
Monster Evolutionist

Edward, a bright and talented student at an Ivy League university, is suddenly transported to a world of monsters that can be tamed. There he meets a strange rabbit and discovers that he is able to see the information about the monsters of this world. Together, Edward and the rabbit, set out on a perilous adventure to save the rest of the strange rabbit's herd. Release time: Two chapters every day, at 16:00 UTC.

WrightWater · Fantasy
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33 Chs

Chapter 2 - Saving the Herd

As Edward made his way through the dense forest, he couldn't help but feel a sense of unease. The towering trees blocked out most of the sunlight, and a thick layer of fog made it difficult to see more than a few feet in front of him. Despite the beautiful scenery, he couldn't shake the feeling that danger lurked around every corner.

"Please don't lead me into a trap," Edward muttered to the black rabbit at his side. Memories of his previous world flooded his mind, and he shuddered at the thought of meeting a violent end at the claws of some wild animal.

As they journeyed deeper into the forest, the fog began to dissipate, and Edward breathed a sigh of relief. However, the calm was short-lived as loud growls and howls echoed throughout the forest.

The pair soon arrived at a small clearing, where Edward noticed a group of black creatures hiding in burrows. To his surprise, the rabbit that had been guiding him all along quickly dashed to the burrow and began to squeak, summoning a group of black rabbits out of their hiding places.

Edward couldn't help but raise an eyebrow at the clever rabbit's actions. It seemed as though the creature had been leading him to its family all along. As he crouched down to pet one of the rabbits, he was met with hostile expressions and angry growls.

"Don't worry, I won't hurt you," he reassured them. But his words fell on deaf ears, and the rabbits continued to eye him warily.

The black rabbit that had been guiding him, however, was undeterred. It hopped to the front of the herd and began to squeak loudly, almost as if trying to convince them to trust the strange man.

Edward watched the scene with a puzzled smile, wondering at the intelligence of the creatures in this strange new world. And in a sudden flash of curiosity, he tried to summon the previous window, and to his surprise, it actually worked on the first try.

[Info Window]

Name: Black Fur Rabbit | Realm: Apprentice | Level: 3 Bloodline: Common | Elemental Affinity: Darkness | Talent Rating: 7/10

Physical Attributes: Dexterity: 4 | Strength: 3 | Agility: 5 | Endurance: 2 | Mental Attributes: Intelligence: 3 | Awareness: 2 | Spiritual Power: 1 | Spiritual Energy: 1

Evolution: Dark Fur Rabbit ( High-Grade Common Bloodline), Nether Rabbit (Mid-Grade Uncommon Bloodline)

Hidden Evolutions: There exists one potential path of evolution that has been concealed or lost.

[Info Window]

Edward scrutinized the information he had gathered about the rabbits. It appeared that most of them possessed superior strength, agility, and dexterity when compared to the White-eyed rabbit. Moreover, they also lacked the mutation part on their information window.

The mutated rabbit, with its white eyes and small stature, appeared unremarkable at first glance. However, upon closer inspection, it was evident that this particular rabbit was unique in some way. Edward patted the small creature and wondered, "What happened to your parents?"

The situation reminded Edward of the original owner of this body, as he too lost his parents at a young age. He felt a connection to the orphaned rabbits and resolved to take them under his wing. But Edward didn't know how to take all fifteen rabbits home in one trip.

The rabbits had settled down and grown accustomed to Edward's presence. Some had even started to approach him and nuzzle his legs with their tiny noses. Once the white-eyed rabbit had finished communicating with the herd, Edward picked up six of the smaller rabbits, and they set off. The mutated rabbit led the way, with Edward and the rest of the herd trailing behind.

As they walked, memories of the previous owner's experiences flooded Edward's mind, heightening his awareness of the danger in the forest. Not only were Soldier Realm Monsters plentiful, but there was also a legend of an Overlord Realm monster living in the vicinity.

The deluge of memories that flooded Edward's mind caused him to curse the person who had ever decided to construct a house in such a treacherous location. He couldn't fathom how the previous occupant of this body managed to survive in such an area.

"Living here is inviting trouble. What if a monster decided to attack my house?" Edward pondered aloud, deciding that moving out from the forest cabin should be high up on his to-do list.

As the mutated rabbit approached the white mist, it halted and glanced back at Edward and the rest of the herd. It emitted a series of high-pitched noises and gnawed on Edward's trousers once more.

Edward thought that the rabbit was instructing him to follow, and so he complied. Nevertheless, he was perplexed as to why the other rabbits were made to remain behind the mist. His suspicion towards the mist increased since the area it obscured displayed no signs of life except for the trees.

While deep in thought, Edward reached the farm and quickly released the first batch of rabbits. They peered around with wide eyes, their surroundings appearing like a utopia to them, and scampered off to explore their new home.

The white-eyed rabbit watched this scene with pride and issued a series of squeaks, reminding the rabbits to behave while they brought the remaining members of their group.

Observing the rabbit's actions, Edward grinned. Although he wasn't sure about the hierarchy within the herd, the mutated rabbit conducted itself as if it were the older brother. " So? Ready to get the rest of them?" Edward asked as he watched the white-eyed rabbit.

The white-eyed bunny lifted its front paws and let out a purr of contentment. Putting his siblings in a safe place filled him with a deep sense of happiness.

As they made their way back towards the shrouded mist, Edward began to feel his breath growing faint, a clear indication of the debilitating illness that the previous owner of this body had inherited from his father. Despite his condition, he chose not to halt their journey, uncertain whether the rabbits were safe or not.

When they found the other rabbits, Edward wanted to take them all into the mist, but the white-eyed rabbit didn't like the idea and stopped him. So, Edward decided to leave two of the biggest rabbits behind and took the rest with him.

The second trip was really hard for Edward. His whole body hurt, and he could hardly breathe. "This body is weaker than I thought," he said. "I now understand how the person who had this body before I died." Edward looked at the white-eyed rabbit, which was looking at him with worry because it knew he was in pain.

Edward's mind was at ease after a few moments of rest. "Your brothers should be your priority, not me," he said, recalling his late mother's advice to never venture into the forest and cross the mist.

The mutated rabbit approached Edward and affectionately nuzzled around his legs, showing gratitude for his help in protecting its herd.

Edward couldn't resist their cute nature and gently stroked the rabbit's head. "Let's finish this and take a break," he said.

Due to Edward's frailty, the last journey was the slowest, with frequent stops for him to catch his breath. The rabbit was initially more concerned about Edward's health than its siblings, but as they approached the end of the mist, the sounds of battle echoed all around them.

Edward and the white-eyed rabbit came to a halt, hearing the growls and howls that permeated the fog. As a peaceful inhabitant of another world, Edward was tempted to turn back and flee. However, seeing the small rabbit's unwavering determination to aid its family, he felt ashamed of his cowardice. "It's too late to give up now," he said, his resolve strengthened by the rabbit's bravery.

With the rabbit leading the way, ready to assist its siblings, Edward followed closely behind, uncertain of his ability to contribute but determined to do his best to confront whatever lurked ahead in the fog.

Thanks to everyone reading this, if you liked this chapter I would appreciate it if you could comment! This helps me stay motivated and increases the engagement of my novel!

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