
There Can Only Be One

A silent hushed spread out slowly, making the once vibrant atmosphere vanish. The energetic youngling now stay quite as lamb, avoiding my father gaze. It is quite an extraordinary display of power, to make the little one so quite was no easy task.

My father howl once more, destroying the all so rare fleeting silent of the Misty Mountain. Life seem to just resume after my father howl, ignoring the beautiful serenity that just govern this area. The little one now stare at my father, their eyes full of reverence for his mighty strength. Even the full grown Zinogre given him their undivided attention, truly the prestige of an Alpha. He stood above the rest, looking down to them from his mighty throne. He is in full control of the crowd, an ability that was quite rare among monster.

Perhaps the only one who did not feel somewhat awe in his presence was Freya. The little fur ball of mayhem yawn indecently in front of my father powerful roar, totally breaking the atmosphere. Luckily, not many notice, for they were to engross in my father demonstration. Her eyes started to move back and forth, and her tongue flop about in her little mouth; she was bored beyond belief. Then in the middle of my father display, she yelped out loud, startling the youngling around her.

My father eye shone in an indescribable light, noticing that atmosphere has been destroy, he dismissed the whole clan. A good move I must say, after all why bother to build it back up, the second time will not have as much of an impact anyways. The adult just shrugged of the rude act, after all Freya was only a child. The easily impressionable young children however, did not let go of the grudge. Some of them decide to teach her a lesson, disregarding the fact that she was the Alpha's daughter.

Freya's eyes shone in a crazed light, her body tense up in excitement. She started to circle the foolish one, her claws scratch the ground repeatedly. I simply shook my head at her action, those foolish one are going to get slaughtered. All those tussle she had with Athena hours ago seemed to pay off, as she immediately went in for the attack. The other little one was quite surprise, they just learn to walk a few hours ago, they were not ready to fight yet.

It only took a couple of minute, before Freya beat all her opponent to the ground. Her ferocious tempo lead the battle from start to finish, like a dancer she weave across the battlefield, beating each and everyone of her opponents. The adrenaline rushing through her blood has make her haughty and unbearable, in the heat of the moment she aggravate every other little Alpha. Alpha are all around much better than their counterpart, even if Freya is strong she is not strong enough to take on all the Alpha at once.

All of the Alpha slowly stood up, their eyes were wild and savage. Their little claws repeatedly mark the ground making unbearable noise. They were quite big, almost as big as Thorin. Their muscular framed also seethe with power, each move they make, their muscle flexed and strain. Their furs blown with the direction of the wind, flapping wildly about.

Freya knows now that she was too haughty, in the heat of the moment she has bitten more than she can chose. However, she never retreat, her face pointed forward as her eyes flashed with pride. If she was going down today, she will be going down fighting. I sigh loudly, isn't this just a bit dramatic my lovely little sister. I hopped down and walk in front of her, my chest heaved forward. My little sister still a bit confuse, stared at my back quizzically. I look at the other Alpha, my eyes suddenly ignite, as I roar out loudly.

My loud was not as overbearing as my father, nor was it as shrieking as my mother. However, it does make the other stopped in their track. Their eye flashed warily as they look at me, their body bent slightly downward, while they all let out beastly growl. I laughed at their futile attempt to try to intimidate me, I've been stared down by the literal king of this clan, their intimidation tactic won't work on me. Seeing me not being fazed by their number, they've decided to switch tactic. Two squad of pups started to flank my left and right, as they slowly converge inward. I've decide to rush forward upon seeing their tactic, after all the best defense is a good offense.

My little suicide rushed seemed to surprise them more than I've expected. As they saw me come rushing forward, they've panic a little. Grabbing on to this opportunity, I've decide to deal major damage to their forces. As I crashed into the other pups, I've taken the opportunity to tears, bites and rips thing apart. The little pups were taken by surprise and never have a chance to retaliate. Then continuing my little rampage, I headed toward the left side next. Expecting me to ram them, they charge forward recklessly, hoping to stop my advance. I've merely side step their little charge and attack them from the side. Using my larger body, I muscle my way through their little squad, demolishing it in the process.

The final squad was shivering from fright, even though they were all Alpha, they did not have battle experience yet. Seeing their brethren got body by me, they've opted to surrender. Honestly, the only reason why I won was because of their lack of experience, the chance I can do this again is closed to none. However, they do not need to know that, all they need to know is that there can only be one Alpha.

Here you guys goes...

I need Shoto to assort his dominant on the Clan and this was the quickest way I could think off.

Do know that my ability to write battle is not that bad (I think)

More than that hope you guys enjoy

Vahonecreators' thoughts
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