

The Paxley Household, through the course of history, have dominated the magical world and proven themselves as the most powerful noble house by demonstrating their outstanding magical talents. Being a famous household with its power yet to be surpassed by any other nobles, the Paxley House have deeply engraved their beliefs and traditions until now, youths coming out of all generations have grown up in these unwavering tradition. Such as the infamous rite of passage where all youths will mandatorily participate in order to assess their talents, strengths and growth, only then they would be recognized as an adult capable of bearing their name. This is similarly to what other families meant as an coming of age ceremony.

That day, all members - young and old have gathered in a stadium all of them looking at the last two youths facing each other on the stage. It was the deciding match between the sons of the patriarch, the eldest son Gideon - the former champion and the black sheep fourth son, Gusion. A tense atmosphere surrounds the two as the referee blew his whistle.


Immediately, Gusion brandished his daggers and enhanced them with his light magic and at the same time, his brother began casting his spells. For eighteen years he spent in this compound, all of those years was spent living as the patriarch rebellious fourth son. He spent his eighteen years living like a ghost of the Paxley House and now the time has come for them to realize their mistakes. This style is the perfect combination of might and magic.

"Fourth Brother, why bother yourself with this foolishness?" Gideon asked as he launched his light spell towards Gusion.

"A mere puppet will never understands me." Gusion replied back as he dodged his brother's attack and throws his daggers as his retaliation.

"Hmph...You've gone mad." Gideon muttered as he began reciting a large scale spell, his intent on beating Gusion seemed to have broken past the borderline of a mere competition.

A huge ball of light magic started forming above his head, growing bigger as time passes. The crowd grew astonished at the power the eldest son is showing and is fully convinced that he will come out as victor. Gusion narrowed his eyes at the sight of the spell, even with his speed he will not come out unscathed with that large scale of attack. It seems that he already have to end this. Quietly he threw his daggers in the direction of his brother, secretly target locking him.

"Time to end this, Gusion!" Gideon shouted as he finished casting his spell and directed it to Gusion's direction.

"Just try to keep up with me, eldest brother. For my blade moves with the shadows." Gusion said as a glint flashed in his eyes, watching the upcoming attack with narrowed eyes.

"Hah! Still not coming out of your high seat even in defeat!" Gideon mocked as his attack landed, a large boom silencing the crowd.

Smoke covered up the entire arena as Gideon's attack landed on Gusion's place. Dumbfounded at the expense of the attack, the crowd silenced before bursting into loud cheers, shouting Gideon's name. Yet they were shocked at the scene that laid upon them after the smoke disappears. Gideon laid unconscious while Gusion remained the last man standing.

Right before of his brother's spell landed, appeared behind his brother and attacking him using his Shadowblade Slaughter and then quickly going in for his ultimate attack, Incandescence. He dashed in a short distance, immediately throw another five daggers with a Shadowblade Slaughter then recalling all his ten daggers, bringing his brother down. It is his victory, Gusion came out as the victor of the rite of passage.

"What are you waiting for? The victor is already decided." Gusion said to the shocked referee, putting him out of his stupor.

"V-victory! Winner Gusion Paxley!" The referee stutteringly announced the winner.

At that very moment, a lone youth stood proudly at the center of the arena. Gusion wore his usual poker face but in all cases unable to mask his excitement. Finally, he have shown himself as the most powerful youth in his generation, and his style bringing him his victory. Suddenly, Gusion tensed, somewhat bitterly saying to himself:

"In the end, magic lies in the mind. But my blade follows my heart."

Silhouettes leapt up from the VIP section, each and every one with serious expressions as they landed on the arena. On their chests were the symbols of the elders, proudly showing their immense status. Excluding the patriarch, there were altogether ten elders, and right now standing in front of Gusion were the ten elders along with the patriarch.

"Greetings to the Patriarch and the Elders." With a grim look on his face, Gusion greeted them yet his body still standing straight, never bending.

"Presumptuous!!" An elder shouted as he saw Gusion not bowing in front of them.

"Calm down, Sixth Elder." The Patriarch, Gustavo said as he put up his hand and calmed all the elders.

Despite their attitude, the patriarch knew that the elders were in awe of Gusion's incredible form and fighting technique. Since the beginning of the rite of passage, Gusion dominated his battles that his opponent was unable to find his position due to Gusion's blistering speed, and with light-charged blade, he claimed victory before opponent even had a chance to launch a single spell. In the end, Gusion eventually defeated his eldest brother thus defeating the former champion and breaking many records by his consecutive wins, earning the first place with his undefeated record.

"Hmph! Just because you won the first place, doesn't change how you foolishly wasted your talents on that despicable sword art." The second elder mocked as he took a look at Gusion's daggers.

"Such a waste of a genius." The first elder sighed disappointed. "How about this? Abandon that ridiculous fighting style or be banished?" He proposed as he laid out his hands towards Gusion.

The patriarch sighed as he figured that despite the astonishing display that Gusion showed, with with their deep-rooted prejudice against physical combat and their strict adherence to tradition, the elders could not accept this unorthodoxy. A cold feeling filled the inside of Gusion as he listened to the proposal of the First Elder. His eyes narrowed.

'In the end, it was not enough.'

"I refuse." Gusion firmly said.

"My child, will you really doom your talent in this useless style?" The second elder said as he hoped that he could still change the youth's choice.

"Everything that belonged to me have been given by this house but I refuse to become its puppet. This fighting style is me and I am this fighting style. I, Gusion thank the patriarch and the elders for the things given for the last eighteen years. Goodbye." With his purple scarf fluttering, Gusion flickered out of their sights, his badge of the Paxley House left in his place.

The patriarch picked up the badge as his heart trembles, despite Gusion's rebel, in the end he is still his son. A sad aura surrounds him and it did not go unnoticed with the elders. The first elder put his hand on the patriarch's shoulder, saying. "Patriarch, no need to think about that regenade."

"Yet, that same regenade defeated all of our so-called prodigies." The patriarch muttered as the elders all looked down.

Facing such adversity and unable to control his rebelliously independent nature, Gusion chose to leave the family, convinced that soon the entire Land of Dawn would know his name and understand the true extent of his power. At that time he never knew that in his pursuit of recognition and power, he will be entangled with a dangerous play.

Only got the chance to update this now. I went to the school of my choice yesterday to enroll but forgot my medical requirements. I found out that I traded an August start with a June one. T^T

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