

Hiro was current sitting on top of his head on the cliff and meditating, he had been doing this for a few days now. He was trying to absorb the Nature Chakra and merge it with his own, he guessed that he could be in Sage Mode at all times, and that would be a power boost so why not?

Turns out Sage Mode is harder than he thought.

He continued to meditate, sitting perfectly still as Naruto and the rest went out on missions to find Itachi, Jiraya went to Pain, etc.

Hiro found out that Sakura already had her Eternal Mangekyo Byakugan/Sharingan. It was very beautiful, it looked like a flower! Except instead of red it was pure white, so it was white and black.

(Image Here.... I swear to god if I post this chap and 2 seconds later I get a 'Where Image' comment, I will stop writing.)

Sakura smiled happily and explained that she can do all sorts of things. Hiro figured out what 'all sorts of thing' was. This little girl's eyes were fucking insane. Basically with her eyes she can summon a white Susanoo and use Amaterasu... Not just that, but since she can see inside their bodies at their chakra coils, she can start Amaterasu INSIDE someone's body!



As if that wasn't bad enough, that was only one eye. Her other eye, could flip the world and make people feel like they were on a floating flower petal.

It was a crazy Genjutsu ability.

Basically what it did was it disoriented the enemy and twisted their body around in the illusion. When they fall onto the flower petal in the illusion, their body becomes a flower in real life.

Like what.

It was like a Genjutsu and Ninjutsu mix!

Hiro was absolutely floored with it, he could not comprehend why it was so broken. When it becomes the Rinne-Byakugan-Sharingan what would happen then? Could she just destroy planets? He patted her head gently saying that she was the strongest and that he loves her.

The little girl gave him a big wide smile and hugged him before skipping away.

Hinata had come a long way with her Byakugan but it wasn't a Tenseigan yet. Who knew what that fucking thing would do.

Hiro smiled softly from his meditation pose, all his kids were right on track to become huge monsters and he was the happiest one out of them all.


His horns grew out a little bit and his pupils slitted themselves. His blue scalerae expanded slightly, coming to a point at the top. He let out a breath of air and felt the Nature Energy in his body.

[Congratulations! You've unlocked Sage Mode!]

[Sage Mode is Permanent.]

[You've acquired Sage Body!]

Hiro groaned in comfort and got up from his seated position. He looked at the sky and noticed it was just becoming day again, which was weird because he started at dawn. He went home and Zerotwo looked at him saying "Where did you go?"

Hiro said "I got this thing called Sage Body. You should get it too!" Zerotwo said "You've been gone for a week." Hiro's mouth made an 'O' as he said "What? Must've took longer than I thought... It felt like a blink for me..." she rolled her eyes and held out her arms, pouting "I want to snuggle."

Hiro smiled softly and snuggled into her arms, twisting around and getting comfortable before falling asleep.

The next day

Hiro was sitting in his house watching Eri and Yami play around. That Yami kid was 9 months old. He could copy what others said but he had trouble speaking himself and formulating sentences. He was super cute though. One time he walked over and said "Dada... Malk."

Hiro didn't know what he was trying to say because he heard 'Malt' he highly doubted that Yami wanted Malt Liquor so he called Zerotwo, who fed him. Hiro watched the event and Zerotwo shook her head at him, he clicked his tongue and sulked.


Currently, he was just sitting down and watching the kids as Zerotwo went out for something. Asuma was not dead so everyone was happy and Kurenai revealed she was pregnant, Asuma was thrilled and thankful that Hiro saved his life.

Hiro waved him off when he came to thank him, saying it wasn't a big deal and if he was really thankful, just take it easy and but some stuff from his shops. Asuma was helpless, but still thankful and decided to make Hiro the godfather to his child.

Hiro was floored at that revelation and didn't really know what to say. In the end, Shikamaru said it for him and he accepted it.

Though, none of that matters because he was chilling on the couch right now. He leaned sank and sunk into the clouds before opening 6 Mythical Mystery Chests, having 21 of them.

[Congratulations! You've received Ultimate God Tree Seed!]

[Congratulations! You've received True Chakra Fruit!]

[Congratulations! You've received Upgrade Path Clearer!]

[Congratulations! You've received Asura Otsutsuki cells!]

[Congratulations! You've received Devil Fruit Item knowledge!]

[Congratulations! You've received Tailed Beast Creation Token!]

[Upgrade Path Clearer added to Super Kai Potential Unlocker!]

Hiro looked at the God Tree Seed, it was planted in the Inner Farm and looked like a normal tree except it produced True Chakra fruits! Hiro was confused as it looked nothing like the God Tree in the anime so he looked at the description.

[Ultimate God Tree: Produces True Chakra fruits without the need to absorb the Chakra in the air. This God Tree is an optimized version of the original created by the system.]

Hiro realized and looked at the True Chakra fruit in his hands. He mumbled to himself and went downstairs to the Giant Lacrima. He took the fruit and a merge token and smashed them against the Lacrima.

The Lacrima glowed brightly before transforming into a Giant Diamond shape crystal that spun slowly. The house was immediately filled with Chakra as well as Mana. Hiro felt refreshed and noticed that the Chakra was just as good as the Nature Chakra outside, if not better!

Now he didn't even have to leave!

What a joy!

Hiro looked at the Asura Otsutsuki Cells and fumbled with them going to his lab to start researching.

A while later

Hiro was able to create more of the cells and walked out of the lab, calling Konohamaru over and injecting them into him to see what happens. Turns out, nothing happens. Konohamaru felt like he just got a whole lot stronger and Hiro checked to see that he now had massive Chakra reserves. He gawked and gave Konohamaru Mokuton in a jutsu scroll before sending him off.

Konohamaru was thrilled, he got Rasengan from Naruto and now Mokuton from his old sensei! What a happy life he has!

Hiro sat back on the couch and took out the tailed beast token before crushing it, a screen popped up in front of him.

[Think about the beast you would like.]

Hiro closed his eyes and thought of the most detailed thing in the entire world. There was only one beast for him and he smirked at the thought.

[Congratulations! You've acquired Ten Tails (Created)]

Hiro smiled at the 3 headed dog with ten tails ending in arrows behind it. That's right! He thought of a ten tailed Cerberus. He liked the dog quite a lot actually! He thought it was pretty cute, unfortunately if anybody heard his thoughts they might just run away in terror.

Cerberus looked terrifying, not that it was ugly, but it just looked vicious and mean. In reality, he was a good boy. Cerberus' chakra merged with Hiro's and didn't induce any changes.

[Host can pass down Cerberus to anyone else without any fear of death.]

Hiro nodded to this, it would be good as he more so did it for fun. Cerberus was cute and all but he didn't provide him with a significant power boost, but he could leave a Jinchuriki out in the world! That was a good time!

Hiro was satisfied with that, he wondered who would get it. Sakura didn't need it, Naruto had one, Sasuke... Anyway, Hinata didn't need one. The rest of the Genin from Naruto weren't going to get it. Maybe someone from Boruto?

Hiro hummed to himself and realized he had the perfect candidate. We'll see what happens.

Time passed

Hiro was getting acquainted with Cerberus, who had an almost childlike personality. Hiro was teaching him about the world and all the things, specifically making him not evil. Last thing he needed was an evil pupper on the loose.

Hiro was talking when he felt something and disappeared.

He continued to narrate for Cerberus as he picked up Jiraya from the water and returned to his house.

He healed Jiraya and fed him an Ultimate Healing potion before sending him to the hospital and sitting back on the couch as he continued to teach Cerberus everything about the Naruto world. Cerberus started calling him 'Papa' and Hiro smiled, he basically was anyway. He created him and was teaching him about life, what was the difference.

Maybe they should go out for a test drive some time.

Cerberus Mode!

That would be cool.

He leaned back and fantasized as he waited for Itachi to die.

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