
Chapter V: New Beginnings Part 1

"Rafaela," across the dining table, Miya stared at her with eyes wide with unbelief. "You're an angel, and the other angel Argus turned crazy and tried to kill you." Rafaela nodded as Miya summarized the story she was told earlier. The elf continued. "But then Zilong is a demigod? He was just 'born' a few days before we all met?" Beside Rafaela, Zilong just kept his eyes on his wine glass before taking a healthy sip. "Estes, don't tell me that your something else too," Miya said, looking defeated.

"There is nothing more to me than being the current Moon King." Estes said dryly from the head seat. "You already know that."

"Ugh, I'm so bummed." Miya took a deep breath and devoured mouthful after mouthful of fruits.

Rafeala used her fork to bring some of the food to her mouth. The pieces of greens and fruits only fell back to her plate. She never really needed to eat because her mana sustained her; utensils just made everything more complicated. A bite from the dish - leafy, juicy, sweet and overall good - was a success. Eating was something truly pleasurable for a human body, but she hoped she wasn't embarrassing herself in front of the others.

The silence in the dining hall dragged in except the occasional clutter of utensils over the porcelain plates. Estes ate his meal with a certain finesse, his posture elegant. Meanwhile, Zilong seemed to be uncomfortable in his seat and struggling to use the utensils as well - poking everything with a fork. There was an interesting difference that Rafaela noticed; Zilong drank soup straight from his bowl while Miya used a spoon. How should she do it?

It was really just an unusual evening for Miya, Rafaela thought. While Estes seemed to be well versed in the matters beyond the mortal realm, every revelation seemed to leave Miya dumbfounded. But even for Rafaela, the discovaery of Zilong's nature only brought more questions. As an angel she knew the existence of gods and demigods, but she never really understood how or when they came to be. It was only clear why; to accomplish something mandated by Heaven, by the God of Light, the Great Dragon - whatever cultures call them.

"I really thought Argus was your lover," Miya said nonchalantly, breaking the lull in the conversation, her head propped by her arm on the table. Rafaela was about to clarify the exact nature of Argus when Miya spoke again. "Doesn't matter, he's still a piece of shit."

"He sounds like a sword-crazy douche." Zilong replied, his expression very serious. "Rafaela, I know this may sound harsh but based on your story, you are no match against Argus. Get away from him and don't try to fight him alone."

Rafaela scowled. "Don't tell me what I should do and shouldn't do. You don't understand; Argus and I are counterparts, " she insisted. "I cannot leave him like that. I learned so many things here in the mortal world, I think that something may have changed him and I must know the answer. If could find a cure I should save him… or I should destroy him myself."

Zilong kept his expression neutral. "I cannot stop you if you want to fight him yourself, but at least find better weapons and amulets. What you're using now is just a wooden stick with a shiny rock."

"That's the sad reality," Rafaela admitted. Estes provided her with some good talismans and mana items but nothing could match the staff that Argus destroyed.

"What was he like before?" Miya asked, her tone still unsympathetic. "Have you noticed some change in his behavior? I doubt someone goes crazy suddenly without a reason."

"He was a servant of justice, fair and truthful." Rafaela fists curled tight on her lap. She couldn't lie to herself; she and Argus had some memories together, but none of them like her current experiences -laughing, crying, hugging, talking about many things. Her duty was to heal, his duty was to crush evil. They fulfilled their purpose together, nothing more, nothing less. She didn't really know Argus more than she knew Miya, Zilong, Estes, Nana and Irithel. How could she had not realized this? She grasped the ends of her curls and kept her eyes on her knees "I don't… this was… too much. I don't understand… I'm supposed to-"

"Rafaela, it's okay." Estes spoke, reassuring. "This seems to be very personal. We shouldn't push her." He addressed Miya and Zilong who looked concerned. Rafaela kept her gaze low, uncertain of her own feelings. "While Argus is Rafaela's burden, we cannot deny this could be a part of a greater threat. Our victory was only temporary and even an opportunity for Moskov to escape."

"Opportunity?" Zilong raised an eyebrow.

"He wanted to deliver me to his queen, but I hexed everyone in the fortress to be trapped inside the our lands in our endless loop."

"This is probably the reason he he hired the Night Elves. He got frustrated." Miya remarked.

Estes sighed, "That is correct. He… tried to torture me so I would release him, but what can he do if I can heal faster than the pain he can inflict?" There was bitterness in his voice. "That's when he decided to to kidnap, kill and enslave more of my people, thinking it would break me down. You… saved us all and I am eternally grateful."

"It's my duty, and I am sure it was Miya I followed in battle," Zilong bowed his head slightly. Miya flushed and Estes looked at her with pride. "We have more to face ahead," he added.

"The queen he was talking about..." Miya trailed.

Estes rubbed his chin, "I thought of a lot of possibilities at first. Could be a human queen bent on enslaving the elves? But King Tigreal is unmarried and also unrivaled. Our human enemies are nothing but outlaws scattered all over the continent. As for other rulers, Nost Gal is too distant and its queen had been unconcerned about the affairs outside her lands. The Eastern Nations-"

"Are in flames," Zilong answered with his eyes downcast. "Once Iga and Onmyouji destroys each other, nothing will be left." He said quietly, his voice mournful, eyes averted from them. While Zilong was no human, it couldn't be denied he had the appearance of an easterner. One could wonder if he was connected to the people he resembled.

"That's unfortunate to hear," Ested replied. "What else? Demon King Balmond has no queen. This is why, I fear that this queen is far greater- someone from the ancient tales and it terrifies me. This is evidenced by the demon hordes growing. I saw in old archives have records of the old Moon King who fought the being known as the Blood Queen."

"A calamity that opened the gates of the Abyss, and left the lands drenched in blood. Her story is known in every corner of the world, it's only the details that differ. " Zilong spoke in a low voice. "Do you know her, Rafaela?"

"I know about her as just as much as all of you." It had crossed her mind that her existence couldn't be measured in mortal terms, yet she knew there was history before she was brought to the world. What happened before her birth? "I'm afraid I wasn't around during the ancient wars, but I was born with the knowledge of it. All I knew is that it tore kingdoms and peoples apart, yet nobody won at the end. It was a time of sorrow, and the scars never healed to this day."

Estes pressed further, "Rafaela, the old legends mentioned angels. If you weren't around that time..."

"Then they're gone," Rafaela answered with a strained voice. She closed her eyes and asked Heaven for strength. It all made sense - wars breaking out all of the world, the creatures of the dark growing in power, a queen to rule them all, and Argus falling from the light. "I suppose now I am the only one left."

"I apologize," Estes said, his eyes filled with sympathy. "I didn't intend this evening to be somber, I am being a terrible host."

She shook her head. "It is essential to talk about such things. We might racing against time." A loud clink caught their attention - Miya used her wine glass and a fork to make the sound. Servants enter the dining hall and poured them a fresh set of spirits.

Miya raised her glass and smiled at Rafaela. "I think it is only fitting we talked about what we face ahead, because this is the time we appreciate what we have," she turned her gaze to Estes who nodded with approval. "A toast?" Estes and Zilong raised their glass and Rafaela imitated their actions.

"For new friends," the king said, "and a new history."

Rafaela lifted her glass and joined the ritual. Indeed, this was nothing she had before - a team. It used to be just her and Argus, her duty to fulfill one side of a whole. Could she be more? Yes, it will be different from this day on.


Miya scoffed as she stared at the statue of Zilong that the elves erected at the village square. There was a plaque that told the entire story and everyone involved in the king's rescue. "Why did they make it too good looking? It looks so unrealistic."

"I think it is quite accurate," Zilong objected but wore a grin on his face. Miya shrugged.

Rafaela stared at the work and frowned. "I think it looks constipated." Zilong looked hurt at her comment but she was just being honest. "Could use a little smile," she added, hoping it made him feel better.

Ideally, there would be parades and a grand ceremony, but Zilong requested a quiet send-off before dawn. He wanted to be unknown, wanderer, hermit, and most importantly, human. Obscurity wouldn't make him weak, but instead it was his greatest trump card in the crisis. Still, what he had that moment was more than enough; Nana, Irithel and Lolita came to say goodbye as well.

"Remember that you are brother to us now, and our kingdom will always be home for you." Estes said as he handed two small bags to the warrior's surprise.

"Thank you, your highness?" Zilong opened the gifts and his eyes widened, "gold and diamonds?" He attempted to hand them back to Estes, "these are too much!"

"Keep it that you may spend it for your comfort. Who knows what you can purchase with those?" Estes smiled, withdrawing his hands away. "I wish you a safe journey and success in your endeavours. Rest assured that I as the Moon King, pledge to to fight this darkness upon the world." The king also handed Zilong a scroll. "Please send King Tigreal my regards."

"I will." He looked at everyone, and her as well. "Thank you for everything, and goodbye." His gaze seemed to linger as if he was waiting for say something.

"Take care and may heaven bless you," she said.

He just nodded back before he turned around. Rafaela thought he'd say more. Goodbyes weren't so complicated; the others just said "bye" over and over and waved their hands. She watched as Zilong walked away in the cover of darkness. Would this be the last time they see each other?

"Look," Miya pointed to the houses- windows and doors opened. People waved their hands and said goodbye. Naturally people would still be asleep by this hour, yet they woke up just to see him one last time. Zilong stopped at the middle of the streets and bowed again. Soon she could no longer see his figure. The cheers faded and the whole village returned to the way it was before daylight.

A new morning would come. In the past days she had seen the lives of the people; how people would wake up early to buy food in the market, the streets bustling in trade; how they would go on with the lives, doing all kinds of jobs all day; how they would go home and be with their loved ones. These were the lives that those who had power must protect - not just here, but everywhere in the world.

This was why she didn't belong here.

"Rafaela?" Lolita touched her hand. "Let's go back?"

Miya, Nana, Lolita and Irithel were waiting for her. In the past days, the girls had welcomed her to their home like a sister. They showed her that when war destroyed families, new ones were born - not out of a shared bloodline, but because of choice. If everything was perfect, she wouldn't have minded staying more. "Everyone," Rafaela started and the elves' full attention was on her. "Thank you for everything, but I have to go as well."

Everyone was silent and Rafaela feared she said something wrong when Nana grinned. "See Irithel? I won the bet, meow."

Irithel sighed. "I'll pay you up later."

Everyone was smiling at her. They knew? Lolita closed their distance and embraced her first. The others followed and smothered her with their bodies. Miya squeezed into the pile and kissed her cheek. Rafaela had to catch her breath when they let go of her and found herself giggling with them.

Estes watched with a smile and said, "Rafaela, you will always be a source of light and joy in this kingdom, wherever you are."

"As everyone is too me."

The king stepped closer and took her hand. "Since I was a child I had always dreamed of meeting the Angel of Healing. You were my muse when I was studying healing magic. To meet you is such a privilege."

She smiled back. "You are a better healer than me Estes, and I have not seen anyone as blessed as you. I know for sure that you have the power to heal your land."

Estes kissed her hand. "I think the true privilege is knowing you as a person, and being your friend."

Next chapter