
On That Morning, Everything Changed

Gu Haotian had it up to his knees with this damn school system.

Well, not really the school system, but life in general. All his life, he had been told to shoot to be the best and to rise above all others. At 5, his mother and father had signed him up for summer classes for 4 hours a day. At 6, they had doubled that workload. 10 years later, he was a junior in high school. It had been a long journey in his life since he had rebelled away from his parents. They had always wanted the best for him, but Gu Haotian just couldn't keep up with their expectations, so Gu Haotian ended up drifting away from them.

He was a C student, and pretty proud of it. After his slightly traumatic overworked childhood, his new goal was to enjoy life as much as possible. Got a C-? Who cares!? Just enjoy life and spend his days relaxing. Well, that was until the system kept him on his toes all day long.

The community looked down on him, and everyone saw him as a wall-flower, someone who would never achieve or do anything in life because of his lackadaisical attitude towards everything. This is how Gu Haotian became the powerhouse defender of the world.

It was a bright sunny autumn morning. The curtains were closed a little, but light still streamed in. The morning news was on in the living room, and Gu Haotian heard reports of "dangerous mutations" and "DNA changes in certain subjects". It was probably one of those crappy tabloid shows that his sister always watched...

Ge Haotian did not feel like getting up today. His English teacher would most likely assign him a new test today... and he would have to do house chores and buy groceries too. Gu Haotian went back to sleep. In the midst of a nice dream about pizza... and burgers.... and fries... and AHHHHHHHH! #@$# #@$# @$#$$#$#!

Ge Haotian immediately woke to his bratty sister pouring a large bucket of water on to him. "Wake up, dummy! It's already 7:15!" That late? His expression was extremely ugly. He would have no time to change or dress for school, and he would arrive late and soaking wet. As he started to open his mouth, his sister shied away but couldn't escape. Some in the neighborhood would complain about noise in the days to come.

When Ge Haotian arrived at school, all laughed at him. Ge Haotian just tried to blend in among the crowd, but he couldn't escape everyone's laughter. Right after that, his long-time crush saw him. His willpower immediately left him and he collapsed and fainted right there at school. He woke up to chaos. 2 hours after he fell and fainted, there were monsters in the school, rampaging.

System Requirements Awoken - Cultivation Earth

Was he having a stroke? Did he suffer mental damage? Oh no... the list of possiblities rolled through his mind like a roulette wheel. Number 43: This is all a dream! Number 36: I've had a concussion! However, real or not, on the slight chance that his situation was real, he had to fight.

System Quest Rank B-

Kill the Abyssal Monsters immediately!

Penalty on Failure: Death. The system will find a new host.





WTF? What is this? Why am I suddenly the hero of his own damn novel? This was not how my life was go! I wanted to relax and live life. Now I have to quest and do this shit.... If anyone on Earth right now knew what he was thinking, they might just tear out his brains. All around the world, cries of desperation were ringing out. "Where are the police?" "WHere is the military?" "Where are my parents? *sniff* *sob*"

The monsters had just one goal. Kill. Children, adults, mothers, grandfathers... All were murdered without the slightest hesitation. All around the world, people were awakening their powers. None had a system quite like Gu Haotian's, but they all became Lower Mortal warriors. In the years to come, they would establish a cultivation system. But for now, in the chaos and doom of the Abyssal Attack... running was the only way they knew how to survive.

Gu Haotian was the lucky one. He knew he had to kill these monsters... but how? As just a regular human?

Then he punched the air in frustration. The punch landed on a PE strength test device by accident.... PSHEEWWWWWW. 500kg. It finally dawned on him that he was not a normal human being. He went to attack the monsters. They seemed to be of a low strength to them, even though they seemed to be dangerous, slavering beasts. In reality, these monsters were not weak. Gu Haotian was simply powerful. All those that could awaken their cultivation during this time would survive. If they could not cultivate... Gu Haotian did not want to think about it.

As his parents had always said, the strength of many outclassed the one. He gathered the school into a safe room. "Are there any here who have awakened their cultivation?"

A voice rang out. "Why should we listen to Soaking-Wet Man?" This was the name a popular bully had bestowed on him this morning.

"Because of this." Gu Haotian preformed a punch. The surrounding spectators could feel the air shockwaves. Everyone was surprised. Was he some sort of rich family's trained son? 500kg of punching strength in the modern world was not impossible, but.... Millions of credits of resources were required to train oneself to that level.

"Follow me. No one here will be hurt, not while I am still alive."