
Where Is dad

Hello, my name is Samantha. Today my mom got up and made me breakfast, and like most breakfasts, it was bacon and eggs. My brother, who is usually annoying, was not this morning. That's how I knew today was going to be a good day....However there was a catch. He was too nice. Nicer than ever before, as if he were hiding something. Mom was acting strange too. I ran upstairs to tell dad good morning, but he wasn't in bed. That's when I knew something was up. I asked my mom where my dad was, but she didn't respond. She just stopped dead in her tracks and had a blank stare on her face, as if she had seen a ghost. So I asked my brother and he said "Dad? Oh dad! He went to work early this morning. " Mom had looked relived to hear him say that me. On the other hand.... Well.... I was very confused because dad didn't have work today, it was a Saturday. My dad, John, worked only on week days at a bank and is 48 years old. My mom, Shelly, stayed home and took care of my brother and is 45 years old. My brother, Mark, worked at a fast food restaurant called Pluto's and is 18 years old. And me, Samantha or Sam, I am 14 years old and my life is perfect.... well that's what people tell me of course, but that's far from the truth. I tried calling my dad, but no answer. I soon found out my mom had his phone but did not bother to tell me. Her excuse was "Oh, he left it here. I just found it on the night stand. I guess he must have forgotten it." I just rolled my eyes in frustration. Later that night at dinner, dad still wasn't home and I asked mom where he was. "He is at a business convention, he is not going to be here for a week." she answered with slight hesitation. I said "He is at a business convention and you did not tell me?" Then I asked my brother if he knew and he said he did. I was very confused. Dinner tonight tasted funny. It was ground beef I think.... It looked like it, but didn't taste like it.... When mom was cooking it I think I saw some bones. Mom just told me to keep eating when I tried to complain about where dad was. It went on like this the whole week. Today is Monday 12:27pm and dad is supposed to come back today. It's now 7:39pm and dad is still not home. I keep trying to ask mom why, but her response for everything today is "I'm not sure just be patient." It's really annoying at this point since she was doing this all day. Tuesday 3:53pm and dad is not home. At this point I think he is not coming back and we are having the same dinner we were having all week. I went in moms room when she was cooking so I could snoop around. I wanted to see if I could find anything to help me figure out what happened to dad. I went in her restroom and found a severed torso in the bathtub and there were chuncks of flesh missing. I looked to see if there was anything to help me see who it was. I saw a scar on the stomach where I knew my dad had had surgery. I screamed but no sound came out. I ran to my room and tried not to tear up. Then it hit me, they were eating him! I called my mom to my room after my mom and brother finished eating. How could she do this? How could she eat him? . I slammed the door. I asked her to take a seat and I locked the door as soon as she did. I started questioning her. She answered in truth because this could not be a random guess of her killing her own husband. She told me everything I needed to know about what happened. She said "Yes, I killed your father." "But why!" I yelled and burst into tears. "Its ok sweetie." She said trying to comfort me, but I could not be comforted right now. "Tell me why right now!" I yelled at the top of my lungs. "Me and your father were out shopping and a man grabbed you're father and put a knife to his neck and demanded money. Of course I gave it to him, but he killed you're father and ran. We had been tight on money now because you're father was the only one with a good job, so we had no money for food, and we needed to eat. The rest of the money was spent on water and power and it will turn off soon. Since we had no more money we had to eat him." She said weeping. The power had just turned off at the end of her confession. "Why wouldn't you tell me this mom!" I said. She said it was to keep me safe, but I did not mind any of this because dad was rude to me. I would have killed him anyways but I'm glad someone did it for me. I would have been in big trouble. -THE END