
Kaditas profile

kadita is a normal person she's the beautiful female of here place '' the saturn sea'' she's kind, helpful, loving, and brave girl. Here favorite color is lightly blue. She love her family if it's she's not real daughter.

One day, kadita question her mother... ''why I'm not belong on your real blood? ''

mother answer ''one day your father is Fisher man he found you in the middle of the ocean, he see you're floating from the ocean waves and slowly the wave are come from your father and suddenly disappear the waves your father brought you here in home''

.... Kadita is the only child of her mother and father.....

Kadita coming her mind ''what are really I'm? What is my true family? Why I'm found floating from the waves? Maybe because I can manipulate the water? I have a powers that I can control the water when I'm was a child.'' in the past kadita feels some energy from here body she can't explain it but she feels it. She don't want to say this from her families because she don't want to scare her mother and father she secret the power she have.

because she is a baby before his father get her.