
CH 1

As I started cracking my eyes against the bright light and the noise of birds. I finally noticed that I wasn't in the subway. I was in a forest. As I jolted up I felt a massive headache hit me. It took me over ten minutes to be able to sit up again. As soon as the world stopped spinning I got up and tried to find out where I was. As I looked around trying to see where I was I decided to pick a random direction to start walking then I heard beautiful singing coming from my right. I instantly felt relieved. I knew if there was a person around they could tell me where to go to be able to get out of the jungle. As I started to make my way to the singing I started to hear the sound of water crashing. I knew I could live near the water if I couldn't find anyone. As I started towards the singing and the water I thought of calling out so as not to startle whoever was in the area but then I thought about it if I shout they might get scared and run away or worse attack me with their weapon before getting a chance to speak. I started to creep towards the noise but as soon as he saw the waterfall the singing stopped as if they saw him. I quickly rush to the waterfall to see if I can find them and see where they went but as soon as I get to the waterfall I am mesmerized by the site around the waterfall. There were many types of plants growing around the lake ranging from roses to poppies there were many large stones in the water as well as many birds and insects flying around the flowers as I started looking around to see where the person went I suddenly hear splashing behind me as soon as I turn around I can see a reptilian tail pointed right at my head. From the corner of my eye, I can see a gorgeous woman glaring at me from behind the closest stone to the edge of the lake. As I slowly start to step away the lady hisses "don't move" at me. As soon as I stopped moving and slowly raised my hands, she walked away from the rock and started walking toward me. Then I noticed she didn't have legs; her lower body was that of a snake. Her scales were a pitch-black color whenever the light reflected off them they became a rainbow of colors. It reminded me a lot of my pet snake. Her hair is ebony, soaked in water. Her amber eyes glowed at me like two flames in a dark room. Her skin is a light olive color. As she got closer I could see she was constantly looking around as if looking for someone. As she approached me I could see that she was on guard as if waiting for someone to attack her. She stopped less than 5 feet from me while her tail still aimed at my face. She told me in a voice cold yet as soft as a spring breeze. "Where are the rest of your comrades? I know you didn't come here by yourself not wearing any armor and weird clothing to try to make yourself look weak and lost. Just so you could try to kill me and maybe take my head back to your camp as a trophy." As I stare at her confused I start telling her "I'm not here to hurt you I don't even know how I got here I just want to know where I am and how I can go home. You can even search me to see that I don't even have any weapons on me" she looks at me suspiciously, her tail inches closer to my face. I start to get nervous and yell out "I sware on the river Styx that I am not going to hurt you." all of a sudden the ground starts shaking and thunder rumbles in the sky and she stops and looks at me in shock "what did you just say?" I say nervously. "I … I never planned on hurting you." "no to whom did you swear to?" she said as she stared at me with a shocked look. In surprise I respond by saying "the river Styx is what I sware on." she looks at me in shock "who are you." I respond `can you please stop pointing your tail at me and I'll tell you" as she slowly puts her tail down I instantly fall and start moving my hands to my pockets looking for my lighter and my pack of cigars. As soon as I pull my lighter out I look up to see a tail aiming at my face yet again I sigh "Don't worry as I said earlier I am not trying to hurt you" I was getting something for myself." as I start lighting my cigar I note she is staring at the flame on the lighter. In a shocked voice, she asks. "How did you get the flame to appear there without any stones or grass and why are you burning paper in your mouth? Is this another trick to make me lower my guard so your troops can attack me? `` I blew a puff of smoke.'' As I said before, I am alone. I have no troops. I already swore on the river Styx that I was not trying to harm such a beautiful woman ever." she blushed and looked away when I said that. "I forgot to introduce myself. My name is Max. May I know your name beautiful." she automatically freezes as soon as I call her beautiful with a red face. She studies "m…me beautiful" and she finally manages to stutter "m…my n…name is Echidna." I instantly smile "pleasure to meet you Echidna now may I know where I am and what happened to me when I was pushed in front of the train." echidna tilts her head confused and asks "what's a train" I look at her thinking she is joking but then I realize she is serious so "I ask where am I?" I ask. " You are in my prison. I was locked in here by Cronus. My stepbrothers locked me in here away from my children." Said Echidna. "Wait, your children? "I muttered while I tried to wrap my mind around all that has happened to me '' wait so if I'm in here with you then that means I'm dead in my world then that means you are a goddess correct I asked in shock. "Yes, I am the goddess Echidna, mother of all monsters and beasts," she said. "Then that means that you must have the power to be able to reincarnate me correctly." "Yes I do have the power but it will drop most of my divine energy pretty low I can give you an offer that you take me with you and you get me out of this prison and have me as a companion but let me tell you you weren't the only one killed by the truck there were 12 more each is in a meeting with a God or goddess right now. So what do you say? Do you accept my offer and take the risk in another world with some help or if you choose to decline the offer you will be sent to the underworld where you will be judged by Minos, Rhadamanthus, and Aeacus.Echidna explains without giving her time to do anything I jump and hug her while saying "yes I'll take that offer and I'll get you out of here I won't mind having a beautiful woman with me wherever I go." Echidna's face starts glowing red while she says "ok stop hugging me get ready for it will be painful when you wake up again I hope I see you soon after we get out of here." she said before she kissed me on the cheek before I could say anything everything went black.

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