
Life is a life-long battle

"Welcome," said a man standing at twelve o'clock from a crowd of teenagers seated. " I extend my deepest welcome to all new students. Welcome to Thomson liberal high. " The noise of clapping soon resounded through the hall space. The stadium. "Some of you are familiar with me, the teachers and other staff members." "9th graders," the man looked to the right, where a group of slightly older teenagers sat. " The remaining others. You're new and may not be familiar with staff members." "7th graders," the man turned his head to his left side. "Allow me to introduce us. . . "

" I'm the head-principal-Allen Thomson. Behind my right are the high-school teachers. And behind my left are the junior-high-school teachers.

Time passed, and half an hour went by. The entrance ceremony came to an end. Students went to their allocated classrooms. " Let see, hmm. . ." Standing in front of a large board. A boy looked for which classroom he belonged in.

"Ugh, there it is. Nicholas volter, first-floor class-7B. The corridors were overcrowded. As the students went by. Nicholas was among them, going to his new classroom. Class-7B.

"7th-B," Nicholas walked in. Inside was the typical desk and board. There weren't that many people inside as most desks were empty. Nicholas walked and took a seat. The classroom consisted of 5 rows and five seats per row. The last row and front row were nearly empty as well. Two girls sat in the middle of the front row while talking to one another. A boy was seated on the second desk in the back row. Another boy sat at the fifth and final desk in the front row.

Nicholas chose to sit at the first desk of the 3rd row. " Life, my friends, is a life-long battle. Those that say otherwise are clueless ". Nicholas thought. Take the empty classroom, for instance. The status of a person in the eyes of other students had already been pre-determined before most of them even set foot there. " He continued. " The classroom is a battlefield, the student's desks are ranks." Nicholas looked around. More students continued to enter, the former empty class nearly filled. " From the first row to the last row, bottom rank to high rank. Of course, that is not always the case, but the exceptions don't make the rules. " All the desks were full, and all the students were in attendance. Nicholas sat sideways as he faced the entrance. "Those who don't understand where they stand on this battlefield will be the first to fall."

" Those who take the initiative and plan ahead of time will be the last standing." His thoughts came and went swiftly.

My current actions are exemplary; I intentionally sat sideways, facing my desk mate as I made sure to breathe heavy and exhale on him. An action not so pleasant to him, waiting for his retort. " " My desk mate had noticed it and did not say anything about my disrespectful action. I knew now what sort of a person he was. he wasn't the kind of person I wanted to befriend. " Nicholas sneered inwardly. " Coward," he soon turned from his horizontal position as he looked at the person that sat behind him.

The two people's eyes stared at one another for more than three seconds. Neither party relented, not moving their gazes from one another. Nicholas with bronze skin, jet black curly hair in box braids and eyes as black as his hair colour. The other boy had Caucasian skin, light-bronde-hair in a Mohawk and brown eyes. " How strong are we?" " Ugh!" The other boy raised an eyebrow. " How strong are we compared to other classes? Of the same year? " Nicholas said with a slight smile. " Hah! The strongest. " The boy smiled confidently. " Ha ha ha, I agree" Nicholas stretched his arm in a handshake. " Name's Nicholas," " Mark," the other boy also stretched his arm in a handshake.

Soon Mark noticed how brawny Nicholas was. And felt how strong he was after shaking his hand. Nicholas smiled inwardly, seeing Mark's surprise.

Nicholas had exerted slightly more force. Not too much to cause conflict with Mark, but enough to make Mark aware he is the stronger one among the two. " So what school did you go to before this one?. ." Nicholas continued to have small talk with Mark. As they talked more, Mark smiled and laughed more. His opinion of Nicholas rose higher as they continued chatting.

" A wise man once said, victorious wizards, cast fireball first and then roll initiative. While defeated wizards roll the initiative first and then cast the fireball. " Nicolas thought while continuing his small talks with Mark. " This's why I stared at him first, made small-talk before shaking his hand and inserting the notion I was stronger than him.

The classroom was noisy. Groups like Nicholas and Mark were everywhere. Some like them in groups of 2 students, others in groups of 3 or more groups of students.

The Classroom door opened, and a man entered. The man walked to the center in front of the class. Seeing him, some students stopped chatting and sat straight. But others immersed in conversation continued to talk.

But suddenly, "Boom." every student felt it, a pressure that immediately immobilized them all. It was as though the air itself had condensed and solidified. The pressure the man exuded was so horrifying and suffocating that it felt like being underwater. Where human movements are restricted. Students all began to look at the man exuding the pressure, horrified by his show of strength. The man was 5 inches and 7 feet tall, skinny and had a plain face with glasses. " Quiet, class begins at 8:15 am. So quiet."