

At a quiet village, there was a kid named Kimmy. She is quite annoying at sometimes, but she is helpful to the neighborhood. But one day, their village, known as Kamartra, was raided by minions.

then, one of the minions killed Kimmy's mother, which is sad for Kimmy. Kimmy was so angry that she wanted to take revenge to those minions.

then after the raid, she was taken to the orphanage. there she met her friend, Miya. they were talking about how they were here in the orphanage. Then Kimmy explained that why she wanted to work on something scientific. Miya agreed to help, and they were excited.

10 Years Later.

Kimmy was almost ready on her invention, and Miya was pretty happy. But then one of the minions knew what she was up to, so that minion stole some particles on her invention. When Kimmy found out it was missing, she was angry. But then when the minion was going home, he heard something. "what was that?" he said in terror.

"You know, dont think you're inocennt in this point." That mysterious thing said. When the minion was pulling out its weapon, a bullet was shot and hit the minion. "Karma" he said. Then he took the particles and went back to the orphanage. As soon Kimmy saw this man holding the particles, Kimmy grabbed his shirt and said angrily "WERE YOU THE ONE WHO TOOK IT?!?"

Then he said, "Jeez, calm down, I was the one who saved these particles. You see, they were taken by a minion." Kimmy said sorry to that guy. "My name is Kimmy, thanks for saving these!" My name is Claude!" Then they became good friends. Claude even helped out with her invention. After weeks of working, it is finally done. The Splatball Gun. Claude prepared his gun, Miya prepared her Bow and Arrow, then they were ready for attacking the minions place. But they were exploring the forest before they go. When Claude was climbing a tree, he saw a monkey. That monkey was so rude that he kicked Claude and he fell. "What did I do?" Claude asked the monkey replied "OohAah!"

But the monkey felt bad for Claude. Kimmy and Miya were just enjoying there sandwich. Claude told the monkey if it wants to join them on there journey, beleieve it or not, it agreed. Claude named the monkey Dexter. And after that, all of them were ready. Miya said "this is it guys".

"The Land Of Dawn". Kimmy replied.

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