
2. Slimes: Weak but Dangerous

Slimes, small round blobs that sluggishly move around. In all MMORPG's, slimes are the most common. They come in different sizes, forms, colors, and types. Also, they are the easiest monster and is usually the first monster to tame in any taming game. I think I had hundreds of slimes on Monster World.

I watch as the slime bounces towards me. In a way, it is kinda cute. I squat down to get a better look at it. When I do, it jumps towards me and lands on top of my head... Well, it more correct to say that it 'ate' my head since my head is now inside its body. Shit! I can't breathe...

The weakest monster in every game is currently killing me by suffocation. How humiliating... Luckily, it jumps off after 30 seconds but it did try to kill me. I collapse and took deep breaths. While I do, I watch the slime bounce to more places. One place was a flower. It jumps onto the flower and puts it into its body. After a moment, it jumps away.

The flower stays as it was before; however, it slowly looks like it is breaking down or dissolving. After about a minute passes, the flower disappears into the ground. That was... terrifying. Are slimes strong in this world?

Suddenly a window interrupts me as I watch the slime.

- Now able to tame the monster [Slime]! Will you do this? Y/N -

Huh? Oh, that's right. I have the taming ability. Well, if slimes are strong in this world, then hell yeah I want one! "Yes!"

- Understood. Taming the monster [Slime]... Successful! Would you like to give it a name? -

Name, huh? I stop giving monsters a name after collecting thousands of them but this is my first REAL monster tame. I should definitionally name it but what? How about... Ru? I like it.

"Yes. I will name this slime, Ru!"

- Finalizing... [Ru the Slime] is officially tamed. You can see Ru's stats within your system. -

Ooh! This is getting more fun by the minute. I haven't seen my stats yet so I might as well check both of ours.

As I think about this, Ru is bouncing around my feet. Judging by this, it likes to stick near me. Cool, I can't lose it that way.

Nevermind that, I want to see our stats! How do I open it again? Oh, right. "System Open!"

- Opening the System... successful! Showcasing your status:






Health Regeneration:






Mana Regeneration:




Tamed Monsters: