
Childhood (Alice)

"Mom," Alice smiled up at her mother, "Where have you been?"

Her mother's eyes were as cold as ice as she stared at her daughter. "None of your business," she hissed at Alice.

Alice's mother thought of Alice as... Pathetic. A pathetic little girl. That's what Alice was to her mother. She was none other than another useless little girl to her. Helpless, weak, can't do anything by herself. She was innocent.

She doesn't even know what her mother does. Her mother is a killer. Yet she thinks of her as a hero. Alice looks up to her mother. Her mother looks down on Alice.

Alice was the exact opposite of what her mother wanted. Alice was innocent, sweet, kind and caring. Everything that her mother wasn't.

Alice believes in happily ever after. Her mother believes in destroying happily ever after. They were the exact opposite of each other. Alice wanted to see people smile. Her mother caused people to frown.

"Mom! When are we going to spend time together?" Alice asked, her eyes sparkling, as she caught her mother's attention.

Her mother turned, forcing a smile. She kneeled down and placed her hands on her daughter's shoulders. "Someday," she said.

Alice blinked, "Hmm? But I want to spend time with you, today."

Her mother bit her lip, "Not now, Alice. I'm busy."

Alice's eyes saddened. I'm busy. That's always her mother's excuse. Always. When will she not be busy? That's what Alice always wondered. And they kept wondering. Because her mother is always busy.

Her mother always seems mad at her. Her mother always seems unhappy. Her mother always seems empty. And it always bothers Alice, her mother isn't happy.

"When are you not busy?" Alice persisted.

Her mother thought for a moment, "Just stop asking questions. Go play or something, I need to do something important." Her mother quickly excused herself.

Alice stood there, all alone. As she watched her mother slowly walked away from her again, always choosing something else over her. Alice tried her best to make everyone smile but in return, she couldn't smile herself.

Her childhood was cruel. Because of her mother, never being there for her. Everyday, she waits for her mother to come back. Tears have been shed. All she does is cry for her mother, hoping that someday she'll finally acknowledge her only child, her daughter.

But her tears is what makes her mother hate her. Useless. Weak. Pathetic. Her mother cursed every night because of her daughter.

Alice always waits for her solution to come. She waits. That's the only thing she does, wait. But this time as her mother slowly walked away, Alice trailed behind her, hoping to find out what her mother has been doing that has been keeping her so busy.

Soon they arrived at a peaceful town, Alice smiled admiring the cozy village. She continued trailing behind her mother. She's always wanted to be like her mother, it was as if she was following in her footsteps. That's what Alice wanted.

As her mother came to a abrupt halt at the gate of the village, Alice watched intently to see her mother's next move. A small smile formed on her mother's face as she started attacking the villagers.

Alice took a step back, tilting her head. "What is she doing?" Alice asked herself.

Her mother casted all her abilities, immobilizing innocent people and killing them. A fiery passion could be seen in her mother's eyes. This was the first time she had ever seen her mother happy.

Alice smiled, this was the one time where her mother wasn't grumpy nor dull. She took a few steps forward. Alice was happy too. Happy that something in this world made her mother happy.

She watched as she killed multiple villagers at the same time. Alice knew it was wrong yet her mother's happiness was all that she cared about.

As Alice continued walking forward, a villager holding up a pitch fork ran towards her.

"Another demon!" He yelled, alarming Alice. She quickly took a few steps back and tripped, slowly crawling away from the mad man running towards her.

Her eyes started watering, she was scared. She's never fought anyone before. She wasn't ready to die.

As he quickened his pace towards her, she tried her best to cast a spell. Like her mother. She succeeded, immobilizing the man. Like her mother. And finally casting one more spell which ended up killing him. Like. Her. Mother.

She kept panting. Staring at the dead body in front of her.

Soon a familiar figure appeared before Alice, her mother. A wide grin was plastered on her face as she stared at Alice, intently.

"Good job, my dear. I'm proud of you," she said.

Alice's eyes shined hearing those words. That was the first time her mother has ever been proud of her.

"Thank you, mom." She said, smiling.

Her mother held Alice's hand. "Come, my dear. Its time I show you how to be a real demon."

Alice kept smiling as they both walked together like mother and daughter. This was how it should've been years ago. But now it was finally happening.

[C]~Years Later~

Alice grimaced at the memory of her mother. The mother who changed her. She was turned from a angel to a devil. But she was still the apocalypse queen as like her mother, she enjoys seeing people suffer.

Like her mother.

She never wanted to be like her mother but now she's realizing something else. She's worse than her mother.

Her childhood was tainted by her mother though. The person she is now is all because of her. And now all she has left is regret of ever listening to that woman.