
The Celestial Pearl and the Unknown Book

In the Exit Valley of Glory City, Yang Yin had come back to life after being chosen by both a Heavenly Pearl and a woman broker as their master.

Yang Yin was sleeping peacefully.

Suddenly opening her eyes was a look of shock and not understanding what was going on on his face.

Yang Yin, "Didn't I die, why am I alive? Is this a chance from heaven?"

Yang Yin looked at herself. Her wound was gone. There was a black foul-smelling substance on his body.

Suddenly, he noticed on his palm a symbol that Yang Yin recognized. It was the pearl that he had inherited from her mother.

Suddenly, information about a pearl appeared in Yang Yin's head, which made her shocked again as he knew the truth about the Celestial Treasures, despite the information he had obtained that she was unable to believe.

Yang Yin "This… This."

Yang Yin couldn't find the right words so he chuckled at me until it turned into a crazy laugh.

Yang Yin: "Hahahahahahahahahahaha I don't know how my mom got such a treasure but don't worry mom your son will use your inheritance to me stand on top of the world."

After that, Yang Yin calmed down and began organizing information and a plan.

Yang Yin, "The first thing I need to fear is the secret of a Heavenly Pearl. The second thing I need to know is the recipe in order to refine pills. Although a Heavenly Pearl does this, I need to know three ingredients. I need a proper cultivation technique. The most important thing is to take a bath, because I will die from the smell."

Yang Yin stood up and started to climb up a valley, as he noticed that her strength became even stronger after purifying the poisons from his body.

After going upstairs, Yang Yin went to Qomei Lake. He took off his clothes and threw them away. He descended into a lake.

After that, Yang Yin walked out of the lake wearing another clothes.

Get ready to head back towards the glorious city.

After infiltration, he entered the glorious city, crowded with people. There were many merchants and shops.

There are plenty of resources of herbs, weapons, and low-rank demon souls.

Yang Yin looked at a shop that sold Red Rose Herb.

Suddenly information appeared about the properties of the red flower and the correct method by which I can use it.

Yang Yin <It seems like I'm worried about knowing the properties of herbs. It seems like a plan that needs adjusting>

While he was traveling, the Celestial Pearl was showing the properties of herbs and her mind was recording them, as he had been distinguished since her childhood by my photographic memory, so memorizing these things was simple, especially after cleaning his body of toxins.

While walking around, he noticed a crowd when he approached and found that it was Shen Yue, Ye Ziyun, and a group of girls.

Whereas, Shen Yue was bragging in front of Ye Ziyun.

While the girls blushed.

Yang Yin looked at them with a dull look and then shot off.

The moment of Yi Ziyun, Yang Yin between the crowd and how he left.

Ye Ziyun was no stranger to Yang Yin. He and Xiao Ning'er had been childhood friends, but that had disappeared.

When Yang Yin didn't find anything interesting I decided to go home.

When he reached her house, he found an uninvited guest.

He was one of the elders of the Snow Wind family.

Yang Yin "I salute a respected elder"

Elder "Yang Yin, how are you?"

Yang Yin: "Fine, what made a respectable elder come to such a humble home?"

Elder, "Alright Yang Yin, I'm here to give you a box left by your father and also send Glory City Chief your academy entry papers and Spiritual Energy Condensation Pills for me."

Yang Yin took out the black box left by him and his son, login papers, and a bag of Spiritual Energy Condensation Pills.

Yang Yin, "Pass my regards to City Chief."

After a few words, an elder left.

Yang Yin looked at a chest that did not open to the blood of a chest owner.

After Yang Yin Bi dropped a drop of blood, a discussion appeared on a chest.

When he opened a box.

There was a black book and a black venus. When he looked at the entrance of Venus, he discovered the presence of a demon spirit.

When he picked up a book and started turning the page, nothing, yes, nothing important, he turned nothing.

Yang Yin: sigh, what did my father leave? Nothing, it has the value of two yen. Well, at least I have a demon spirit. Let me see the pills sent by a city chief.

When he looked at beans, information about beans, ingredients, defects, and grade appeared.

Yang Yin, "Damn you, my father's city chief died shielding your back, so you do his child, but the Heavenly Pearl's dress is different."

Yang Yin sat in the lotus shape and sent spiritual energy into his hand to find itself in a place that was green sky and red earth. There were so many rare herbs that if they appeared, they would make war on him.

Yang Yin, "Wow, is this a Heavenly Pearl's income realm? Look at all the rare herbs. With this alone, I will stand at the top of the realm. Where can I purify this pill?"

There were ten pills in Yang Yin's palm.

Just as that Heavenly Pearl heard Yang Yin's command, she began refining pills.

An hour later, the pills that were originally of first grade had turned into grade five.

Yang Yin, "Wow, the Heavenly Pearl deserves to be a Heavenly Treasures."

After that, Yang Yin walked out of the Heavenly Pearl realm and had me take out a single pill because he didn't want anyone to find out about the existence of a rank five pill and didn't want a Heavenly Pearl to be revealed.

Yang Yin swallowed a pill after which spiritual energy began to surge.

In an hour, I can reach a two-star Bronze rank.

But he stopped because he who reached absorbing a pill would explode his body.

Yang Yin, "So I am a two-star Bronze rank spiritualist, but my body has not entered the Bronze Martial rank, so I have to cultivate my body."

Yang Yin decided to rake the fire and prepare the bait but after searching she did not have many lumberjack suddenly remembered the black book.

Yang Yin, "Alright, Father, thank you for your inheritance. I will put it to good use."

And he threw it into a fire.

When a book started to ignite a strange symbol appeared when Yang Yin turned around a cloud of a book that had caught me completely suddenly strange symbols began to appear in me in the air and the ground and headed towards Yang Yin where in the moment that touched his body he felt an unbearable pain important about his strength it did not work where He fainted.

Strange symbols were spreading throughout his entire body and began to gather in his forehead where a sun symbol appeared.


The end of the chapter ❤️