
Acquiring Thunder

The next morning, I woke up with a purpose.

My body felt powerful, and my mental abilities is at its peak. Yesterday battle has ignite the primal savagery of the Zinogre in my bones. With its come the longing for the leadership of my own group. Now, my purpose has been realised and damn does it feel good.

My excitement was match by my own sibling, who seemed happy for me. They run about inside the cave, chasing one another. Their yelping can be heard from kilometers aways, followed after their furious stampede. Their constant energy were always welcoming to me, even if its can disturb other people around us.

One of those people are mom and dad. After getting trample all over by the cubs, they seemed to reach their max dose of energy for the day. They groggily get up, their unfocused eyes waver about. After a few tired yawns, they personally clean the litter themselve. Well, at least mother did.

She hold down every single cub and clean their every nook and cranny. There were not even a speck of dust left when she finished. Our father on the other hand, seemed to have found himself a new place to sleep. Slumping down tiredly, eye half closed.

We go outside to play with the other cubs after we finished breakfast. We run our selves tired for a whole day, competing with one another. Running together has brought us closer, while my hunting strategy seemed to improve their coordination.

This routines keep on going for a couple of months, a heavenly bliss of time I suppose. Now it will just be a distant memories.

The day were happening just like normal, before my father summon us. All the younglings gather before him, and looking up at him with worshiping eyes. The atmosphere were strangely dense today for whatever reasons.

My father simply look up at us, his eye shining brightly. His whole pack gather around him, their body radiated this solemn mood. Soon enough, my father stepped forward, he howl mightily at the sky. His body crackling with pure electrical power, a sight rarely seen.

It took me a few seconds before I figure out what we're about to do. It seem like the time has finally come, the time I was dreaming about. It's time to attract our first colony of Thunder Bugs.

My body trembling with excitement; A wild, savage fury radiated outward from my body. My claws stretch inward and outward in pure ecstasy. While a smile slowly crept on to my face, showing of my glinting fangs.

The changes I have gone through seem to get a reaction out of people. The youngling that were looking nervous before, now seem eager to learn. While the adult form faces of shock and surprise; A please look slowly form in all of them, their body radiates happiness.

It took me quite some time to snap out of my stupor. Everybody else have been waiting patiently for me. Letting out an embarrassed laughter, I slowly compose myself. I just become leader damnit, I could not blow my cool cover.

My father only look at me with a weird expression, then he turned back toward the crowd. He howled once more to dismiss everybody, and signal for us to follow him.

Seeing me follow him without hesitation, my siblings follow suit. We arrive at an empty patches of grass, with small hole poking out from them. Colony of Thunder Bugs can be seen, swirling about in midair. Our father slowly asked us to line up in front of him, he stare at us intensely. After a couple of minute he bend low to the ground, stream of little blue dots started coming out.

At first they flew about, unsure of where to goes. Then slowly they started to stream toward us, they circle around us a little before flew into our fur. The moment they land on our body, tiny jolted of electricity started to spread around our body. The feeling that followed after was numbingly good, like a massage.

As the number of bugs increased, the feeling seem to multiply. The continous jolt of electricity turn from numbing to a slight pain, worsening as more bugs perched. Soon enough, pain started to course through every part of our bodies, hurting our cells. As the number of bugs increased in stream, the pain now was unbearable. It was now a test of endurance, and of our will.

The first one to succumb to the pain was Hevy. His body was bigger than the rest so more bugs perch on him. Making the pain unbearable, for the big guy. Soon one after another dropped down, leaving only me standing tall.

It now feel like every single cell in my body was getting stabbed. Each cell crumble and break down underneath the might of thunder. The only thing that was keeping me going was my own will power.

Finally, something miraculous happen, my fur stood on end under the electrical might. Soon enough, my body started to discharge outward the unnecessary energies, permanently changing the way I dealt with excess energy. Thank god, If it was not for me being a Thunderlord Zinogre, I might not survived.

I grimaced in pains from left over energy, the lightning bolts still wreaking havoc in my body. However, I was smiling, finally thunder is mine.

With that thought in mind, I fallen down in fatigued and pain, a smile still hung on my face.

Sorry for the late update.

Life was being a bitch.

But, I'm finally back.

Vahonecreators' thoughts
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