao San until Xiao Yi-Bai. The intelligent dog from the shepherd's group received the name from Xiao Yi until Xiao Wu-shi, while the pinscher group name is Xiao Wu-Shi-Yi until Xiao Yi-Bai.

He carefully sets Xiao Yi and Xiao Wu-Shi-Yi as the leader of each group. He would always bring them almost anywhere he naturally went, typically training them exclusively and distinctive. Even when he went out with his dear sisters, he would very often bring them too.

Right now it is in the breezy morning, Chen Qiang and his dogs are like always, running around in a private park with weighted tools all over his body.

He wears a weighted vest, weighted pants, ankle & wrist weights, running around like he doesn't have trouble at all. Even all of his dogs were wearing modification body weighted on their body.

Chen Qiang running at the front while Xiao Yi and Xiao Wu-Shi-Yi at his side. They look so different from other pets. Furthermore, the weight on their body was heavier than the other, but they still look more freely than the rest.

Chen Qiang did not casually set them as leaders of each group. He carefully examined and tested all of them in the last two months. Their names are set by ranking them from their potential such as their intelligence, stability, obedience, strength, endurance, behavior and so on.

Xiao Yi and Xiao Wu-Shi-Yi have the highest potential in their group. He formed two groups based on their kind, not just forming one group because he would make a different specialty for each of them. He was also afraid that if one of their kind were to be the leader, the other kind would hardly comply with it. Even if they are formed as one group and doing well, it will not close the possibility the other kind wants to take control.

Although the chance is almost zero as they were growing together since small and possess similar characteristics, however, they are from a different kind in the end. Furthermore, one of the purposes training he gives to them was so they would also have 100% obedience to both leaders, so he just forms two groups.

Chen Qiang and his dogs have been running with weight on their bodies for two months. He used the lightest weighted on them at the start as they still did get unused, or it would only just make them stressed.

Chen Qiang himself always wears weighted on his body when training, playing with his pets, accompanies his sisters, even when he sleeps he still wears it.

The weighted gets heavier and the training gets harder, even he also would often almost faint and many of his dogs got stressed, so he slackened the pace to increase the weight on some of his pets while he, Xiao Yi, Xiao Wu-Shi-Yi and some other his pets keep continuing to increase their weight tool.


Chen Qiang and his pets keep running when he suddenly feels someone observing him. This is his habit. Where ever he is and whatever he does, he's always very cautious. It is not like he is extremely formidable and can perceive something, but it is like he perpetually tries to feel something. If not because of that, it would be impossible for him to survive for 10 years in his past life, in a world that has danger everywhere and not to say he is always acting solitary.

Chen Qiang sees in the back of the trees, a man looking at him. The man looks so natural standing there with branches and leaves covering him.

He became alarmed and halted his feet, then looked at the man. The man walked to him in a relaxed manner so he slightly reduced his worry.

Chen Qiang looked to the man's silhouette getting closer to him, but he perceived more and more familiar as the man kept close to him.

Xiao Yi and Xiao Wu-Shi-Yi can feel too when the man moving from there, and when they see Chen Qiang stopped and looks suspiciously to the man, they barked loudly and growled, baring their teeth as if they were warning the man, then the rest of his dogs barked as well.

Chen Qiang observes the reaction of his dogs and became satisfied. He looked at the man curiously. The man who was still walking to him casually seems not even bothered by his dogs. He could blurry perceive him when the man gets slightly near him. He has a moderately long black beard that looks natural, his narrow eyes which he almost cannot see but looks keen, and has sharp eyebrows. However, that was unimportant because his normal looking body gives a very familiar aura to him, the aura of fighters. Ever since he got back again, he never once encountered a person who could give this aura.

In his past life, almost every person he saw has an aura like the man and many also have a lot of different auras. Like, give a wild aura, threatening, composed, friendly until people that seem to not have an aura but still give a dangerous feeling.

The man's aura is composed one, but he could still felt other than that, he feels a fierce aura and gets shocked.

But he didn't get shocked because of the man's aura, but when he clearly sees the face and body of the man.

He is someone he knows, that man is Uncle Da Hongli.

Da Hongli is their parents' personal guard, he knew from his father, he is an ex-mercenary. His father advised him when he was still alive that he absolutely must not have to doubt him and Zhang Kai and have to respect them.

Chen Qiang knows his father regards them not just as subordinates, his father regards them as his most bosom friends and his brothers. So Chen Qiang always respected them and their family members.

Chen Qiang didn't know well Da Hongli as he rarely appears and would always be mysterious, but he was uncurious about him. Chen Qiang always regards him just like the ordinary ex-mercenary and just slightly better from their guard.

But today it seems like he just knew him as his senses didn't like the past. He can tell Da Hongli is not just an ordinary ex-mercenary after he sees him again.

In the past, he always wondered why there was not even an attempted scheme that occurred to him after his parents died. It's not like the majority of companies are really willing to get some of their big shares controlled by a child right?

Chen Qiang is now really sure there was no scheme or anything trick under the table to harm him in the dark because of Da Hongli. But now he is confused as to why Da Hongli keeps being the guard even after his parents died.

In his past life, Da Hongli continued guarding his family even after his parents died. Sometimes he went somewhere he doesn't know, as he went abroad to visit his friend's family or matters like that. But now he is certain that is not the case because he occasionally gets injured.

Chen Qiang is not an ignorant boy like the past, he can see Da Hongli maybe still be mercenary but not too often. Like now, in his memory, he knows Da Hongli has gone for 5 months.

Back before the apocalypse and he inherited, Da Hongli just went and did not say even a few words to him. Before he went he always saw him very distressed. He didn't know why he looked like this and when he looked at him or his sisters he often gets quandary.

In the end, he just went with sad & desperate looks. Chen Qiang was slightly worried because the calm Da Hongli always looked like that recently and asked Zhang Kai what's up with him after Da Hongli went.

Zhang Kai just shook his head and melancholy answered "All his family gets an accident," after saying those words he just went as if he didn't want to talk about it. Back then he just feels pity and not too concerned about it, but still, he wants to help him with all his capability because he is his deceased father trusted's persons.

Now Chen Qiang is really sure the event is not so simple, mostly because of his looks when he sees him and his sisters.


Da Hongli heard Chen Qiang would be inherited in three months, and he heard when this has passed one month, but he is still in his mission and cannot go back to China, but he tries really hard just making him get back soon to keep beside Chen Qiang.

Da Hongli barely completed his mission and immediately went back to China. He first went back to the mansion but could not see Chen Qiang and his sisters, he got a little panicked but fortunately, he found Zhang Kai and inquired about them.

Now he knows where Chen Qiang and his sisters are. He relaxed and went to the private park that Zhang Kai has mentioned.

He didn't hurriedly see Chen Qiang. He wanted to observe what he was doing. Subsequently, he heard many footsteps, so he just hides in the back tree with a lot of leaves obstructing him.

Da Hongli gets surprised when he sees Chen Qiang run with a lot of dogs. Furthermore, he is wearing weighted tools all over his body. Although he doesn't know how much weight it is.

Just as he observed him not long ago, Chen Qiang stopped running with his dogs and looked toward him. Initially, he thought he was just looking somewhere, but that's wrong as he still continues looking toward him.

He gets shocked and thought, is that really his young master? Why is he so sensitive?' But no matter what he thinks, he would not get the answer, so he calmly walked out and went to him at a normal walking pace.

Hello dear readers, Sorry I didn't post this yesterday because my internet is not working for a straight 9 hours, so I can not edit this and post. And seems like this chapter quality slightly dropped as I only have little time to edit this.

Over here is a bit of info.

Xiao = little

Yi = 1

Er = 2

San = 3

Si = 4

Wu= 5

Liu = 6

Qi = 7

Ba = 8

Jiu = 9

Shi = 10

Bai = 100

CommonDaoistcreators' thoughts
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