
Modern Magus Era

20 years into magic being introduced in everybody's daily lives, there are ever growing obvious signs of First Global Magus War along with several Civil Wars. In such chaotic times, Asnor has awakened as a Magus and he also strives to be a very powerful magus. >AUTHOR NOTE: ->I will definitely complete this novel. My first novel had problems in word building since I had just rushed it by transferring my imagined story into words. I will fix it later on as soon I finish writing this novel. ->The plot won't be dragged at all since like I said in first point, I would like to finish writing this story as soon as possible. ->The plot won't be rushed as long as I enjoy writing this novel. Currently, I enjoy writing the novel a lot. Or maybe the parts where I don't enjoy it, I just write them in as much fast pace possible. ->The plot won't be repetitive at all. That's kind of like my motto or policy when writing this novel since I don't enjoy writing repetitive parts. ->Writing is a hobby, not profession. So, the novel will have a lot of passion placed in it but there will be grammar problems since English ain't my native language. I would need the assistance of readers to correct my grammar problems.

fauxis · Fantasy
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19 Chs

Magus's Infiltration

Inside a empty room inside XXX hotel near Rabourne tournament ground,

Asnor was sitting on the tile floor with his folded legs crossed.

Asnor was trying to figure out more about the dragon lord's hideout.

'Why is my visionary power incapable of figuring out the danger level of this dragon lord hideout?'

In Asnor's otherworldly view, Asnor could see many lines of connection between the dragon hideout and the surroundings around itself.

'Connection between the tournament ground and the hideout is very intense. But I can't just enter the hideout's domain. When I think about the life threating magical guards inside elf lord's hideout and other kind of magical traps, I can't help but become extremely wary of this dragon lord's hideout.'

'From what I have read in the elf lord's journal, the dragon lord is the strongest living being. In fact, the elf lord even believed that the dragon lord could beat all the other lords by himself even though there was no proof for it. The elf lord had only subordinated himself to dragon lord when he was weak. Other lords also never tried to pick a fight with the dragon lord due to his insane strength and army. So, the elf lord never knew about dragon lord's true strength.'

Then suddenly out of nowhere, Asnor's vision zoomed into an inside view of the dragon's hideout. But it was all black. Asnor couldn't see anything. Asnor wondered as to what's the point of this kind of vision.

'Why can't I see anything? Damn it! I thought I would get an idea regarding the threat level of this hideout to my own life.'

It was at that moment, Asnor saw an eye appearing out of nowhere.

Asnor shrieked because of the super intense danger feeling that he was feeling towards the eye.

Asnor's eyes then opened.

"AAAHH!", Asnor screamed because of the intense pain he was feeling from his eyes.

He fell on the tile floor from his sitting position and twisted his body because of the intense pain he was feeling. Blood slowly started flowing out of his eyes.

"sob sob"

Asnor was crying under the intense pain he felt.

"It hurts. Damn it! What was that eye?!"

It was at that moment, Asnor suddenly came into his senses and looked around. He saw the same room.

'That eye! Could the hideout have sensed my presence? I need to get out of here.'

Asnor then teleported himself out of the hotel room to somewhere far away.

Somewhere on a grassland near the Rabourne tournament ground, Asnor suddenly appeared by means of his teleportation power.

Asnor grunted since he was still feel the pain due to the vision he had.

Asnor then fell onto the ground. The magical cloak then enveloped Asnor's entire body.

The magical cloak envelopment lasted for around 10 minutes before transforming into it's original form.

Asnor could be seen breathing slowly. He didn't feel like he was in pain anymore. There is no sign of blood flowing out of his own eyes.

'Thankfully, this magical cloak of mine had the healing ability. Or else...'

Asnor shivered upon imagining himself slowly healing from the injuries he had suffered upon witnessing the eye.

'I wonder what that eye was about? It seems like the dragon lord's hideout cannot be infiltrated. I truly wanted to get another magical item like this magical cloak.'

Asnor sighed heavily.

It was at that moment, Asnor's eyes lit up that had black blue color.

It didn't take that long before Asnor returned to his senses.

"HAHAHA", Asnor laughed.

"It seems like there is a way. But a test? That's what I felt when I saw the method to get inside that dragon lord's hideout. It seems like my visions also includes feelings."

Asnor then tilted his head as if he was confused.

"If that's the case..., could this be an improvement of my visionary power? Interesting.'

Asnor then laid on the grass and thought, 'There is nothing I know that of my visionary power that I can is hundred percent true.'

Asnor sighed but he decided to not think much about his visionary power since it's a power that didn't make sense from the very beginning.

Asnor then slowly got up.

'It's time to go back. I just need to confirm this method to get inside the dragon lord's hideout.'

'I also need to probably be involved in this competition. Through this method, I can get inside the dragon lord's hideout. I don't know much. I only know that the word 'test' is associated with getting inside dragon lord's hideout. The test might be related to competition.'

Asnor then wrinkled his eyebrows.

'Getting involved in this competition through legal means is impossible. Illegal method is the only way to participate in this tournament. I don't know if it's a must to get involved in this competition to get inside the hideout but there is no harm in trying it out.'

Thus, Asnor teleported himself towards somewhere near the Rabourne tournament ground.

Around 2 months later,

Inside a training ground in Hynix state, one female was facing off against 2 males and 1 female.

The group of three had worried expressions as they faced off against Eric Miller, a 17 year old with red coloured hair, red coloured eyebrow, tanned skin, flashy red black coloured shirt.

"Don't be so tense. We're just going to have a sparring session. We need to spar quite often to win the tournament. Hahaha."

But others didn't laugh at all.

One of them was named Arche who had brown colored hair, normal training clothes, peach colored skin.

Another one was named Quarus who had black colored hair, huge body, thick training clothes.

Finally, last one was a female named Lisa who had black colored log hair reaching up to her waist, normal training clothes.

Arche said, "You are not wearing the training clothes. Instructor won't like this if he sees you."

"It's not like she is gonna beat me up. So, I am gonna still wear these clothes. Hahaha.", Eric laughed.

Eric kept laughing as other three didn't laugh at all.

"Anyway, we were gonna spar, right? Then, shall we begin in 10 seconds."

Eric smiled like a friendly neighborhood guy but others didn't think so.

Arche, Quarus and finally Lisa took on their stances. Quarus stood in front while Lisa stood behind him. Arche just stood in front of Quarus with an attitude as if he would at any time move behind Quarus.

By the time ten seconds was over, Arche slashed both of his hands which produced wind blades towards Eric.

Just as the wind slashes was about to arrive in front of Eric, Eric just swept his right hand towards the wind slashes which in turn created bright yellow reddish magic as it blocked the wind slashes. The temperature rose slightly around Eric. It seemed like the magic he produced was fire and not fire. It's an unique magic.

Arche quickly jumped and twisted his body and released wind slashes from his legs and hands towards Eric Miller. Eric Miller just blocked these wind slashes with his magic by swiping his hands in the direction of wind slashes. Eric then slowly started moving towards the group of three.

Lisa moved forward ahead Quarus and formed two water whips which she then started spinning.

Spinning of two water whip started blowing wind in Eric's direction. Arche's wind slashes then started getting stronger. The new wind slashes were as long as a normal man at the age of 18.

Eric spoke, "Hoho. This is a nice change of pace."

Eric started focusing and his hand sweeps started producing much more intense magic that blocked against the wind slashes.

The air vibrated under such intense clashes.

Lisa gritted her teeth when she had realized that the new plan that the trio had come up with had failed.

Quarus wrinkled his eyebrows upon seeing the upcoming defeat yet again. Quarus focused and white colored flat blocks started appearing around himself. Lisa and Arche had a hopeful expression on their face when they noticed Quarus using his magic.

Eric also noticed Quarus using his magic. But he just smiled and said, "This is interesting compared to the pitiful performance you guys had shown me before."

Quarus then swiped both of his hands in Eric's direction.

The white colored blocks dashed towards Eric in a curved motion.

Eric put on a very serious expression on his face and his body started giving signs of concentrated magic.

Quarus stopped having the blocks move in Eric's direction and moved them in different directions.

Eric's body started flashing with his magic. It seemed as if he was the sun itself. Eric then dashed in Arche's direction in a zig zag motion.

Quarus started having his white colored flat blocks move in Eric's direction. He tried but Eric was too fast for him to correctly have the white colored flat blocks move in Eric's direction

Lisa made sure to have her spinning water whips in Eric's direction. But she couldn't. Eric was too fast for her to figure out on how to use her magic against Eric.

Arche gritted his teeth. He could also run fast but not as fast as Eric.

Arche thought inwardly, 'Just like before. He is just playing with us. How could someone co young be so fast. He is too overpowered. Is he even 17 years old?'

It was at that moment, Eric appeared right in front of Arche.

Eric then concentrated and just had the magic enveloping over his right hand retreat such that only the part of his hand with which he will hit Arche with will not have magic.

Arche grunted as he was hit in stomach by Eric and was pulled away from Eric.

White colored flat blocks then started moving in Eric's direction yet again. Lisa didn't know what to do.

She could have her water whips hit Eric but she knew that it wouldn't have much of an effect since Eric's magic is kind of like a counter against her water whips, it's like fire magic but much more lethal.

Eric didn't stop as he arrived next in front of Lisa in a flash after dodging Quarus's white colored flat blocks and punched on her stomach in the same manner he had done to Arche. Lisa blew away from Eric and rolled on the ground.

Eric then glanced at Quarus while Arche and Lisa grunted after falling and rolling on the ground.

Quarus then raised his hands up.

"I give up. There is no way we can beat you unless it's a ambush."

"Hahaha. Of course. I am super strong."

Eric praised himself. He was very delighted at proving his strength in front of his 3 team mates.

Somewhere not far away from the entrance to the training ground, 2 entities were watching the fight.

Belinda spoke, "It seems like we arrived at right time. Watch this sparring session for now. You will then have a rough idea about Eric's strength since you are not that much weaker than him considering your strength that I was told about."

Another beautiful woman who had black colored hair and fair skin exclaimed in a beautiful voice, "Oh. I guess I am very lucky. All right, miss. I will watch their fight."

But inwardly the woman thought in a different voice compared to her original voice, 'I kind of feel bad watching these team mates of mine since this is just a disguise of mine and I will probably not maintain my connections with these people later on. I am sorry. But I, Asnor have no choice but to utilize this method to get my hands on the dragon lord's magical item.'