
Chapter IV: Haze

Her light faded. The gray mist enveloped them and Rafaela cannot even see her own hands. Someone grabbed her arm roughly and she almost fought back. A moment of panic but she was relieved when it was Miya's hands. Rafaela couldn't see Lolita or Zilong, their two comrades who can take blows. This could be their opponent's tactic. She activated her spells and even Estes' magic were stopped. "Miya, I'm silenced."

"Stay close, I heard of this assassin. You can cast your spell again a little later. " Miya said. There was a sudden movement around them and Miya screamed in pain. The mist cleared a little and Rafaela could see Miya's protecting Estes with her body - her back bleeding. Estes remained calm, focused and recasted his massive regeneration spell despite seeing Miya's injuries. Who knows how many elves fell when Estes stopped earlier?

Rafaela cast her healing spell to Miya, but this was only a temporary relief. She called upon her holy flames to rain down on the enemies. Her power was able to pinpoint the location of some demons, but the assassin was difficult to track. Her light fell one after the other until she found her target - a catlike creature who crawled like a spider. It quickly crawled away in the shadow. Rafaela thought of a plan, a risky move, but could be worth it. She moved forward, away from the group, chasing the creature.

She listened to the noise, something out of the ordinary. There. The creature charged at her with its claws but she was prepared - no it can't be. Silence. She gritted her teeth in pain as the claws slashed her arm. Rafaela knew this was the perfect opportunity for the assassin. She must look completely vulnerable- a believable bait. The rapid footsteps drew nearer and Rafaela stunned her target. "Lolita!"

Lolita dashed forward and slammed her hammer down the target. It lay immobile in the ground as Lolita smashed it - or him- again. " I don't understand; what do you guys like about fighting us? I detest war! Why do you like starting one?" Lolita's hammer descended again and left a large crack on the ground - the lifeless body of the assassin lay in the middle. "Is it… dead?"

Rafaela looked at the body. There was some traces of magic and slowly, the body of the assassin faded. A recall spell. This wouldn't be their last meeting.

"And my name is Zilong." Introductions were short, no more information needed. He didn't have a family name anyway nor a title - at least not yet.

Moskov initiated the match as he threw his black spear. Zilong could see the projectile quite well - the attack was plain and basic. He deflected it with one clean sweep.

Did he? Zilong felt a sharp pain on his shoulder. His armor was damaged and he was definitely bleeding. How? Zilong resumed his defensive stance. It should be impossible, unless this was another magic Miya's arrow trick. Unlike the elf's arrows, Moskov's spears were more powerful and fatal - one hit may be enough to incapacitate him. He needed to be careful.

"You're still standing." Moskov remarked and he disappeared. There was a noise from the left and Zilong quickly turned around. Not even a shadow was left. Then a shape of a man emerged on the higher terraces, hurling another set of projectiles to the warrior. Zilong swung with more force, deflecting the spears farther away, yet the blades still cut his body. "Resistance is futile," Moskov said, his voice echoing in the empty hall, the source of the sound was indiscernible.

Zilong noticed the stone walls beside him- all damaged and cut even if the full attack was redirected. So this was Moskov's power. Even if none of his attacks would pierce Zilong, it would be enough to wear him down. In a blink Moskov was gone again. He never made close contact; attack, evade, and the cycle would go on.

Moskov was no fighter, only a marksman using spears. There was only way to fight this. "Let's see what you can do with a moving target," Zilong muttered. He ran around in circles and jumped around the terraces. Moskov's spears missed and hit the ground, but the magic produced invisible blades that pierce the surrounding and Zilong suffered more wounds on his legs. He could endure the pain for the moment but if the fight dragged too long he'll lose his strength. Still, patience was the key - Zilong evaded more as he learned how Moskov moved. His opponent strategically positioned himself at higher elevation or blind spots; but his vanishing spell had limits and can only be used after some interval. There was here was one high platform near them, a perfect vantage point for Moskov. Zilong waited and looked elsewhere, baiting the man to his trap.

Just as he expected, Moskov appeared on top of the platform. Zilong jumped upward and Moskov easily evaded the spear - but it was what Zilong expected. His spear wasn't able to pierce Moskov but was enough for contact. Zilong flipped the man to the ground opposite the platform. Moskov's back hit the ground and quickly rolled away - just in time to evade Zilong's lance descending from above. As soon as Zilong landed, a single stride with all his weight pushed Moskov to the wall, forcing the marksman to defend himself with his own spear.

Moskov was pinned and struggled to push back, but Zilong was stronger than him. "You didn't answer my question earlier; who are you?" To enslave the elves, to imprison their king - this was something more than an individual. "Who do you answer to?"

"She will appear in her own time." Moskov replied with a chilling tranquility, his eyes betraying no fear, no frustration or bloodlust even if he was trapped.

Zilong pressed harder and Moskov's spear cracked. "Talk now. You know what I can do. I am a merciful man, Moskov. I can give you a quick death - one clean strike to your heart. Or do you prefer something more painful?" he threatened.

His opponent's expression remained calm, but his lips curved into a faint smile, mocking and unfearing. "Oh, so you think I have a heart?"

Moskov vanished in thin air. His spell wasn't supposed to be ready yet? How? Perhaps the same ability Rafaela had. Zilong looked around and prepared for another assault but Moskov was nowhere in sight. A sickening feeling crept on his stomach and he ran back to the others. He left them for far too long.

The battle raged on in the great hall and the king's power was burning in the center. Zilong let out a sigh of relief, but he cannot relax now. Where was Moskov? There was so much going on all around, so many windows, so many terraces. He remembered earlier how the assassins were revealed in the village earlier that night. It was easy to find the golden light in the darkness.

"Rafaela!" He called out -she heard his voice and looked at him. "Cast your light!" Zilong wasn't sure if she understood but Rafaela's magic shifted and illuminated the darker parts of the castle.

The first terrace was empty. None at the second floor. At the third one, her light revealed Zilong's target. The marksman didn't move from his position even if Rafaela's magic hit him. Moskov wasn't holding his usual black spear, but one that was far larger. Zilong sprinted but Moskov was too far away. The angle of his shot and the mysterious new weapon frightened Zilong. Something was definitely wrong. If he was a marksman, who should he kill to turn the tide of the battle?

"Lolita!" Zilong shouted, but the elf was preoccupied with other enemies and protecting the king. Miya had no armor. He had to do this himself. Zilong drew out his power, increasing his speed greatly. "King Estes!" He cried out and waved his hand, signaling the king to move. No more time. The dark weapon surged mercilessly towards the Estes. Zilong braced himself and shielded the king with himself.

Zilong moved his arms to defend but his body went limp. He tried to breathe but no air filled his lungs - yet the smell of metal filled his nose. There was a sharp pain in his chest and a horrible taste from his throat that rose to his was in sight as he fell down. Some voices stirred him, but soon they faded like the warmth on his skin.

Something touched his hand and grasped it tight. He clung to the sensation in his fingertips before he fell into slumber.

He ran.

Cherry blossoms danced in the wind, thousands flying to form patterns. At the center, a girl danced. She held a blue parasol and opened it, and stirred the blossoms around her. She giggled as she saw him and threw her parasol away. In a blink of an eye, she vanished and reappeared where she threw the object.

He chased her again in the sea of petals. The afternoon sun bathed the scenery in a warm glow, and the shadows were long and dark. Her laughter was loud among the sound of the leaves, carefree and innocent.

He stopped to catch his breath and wipe the sweat from his brow. Night will fall soon and he was wasting time. He groaned in displeasure. Wait; there was a sudden movement from one of the trees. Something was hurled towards his face and he deflected it with his hand. Oh, a riceball.

He faced his assailant - a boy and looked at him straight in the eyes. He shouted; "You are supposed to be the older one Hayabusa! You should know better than this!"

"Catch us if you can!" the boy said before he pulled down his mask and stuck out his tongue. "You're too slow, Zhao!" He disappeared in a blink of an eye.

He stopped as the children's laughter faded. The shadows grew longer, wider and soon the sky was black. The petals burned with fire and ash rained from above. He ran further, looking for the boy and girl he was chasing earlier. No matter how much his legs moved, nothing changed around him - the same scenery, the endless inferno, and the starless night. With each step, his body grew heavier, and a pain in his chest became suffocating.

His knees hit the ground and he saw blood pool around him. There were voices surrounding him, but he saw no one. Knew no one.

"Too loyal."

"Such devotion."

"What a shame."

"Hayabusa should never hear about this."

"What should we tell the Lady?"

He lay on the ground on his side watching his red blood stain the perfectly white snow. A single cherry blossom fell by his fingers and turned into ash.

Zilong adjusted his eyes from the beam of light seeping through the curtains, the brightness overwhelming to his sense. There was so much scent mixed in the room filled with flowers. Beside his bed were some bottles medicine and incense, as well as a glass of water. He suddenly remembered how much his throat felt dry and itchy. Zilong lifted his hand to reach the water but he found no strength. A couple of scrolls and notes written elven-style were also plastered all over the wall. A figure sat by a desk, reading, her folded wings facing him. "Tell me this isn't my funeral," he said, surprised he still had a voice.

Rafaela turned to look at him wearing a radiant smile on her face. "You're awake." She hummed, "if this was your funeral wouldn't I be sad?" She hovered towards him and she got closer, Zilong noticed something new - a glowing ring above her head. His temple throbbed as he tried to figure out why something that should have been obvious, was something he didn't realize. Perhaps because myths and legends seemed to be half-truths, and when they become reality they looked far too different from one's imagination. Rafaela was definitely not human, or any rare creature like a centaur or from a race like the elves. He remembered the term from a far off memory. "You're an angel," he wheezed.

"I know people call others 'angel' as a compliment, but in my case it is quite literal." Rafaela cocked her head and grinned. She helped bring the glass of water to his lips - it was something so simple that can be taken for granted, but the relief he felt was indescribable. Well, Zilong thought he'd still probably call her an angel even if she wasn't. She spoke gently. "You've been out for two days. We thought you'd be comatose for at least a week but here we are…"

Rafaela narrated in grisly detail on how looked after being skewed, with her sweet voice describing how "everything spilled out of your body and we have to put them back." After that, the mysterious Moskov and Helcrut vanished. Estes and Rafaela combined powers to heal him. In a larger picture he didn't really matter; the rest of the evening was a victory for the elves.

Rafaela took returned to her desk and picked up something - she held the fabric, a shirt, in front of Zilong. "See the hole the spear made? That's what pierced your body." She coughed, "I also fixed your shirt so you could wear it again," she said, looking proud of her work. Zilong focused his eyes on the center; besides patching the hole as wide as his hand, Rafaela embroidered pink flowers and butterflies all over his shirt. Horrifying. Zilong shook his head and grimaced.

Rafaela's expression quickly changed, eyes widened in disbelief. Her face reminded Zilong of a girl who just got rejected and a heart broken into a thousand pieces. "You… don't like it? I thought..."

Panic rose inside him. "I well…I was just shocked how… the spear tore through it." Rafaela's face shifted again, now into relief. She was so easy to read. "Thank you, I think it looks… pretty." That was enough for Rafaela to be happy again and Zilong felt the tension lifted from his chest.

Rafaela sat on his bed. "You know, the whole kingdom was awaiting your recovery. They are looking forward in meeting their hero."

"Hero?" He laughed, "I didn't do anything more than Miya, or Lolita. Or you." Zilong raised himself and sat up, ignoring the sting in his muscles. He was surprised how he gained so much strength when he was struggling to lift his arm just a little earlier. He touched the space between his chest and his stomach - the wound was nearly healed, the repaired skin leaving a red mark on his flesh. However, his other wounds from Moskov's attacks were completely gone.

"It's one thing to serve your homeland. Miya, Lolita and everyone else who fought that night were given the right honors if that's what you're wondering about. However, you were a stranger, and yet you sacrificed yourself for their king."

"To aid kings and raise them to glory is my duty." He spoke the words like a mantra. "Besides, you did the same."

Rafaela nodded, her eyes staring at the clouds seen from the windows. "Perhaps. Everyone in the village now knows that I'm an angel. They thought I was sent by the gods." She chuckled and their eyes met. "If they only knew what a god looks like."

No use in denying it. She knew. "I do wonder. After all, both of us thought each other as human at first." Zilong concentrated his power and materialized his spear on his hands. Good. It won't be long before he can continue his journey. In a second, his spear vanished again.

"Oh dear god Zilong, what can thy angel servant doth to s'rve thee?" Rafaela clasped her hands together, and was obviously teasing him. "But really, Estes and I were shocked. No human could have survived your injury yet you healed so fast that you probably wouldn't have needed us to live. Although, I bet you'd still be lying there if we didn't speed up the process."

"And that's why I am grateful," he smiled.

Her eyes seem to shine with curiosity. "I have so many questions. I wonder if you have met the others? I heard there was a Goddess of War? And then there was also the Monkey King? How about you?" The angel leaned closer - too close in fact, her blue eyes wide. "I also heard you mumble about someone in your sleep. Her name was 'Ka-'" Zilong dreading to hear the name but Rafaela stopped frowned, "I can't remember... Who is she? Is she like you?"

Zilong looked away, not wanting his face to betray his deep secrets. He remembered the dreams, the cherry blossoms, laughing children, the fire and death. There was sadness in his heart as he recalled his last precious memories. He didn't say her name, and he hoped Rafaela would never bring her up again. "I don't know any of the gods you mentioned. I don't have a title either." He closed his eyes as he thought of how to explain his complicated predicament. "I am at most, what people call a demi-"

The door suddenly opened and someone rushed in. "He's awake!" Lolita beamed as she ran towards him, her heavy feet leaving loud thuds on the wooden floor.

"Thank the gods!" The cat-elf Nana quickly followed with a fresh bouquet of flowers that she dumped in a vase near them. The quiet, peaceful morning was gone and was replaced by the laughter of his new visitors. Outside the window was the deep blue sky and swaying trees. The breeze was cool and gentle against the warmth of the sunlight. Zilong laid back and relished the feeling of home.






The ending of the elven arc is NEXT WEEK. Thank you for the reviews last week! Winadina, Ryu-kun, Babbloo, Guest, Missing Middle. Please give me more feedback since I need them to be motivated. Here are some guide questions if you don't know what to put in your review:

Do you like the fight scenes?

Are the scenes, dialogues or lines you like?

Character interaction you like?

What surprised you or what you didn't expect.

What you think will happen?

Notes for reviews:

I appreciate some advice from reviewers, but I should say that I have already read all the profiles of the characters. When the Prologue was written, I didn't expect this fic to continue so I am still working out on the beginning of a longer story. I realized reconciling their background stories into a coherent canon is too difficult as Moonton had no blueprint for ML lore. They just kinda put random backgrounds based on design. Unless the company pays me, I would rather reimagine the characters, borrow some canon, and follow through the story I planned.

I promise though; there are no bullshit love triangles in my work. I tease ships but I don't pit characters against each other in romance. My main characters have individual arcs outside of romance, and they have personal motivations that does not concern shipping

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