
Altercation 7 why they were extinct?

Monsters in this world come in different shapes and sizes.

Forests were lush with greenery, the seas full of life and secrets, with mountains being home to many of the strongest of monsters.

They once ruled the world without any worries, without any obstacles.

That all changed when the Creator of all this decided to introduce something different into this world, as heaven's gates had opened, portals to the frozen nine hells had appeared. Countless other otherworldly invaders swarmed their world!

The world had an abundant amount of life forms that could be researched, hunted to prove their power, or to be collected as workable slaves for resources.

Angels were loyal to their god, meaning that their numbers would swarm anything else that was a threat to their beloved pantheon.

Devils wanted a new place to live and wanted to use the monsters of this world to help them surpass their current selves.

As more beings from different worlds followed, it was like watching overpowered warriors and monsters fight from tales in books and cartoons.

The landscapes had shifted, mountains had been obliterated, oceans burned dry from devastating spells, many of the regular monsters had gone extinct overnight. At the same time, those that were capable of holding their ground fought back relentlessly!

Their war even reached past the skies and continued in space as all of the strongest invaders and monsters had perished, leaving the weak to struggle and the somewhat stronger inhabitants to rule the world as they pleased.

What was approaching a particular city would give them a reminder as to who truly owned the world!


Moments after Joseph had blacked out. A howl echoed out so loudly that the air stilled for a brief second before Hundreds of roots had emerged from the ground!


*SFX For flesh getting torn apart and/or tendons getting forcefully ripped to shreds*





Pained cries and death throes followed when this happened.

All of the SLOWER 'hounds' were impaled ruthlessly through different parts of their bodies.

Some were lucky enough to lose a limb in the process, causing the victims to whimper in pain and fear, while most unlucky ones...

... become nutrients for the local plants!

An elder treant could be considered a natural calamity for the other races due to its way of fighting.

All of the trees within a ten-mile radius would be under its control, but that wasn't the scariest part about it.

As an elder treant, as long as there was a usable 'tree,' they could become a treant to bolster its army at any given moment!

The surviving children were not prepared for this.

The sudden demise of their friends and allies took its toll on them more than they let on!

They had no way to defend themselves!

Roots that were sharper and tougher than iron spears would constantly come for them. They were now experiencing their own methods of taking down prey.

If they stopped even for a few seconds, it would lead to their end!

One of the leaders howled out loud, causing the others to still for a split second before attempting to retreat. The howler, however, wasn't able to make another sound as a treant came to life behind him then flattened him into a bloody paste.

Treants were monsters.

So they had no concept of mercy nor of pity for young children.

To these monsters, they were simply humans that needed to be dealt with!

The elder treant took another strange action as it picked up the near-death Joseph and brought him to the interior of its trunk.

The other treants looked at their elder's actions with surprise and worried as the human would be dangerously close to its core but soon turned their attention back to the escaping humans!

The tree monster's numbers had reached a few hundred and were still growing.

Some of them stood guard around the elder treant as they 'grew more trees around them to gather more of their kind and provide themselves a good camouflage to hide and blend in with their surroundings.

this was one of the reason's why treants were feared so much, as they could reproduce their numbers in mere hours, only by killing the source that brought them into being would they crumble!

The treants that weren't needed in the area followed the running hounds as soon, they will show humans and the other races who were the real owners of this world!


----Random tower watch pov----

The guard was struggling to stay awake, as this was the third day in a row where his colleagues had forced their watch upon him.

It couldn't be helped since the man was currently on his second strike for falling asleep on the watch, and refreshing concoctions could only do so much to keep him awake!

Due to one of his traitorous ex-friends, his drink was spiked before his first watch, then the same thing happened a second time, causing him to realize the truth far too late, leading him to nearly butchering his backstabbing asshole of a friend.

As for why the man did this to him?

Let's put it this way, how many people would try to steal your wife away if she was beautiful and loyal to you?

If he gets turned into a slave, they will try to get their grubby hands on her!

Sadly for him, they had already succeeded in doing so as they caused the woman to be desperate to save him even at the cost of her own body.

So right now, as he's on watch, one of the men that were jealous of him was taking full advantage of her while the man was gone!

This was fucked up world. Betrayals were common, murders and death were a daily sight, so of course, there will be some 'troubling' things that happen behind the scenes.


The tower shook lightly as the guard on watch looked around in confusion, wondering if that was just his imagination or not.

Some of the regular people came out of their homes in worry as they all felt that shake while confirming with each other whether it was real or not.

The struggling guard was about to relax once more, only to feel the tower shake for the second time causing him to lose his tiredness entirely and move to the edge of the tower before looking around.

In the distance, there was a low sound of crunching that was heard as he focused his sights even further into the fog that formed because of the cold and rain.

The sight in the foggy distance made a cold shiver pass down his spine!

As tens of these tall beings emerged from the fog as they headed in one direction...

...the City!

Each treant had an average height of 8 meters tall, with hundreds of them marching towards the little City.

Their green eyes glowed ominously as the fog increased their scary factor by a few notches!

But that wasn't the worse part, the treants carried something in their hands then flung it into the city walls!


Each hit created a small yet powerful shockwave, causing anyone that was close to the vicinity to suffer internal injuries, but one man managed to get back to his feet as he had something he held dear, someone, to protect!

The guard's ears were ringing as a portion of the walls began to crumble yet again!

He yelled out as blood dripped from his seven orifices.


The watchman in the tower quickly moved to the bell and started ringing it as loudly as possible.

However, his action made him the target of what treants did next.

The tall tower suddenly received a volley of rocks that were three times bigger than a beach ball!

Every single one of them struck the tower heavily, a good portion of them hitting the top of the tower right where the guard was at!

His ending was quick and painless, but the same couldn't be said for the man that was now leaving the house of the dead watchman while pulling up his pants in a rush.

The rocks rolled faster than cannonballs as one of them completely severed his legs leaving him to bleed to death in pain as the rest of the City panicked from the sudden assault!

The walls were built to handle stray demons, not the siege warfare used by the treants!

As for a particular woman, She was more than happy to charge forth to fight these monsters, especially when Angela thought to herself.

"I wonder if they even bleed?"

She'll soon find out as this will be one of the most significant losses of humanity since the previous war against the local Yokai!

Next chapter