
Monster Empire

In ancient times, terrible monsters, owners of colossal strength and incredible abilities, ruled everything. All of them differed among themselves in their nature, form and habitat. Some of them were intelligent, while others lived only by instinct, but they all had one thing in common, the boundless power of their eternal master, the master of life, Inmir. Inmir was the one who ruled over everything, and there were no fools in the world who wanted to fight him. His strength had no limit, and his wisdom was glorified through the ages. And then one day, the great master of this world, with the help of his all-seeing eye, foresaw a great catastrophe. The two suns that illuminated this world must have collided, and the smaller one would have been swallowed up by the larger one. But this process will be accompanied by radiation of immeasurable strength, which will wipe out all life from the face of the planet for many millions of years. Inmir, who, like a father, loved his subjects, could not sit idly by. He gathered all the most worthy at his feet, and declared that he would save his children from a terrible fate and create an impenetrable barrier deep underground that would withstand all adversity. All as one bowed to the great Lord, and by his order they created a whole country, deep underground, in the great caves of the night ...

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42 Chs


Floating Sen slowly brought his palms together. With a terrible roar, the crevice over which he levitated began to close, at the same time, a memory eater sent by his sister flew up to his forehead, which, beaming, shared with him the knowledge of the local language.

At this time, Asia, still bowing her knees and bowing her head, answered Leiko.

"So you're one of the council?" Hey Lucas, come here.

A guy ran out of the bushes literally at a gallop, his eyes wide with fear, who casually glanced at the princess bending to the ground, from which the flame of unrest raging in his heart flared up even more, and Lucas, falling at the feet of his ancestor, called out in plaintive voices:

- Oh, ancestor you wanted something from me?

- Who's that girl?

"This is Asia Borni, she is one of the leaders in charge of the council, like her grandfather, and she is also one of the top elite of the Secret Garden," he rattled.

"One of the elites, then," came the clearly angry voice of Sen descending to the ground, "So she is one of those nonentities that attacked us?"

After hearing those words, something inside Asia snapped. She simply did not believe that those fools in the council had managed to commit such a reckless and stupid act.

Attacking the ancestors is like cutting your stomach open by jumping on a spear stuck in the ground. This is suicide!

No, this is worse than suicide, this is real sabotage, betrayal, bordering on schizophrenia. After all, they are not just idiots who attacked without thinking. They are the council of the settlement, its elite and leaders, everyone is judged by them, and because of them, these two can kill everyone here without blinking an eye, being absolutely right in accordance with the ancient law.

What do you say in your defense? Sen turned to her.

- I have no excuses, I understand that according to ancient laws, the council was executed quite rightly, and I, as its leader, must follow the rest in order to atone for the shame with blood. But, if Your Excellencies the Kings permit, I would like to ask them a favor.

- What? The elf asked with a smile.

"Please, spare my people, they revere the true elves above everything and everything, I beg you, find indulgence for them in your generous hearts. My family and I are ready to do anything to earn your forgiveness for our people.

- All?!

- YES! Asia answered Leiko's sarcastic question with complete confidence.

- Gather everyone on the main street of your village, we will address the residents with a speech. It's clear? – Sen calmed down a bit and ordered the princess of the forest people in the tone of a master instructing a servant.

But Asia did not bat an eyelid, but only in the affirmative and with all respect again bowed at the feet of the two standing ones.

"Ah, yes, if you don't want us to break your frail barrier, remove it immediately, it's bothering us," Leiko said with a smile on her face in a gentle voice.

- As you command!

* * *

"My lord," Tiara's words, spoken with all possible respect, made Inmir open his eyes.

- What's the matter?

"Forgive me for distracting you, Vladyka, from the contemplation of life, but Mr. Kaisar came with a report. What to say to him?

- Let him come in.

Having bowed, the girl elegantly left the throne room, after which, in less than a couple of seconds, the door opened again and the king who entered gave the Ruler a deep bow.

"O he who rules the world, your servant salutes you.

— Did you learn something, Kaisar? asked Vladyka monotonously.

"I just received a full report from the shadow spirits related to the stone giant kingdom.

- It would be interesting to listen, report back.

"The fact is that there is no kingdom as such. The Shadows discovered a huge manufacturing city, apparently created by alchemists, in which thousands of stone golems are constantly creating their own kind and, reviving them through the introduction of solar stones, are stored in huge underground caverns, apparently awaiting orders. But there are no orders, and it cannot be, there is not a single living being left in the city. Most likely, the creator of these stone giants died long ago, only now his programmed creations are alive and well, actively carrying out the task entrusted to them. According to the reports, the golems clearly know their duties. Some create an army, the second transfer and store it in caves, the third monitor the serviceability of the first two groups and replace workers who have worn out from time to time. The very same created army,

Inmir listened to the report with a blank face that showed no emotion.

- What about security?

- The whole city is entangled in a stony whirlwind, a kind of golem, too, but unusually created. This creature consists of hundreds of thousands of stones of various sizes, bound by the power of a magical seal that is located in the center of their so-called city. I think that it is thanks to this guard that weak races like humans know almost nothing about the kingdom of the stone giants, because they simply died during any attempt at reconnaissance.

"Hmm, perhaps we should study this place better, can the shadows themselves get all the information they need?"

- Unfortunately, no. In some places, due to the presence of a huge amount of sunstone, with which golems are revived, shadows cannot properly reconnoiter. Therefore, some parts of the kingdom that are important, in my opinion, are inaccessible to them.

"I see, then it's worth sending a group that can do it.

- Of course! Should I prepare it myself?

— No, I'll take care of it myself, and you're still free, Kaisar.

- I'm listening!

* * *

After the King of the Fallen left and Lord Inmir was left alone, he slightly raised his hand and snapped his fingers. And night seemed to fall on the throne room.

Everything was swallowed up by a hopeless darkness, in which not a single living being could see beyond.

Before the Lord of life, the lord of the night appeared, a man as if woven from darkness itself - Leozard.

Taking on a tangible form, he, like darkness itself, dressed in a mantle, appeared before his Master.

All that distinguished him from the void were two small flames smoldering under the hood of his cape sewn from bits of night.

"Report, Leozard, how are my kids, are they coping with their mission?"