3 Testing...

Episode 3

M: "who the hell are you anyway? If you're going to be 'testing' me I at least need to know you're name"

K: "my name is Kylie. I'm the head of this serum centre and I've been working for a new stronger alternative serum one which doesn't just gift the user powers but allows them to grow with each kill they manage."

M: *Hmm, she seems to be trust worthy but I can't place it but I feel uneasy about this whole situation*

K: "lucky for you you're the first person to receive this new enhancement and so I need to keep a close eye on you. Starting tomorrow we begin you're training to become a fully fledged 'Hunter'...."

M: *that sounded Erie and I don't feel safe right now but I don't see an opportunity to escape so best to play along*

M: "What really?! I thought I'd be stuck in this room for ages being tested like some rat"

K: "I mean that can be arranged if you'd like I just thought we could help you out since you're helping our research out. And I believe the best way to test you is to throw you out into the field"

M: *she keeps saying 'we' and 'our' who else is this for I wonder how does she know I won't run away*

M: "Who controls the serum centres? I would like to know who this benefits"

K: "you sure are a curious lad haha! Umm well the government of course..."

M: *she's not who she says she is. The government doesn't control the serum centres it's a company ran by a man by the name of Andrew Mcallister*

M: "okay thank you for you're honest answers will I be able to get some sleep because I'm tired from this new enhancement drug?"

K: "of course. I'll be back in 2 hours to wake you up and get ready for out 'field work'. Sleep well"

She exits the room and I'm left alone. I begin to start scanning the room properly and realise this is a room in a psychiatric hospital. I'm a prisoner!!

I get out of bed and realise that there is a guard posted just outside my room if I can get him to come in I could knock him out and I should be able to escape. However there's no guarantee there's not more guards posted outside my room. If I'm an important as that woman said there could well be over 10 guards outside.

There's a vent above me but there's nothing I can climb on to get up to it, the bed is attached to the wall and I'm not strong enough to pull it off the wall. Maybe I could jump?

I begin to jump up and down in my room trying to get enough height on my leap as so I can grab the vent and pull off the latch.

I try for an hour and I still can't get enough height on my jump, I seem to be getting a little better but I cant seem to get enough!! I'm on a tight schedule that woman said she'd be back in 2 hours and I've already wasted half of that on jumping up and down!! It's a wonder how I'm not out of breath or anything if anything I feel better than I did before

M: "If I can't even jump 2 metres higher I don't deserve to be a Hunter!! Come on!! Maximum effort!!!!"

I leap with everything ounce of my body and I easily get to the vent and I grabbed a hold of the latch and I pulled it off.

M: "YES!!"

Finally progress! I need to get a move on though I take another breath and leap back up to the uncovered vent and proceed to pull myself up out of the room... the real challenge starts now!
