
Descended Angels

The sound of the horn resonated across the town, as fear and terror descend upon those that hear it. In the silence that ensued, the people shivers as the mood grows anxious. Then deafening scream broke the silence when soldiers stormed through the town, leaving destruction and death on their path. On a hut right at the edge of the town, two children with nobody other than the Lord to hold unto prays with the blood curling screams and death permeating the whole town, knelt down and prayed...

"Dear heaven, please help us and make everyone happy.."..." The young girl pleaded for the peace and protection, with her unwavering faith on the Almighty Father and His Love for the people. "Hey...What did you pray for?" The girl asked her companion who've been quiet.

"I prayed that I will become strong, stronger than anyone else so I'll be able to protect you and our home...I'm going to defeat all our enemies and then the war would stop." He said as determination glistened in his eyes. Then he stood up, his hand held out to her. "Let's go, they might arrived here soon."


Rafaela snapped her eyes open as a soft, sweet voice whispered to her ears. "Dear heaven, please help us..." She felt it, that something once again induced the world to change. The wheels of fate spun, as the sorrows of people suffocated her.

"It's time." He said as he stand by her side. "Let's go, Rafaela. The people needed us." Argus muttered as their wings unfurled and they both descended upon the the Land of Dawn.

The Moniyan Empire of the Land of Dawn once enjoyed the blessing of angels. The Angel of Light, Rafaela, shone down on the people and healed all of their illness; the Angel of Dark, Argus, became the punisher of crime. Together they maintained peace and balance throughout the land, one responsible for eradicating evil, the other for eradicating suffering.

Time passes, yet one thing never changed. War. No matter what era, no matter how many years arrived and passed, the war never stopped. Unchanging, Argus and Rafaela answered the prayers as they fought every battles and healed every injuries. Until a drop caused changed in their unchanging lives, creating a ripple that affects all.

"Come to me, child. I will give you everything you want." A voice whispered to the lone figure standing at a broken church with countless corpse lying. Argus held up his sword and stared into the blade. "Who..No. WHAT are you?" He said as his sight turned red.

"I am everything and nothing..I know what you want and I can give it to you." The voice replied. "You know it too...That the people are growing stronger and eventually forget the heaven and the angels."

"No! You're wrong." He denied. "The people needed us. I will destroy their sins and she will heal and bless them. Then the peace will return."

"Am I?" The voice taunted. "They will forget. Because they are already strong. They don't need you anymore. Soon, they will take your powers and you will have to watch your beloved Rafaela to fall. Soon, my child. Soon." Then an eerie laughter sounded.

"Wrong. He's wrong!" Argus shouted as his killing intent burst out. "I'm gonna prove it to him!"

Just gonna try it out. Newbie writer here. Any comments and recommendations / reviews will be highly appreciated. Thank you!

Xingyuecreators' thoughts
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