
The mental turmoil

Adina was sitting in the cafeteria with a cuppa as suggested by her best friend. Inside her head a turmoil was going on. She wasn't sure what she should do.

'You know Adina, everybody was right. Its impossible to get an interview from the Simmons brothers',the rational side of her mind said.

The other side argued,'But what would hurt if you give it a try?'

'Krystal is right, you know. You've gone insane. Totally mad.'

'Even if it could turn out futile but still there's at least a 0.000001% chance that you could succeed.'

'Yeah and what about the chances that you could not? How are you even giving it a second though? Like seriously.. how?'

'Just imagine if you succeeded, your life could be much more comfortable. You'll get a raise and a promotion, for sure.'

'Shut up, would you? The task in hand is impossible.'

'It's only a one time opportunity and you are not the one who gives up.'

'You need mental help.'

'Make up your mind now, Adina. You don't have much time.'

'Adina, NO! Don't waste your time over this.'

'Give it a try. We'll see how it turns out to be.'


'One try!'

'Not at all.'

'Just once, Adina. Just once!'

She got up from her seat and said,"I made up my mind. Trying won't hurt anyone and this is a rare opportunity. Just once!" With her mind made up with firm determination, she went for the director's office.

When she told the director that she was willing to give it a try, he was more than delighted. He told her that all her expenses will be reimbursed by the company and also it was fine to not report to work on a daily basis. The only problem was, she got a time limit. One month, that's all she was gonna get. She thanked her director and left his office.

When she told Krystal that she took up on the job, Krystal looked at her with eyes full of disbelief. After another moment of awkward silence she said,"I can get you a certificate of insanity now. I already knew you weren't normal and now, your actions proved me right.''

Adina brushed it off and they both went back to work. As it was a Friday, they both decided to stop by for a drink in a bar nearby their office building. Adina was a light drinker but Krystal always surpassed her tolerance level.

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