
Monster Empire

In ancient times, terrible monsters, owners of colossal strength and incredible abilities, ruled everything. All of them differed among themselves in their nature, form and habitat. Some of them were intelligent, while others lived only by instinct, but they all had one thing in common, the boundless power of their eternal master, the master of life, Inmir. Inmir was the one who ruled over everything, and there were no fools in the world who wanted to fight him. His strength had no limit, and his wisdom was glorified through the ages. And then one day, the great master of this world, with the help of his all-seeing eye, foresaw a great catastrophe. The two suns that illuminated this world must have collided, and the smaller one would have been swallowed up by the larger one. But this process will be accompanied by radiation of immeasurable strength, which will wipe out all life from the face of the planet for many millions of years. Inmir, who, like a father, loved his subjects, could not sit idly by. He gathered all the most worthy at his feet, and declared that he would save his children from a terrible fate and create an impenetrable barrier deep underground that would withstand all adversity. All as one bowed to the great Lord, and by his order they created a whole country, deep underground, in the great caves of the night ...

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42 Chs

Chapter 33

Apart from a number of surviving columns that once supported the now defunct ceiling, and miraculously surviving outer walls, there was in fact nothing in it.

On the dilapidated masonry, weeds sprouted, and in the heaps of construction debris that formed, numerous field rodents lived, completely satisfied with their living conditions.

Naturally, there was no runestone, seals, or any other objects of magical orientation, not to mention the fact that any of this would work.

"As I thought, there's absolutely nothing here, but it's relatively safe here, isn't it?" ask Sen, turning to Elionese, who, surrounded by her daughters, was examining the flowers.

— Yes, usually no one goes to the ruins, especially to the temple, the inhabitants already have something to do.

"I see, well, then we'll hide nearby and set fire to the development of events, what do you think Leiko?" … Why are you silent?

Looking towards his sister, he found her unconscious on the stone floor.

Airi, Airi, what's the matter with you?!

Turning around at Elionez's scream, Sen saw two unconscious twins.

"What's happening? Is this an attack? But then why are we okay with the elf? Stop! What do Leiko and the twins have that we don't? Of magic! Is this some kind of special attack that only works on creatures with magical powers? But who is attacking, and from where?

* * *

Walking along the main road towards the area of ​​the abandoned temple, Kyo suddenly stopped.

"What is it, my body seems to be torn from the inside, and my mind is clouded. Have I been spotted and attacked? No, the light illusion is still working, and there is not a single living being within a kilometer radius ... Then what is it?

Kio was breathing deeply, his body was sweating heavily, and his legs began to give way under his own weight. Never before, the ancestor of true people, did not feel so bad.

"If I don't do something, I will soon lose consciousness. But I don't even know what is attacking me, how to resist it? Maybe…"

[Mist Element. Sphere of absorption.] - Obeying the spell, something dark opened up under Kyo's feet, and emitting steam, expanded to the sides, shaving more and more volume. And then, this living darkness, having taken the form of a sphere, hid its summoner from this mortal world. Completely protecting it from any outside influences.

"I definitely got better, which means the impact was external. And I was already afraid that they had poisoned me ... Anyway, the situation still remains difficult, because I have no idea how exactly the impact was made, and from what distance the attack was made. Perhaps it was at all full-scale, and not local, although it is difficult to believe in this. On the other hand, if they attacked me individually, then when they saw the sphere, they immediately did something ... In any case, the sphere is too conspicuous, the five-meter black ball is hard to miss, and even on the road. Damn…"

* * *

A little earlier…

The main temple of Lango City.

The runestone standing in the very center of the building, shone, trembled, opening perhaps the largest teleportation portal in the history of the island.

Never before have the ministers of this temple seen the like. Dozens of higher beings, one by one, emerged from the portal, paying no attention to the kneeling elves.

And so, when the number of foreigners reached four hundred, a three-meter emerald, tear-shaped, shining dark blue, floated out of the portal, levitating. And as soon as this happened, the portal closed, and the foreigners, stretching out their hands to the emerald, began to make a hissing rhythmic sound. Why the crystal, vibrating, changed color, turning bright green.

Satisfied with this phenomenon, the foreigners, having created a circle of a hundred individuals near the crystal, again began to make some incomprehensible sounds, due to which the crystal began to flicker rhythmically.

The rest, of which there were three hundred, teleported outside, where a hundred of them remained to guard the temple, while the others, divided into four equal groups, scattered to the cardinal points.

* * *

After making Leiko and the twins comfortable, Sen ordered Elionese to monitor their well-being and report any changes to him. He himself headed towards a small hill, which was not far from the ruins of the temple.

"From this vantage point, I can view most of the western ruins, so I should be able to spot the enemy advance if there is one. Although if you think about it, well, I will see these creatures, and then what? Besides the trump card in the form of an artifact, I have nothing, at best I can kill the pursuers if they go in a fairly dense group ... Perhaps we should move away from the temple, if this is the work of those blue-skinned people, they can guess our location. And even though I don't know their thought patterns, I can't risk it."

Just as Sen decided to go downstairs and tell Elionese about his plan, a group of creatures flying at high speed flickered in the distance. And although they were at quite a decent distance from the elf, the incredibly sharp natural vision completely gave him the opportunity to see them. These were the same mysterious creatures that had stripped him of his magic, turning the once-crowned prince of the elven family into some pathetic insect.

But now there was no time for malice, revenge or even hatred, for the number of these creatures was about fifty.

"Why are there so many? What should I do?"

Suddenly, still stunned, Sen saw the group heading towards them, turning, flying back, somewhere in the direction of the main road that connected the city of Lango and the western ruins.

* * *

Above the sphere, which was darker than night, hovered several hundred unknown creatures, clearly hostile.

"Yes, where are there so many of them, before I had time to blink an eye, how their number grew from fifty to two hundred. And I still can't get out of this sphere, because I immediately begin to lose strength ... You can't imagine worse ... "