
Monster overlord

If you have read soul pets my is going to be like that in some ways but every monster can evolve but every monster is not going to evolve into the same thing it will be different because every one has different ways of raising the monsters. Every one will have a system but it is just for helping them survive in the wilderness and to show them the evolution paths

Boltbit77 · Fantasy
Not enough ratings
13 Chs

Chapter 2

After Dante made Dawn his first pet he wanted to know what she could do so he whent into the system archive to find out what abilities flame bears have and thay are flame shot a mid range attack. Flame claw a close combat attack. Flame cloak adds another layer of defense and flame attack.

Then Dante saw what types Dawn is she is beast, fire so he needs to get flame and beast cores to help strengthen her.

Dante let dawn stay out of his soul space so that thay can walk around together. After some time of just walking Dawn let out a low growl and then she ran into some bushes so Dante had to ran after her to she want she is doing.

When he caught up he saw Dawn fighting another flame cub. When he saw this he tryed to tell dawn what attack was going to come at her or tell her to dodge a certain direction but she would not listen to him after dawn and the other flame cub being equal in this fight she finally started to listen to him.

When he heard that she was willing to take some commands he was happy and saw the flame cub was going for a flame claw he had dawn jump backwards and shoot a flame shot at the other front paw and when dawn did the cub fell over because it lost it's balance and it ended up on it's side leaving it's stomach exposed for a attack to hit it so Dante had Dawn use flame claw on the cubs stomach. Her claw whent through the cubs stomach like a hot knife through butter.

After the other cub died from have it's intestines fall out of it's body and severe blood loss Dante had to dig in the cubs stomach to find the core it had in it's body to feed to Dawn so her attributes would level up.

Dante felt his hand hit a round object he grabed it and pulled it out. It was a red core at first he thought it was red because of the blood but after wiping it off it was still red.

Dante did not know what this core would strengthen it could be her beast or it could be her flame attribute so he asked the system what this core will strengthen and it said both it is red because it could use fire and beast is brown. Now that he looked at it again there where brown dots in the red core.

When Dante looked down to ask dawn if she would like to eat the core he saw her just staring at the core in his hand and lick her lips dante just laughed because she looked super cute right now and gave her the core.

After dawn ate the core Dante saw her flames get darker and he felt the temperature go up a bit and her claw look like thay got sharper.

After he saw this he asked Dawn if she can find any more flame cubs he heard a small kids voice in his head say yes and then he saw Dawn run off again and he found two more cubs but thay where hunting together for food so he had to stop Dawn from running straight in and fighting them then Dante remember what kind of attacks Dawn had.

Dante gave Dawn a mental command he told her to use flame cloak and then use flame shot and aim for one of the cubs head Pew~~~

By the time the cubs heard the sound of the flame shot it was to late for one of them to react. Flame cub1 jumped away but flame cub2 had a thumb-sized hole in it's forhead it fell over it was dead. Flame cub1 found where thay are and ran over and used flame claw when it got close. Dante had Dawn jump to the left and use flame claw on one of the flame cub's front lim. He saw one of the flame cubs paw get cut off and then he had dawn use flame claw to finish it off then he when and got the two cores and feed them to Dawn. After dawn got stronger she got really tried and ask to go in the soul space to sleep.

A group of adults standing next to the forest edge we're talkin about what animals they thought the kids could get then all of a sudden the herd footsteps coming out of forest when they look thay saw a kid in ripped clothes come out carrying a flame cub corpse thay where in shock thay all thought that it will be a day or two in tell anybody came out of the forest with a tamed pet.

The teacher came over to Dante and asked what kind if monster did you tame. Dante looked at him and said a flame cub.

One of the adults yelled impossible the only place thay live is at the volcano behind the forest. Dante looked at him and said volcano? I only saw a mountain it was a bit warm there but that was it. What do you mean mountain it just looked like one because it is so tall and a bit warm even soul adept's have trouble with the heat up there.

Dante just stared at him and said really? Must be because the system said I am blessed by fire that I did not fell that hot to me.

Dante did not give them a chance to ask anymore questions he told them to get him when it is time for the tournament new soul novices that the school holds