
The Story of Valir, Kadita, and Vale 1

Valir was running away from Gord and is currently being chased by his friend, Vale. The two of them fought in a ship that randomly sails to nowhere... Only Vale's winds determined where the ship shall head to.

Every time that Vale would attack Valir using his wind magic, the ship would move and it eventually arrived to the southern part of the ocean where Kadita lives...

Kadita was so enraged due to some strangers entering her territory and made a gigantic tsunami that swallowed the whole ship.

Valir and Vale had no time to invade the tsunami and was swallowed by the ocean.

Vale used his wind magic to cast a strong wind that could push him up from the water but, Kadita made another wave that pushed Vale back to the sea.

"Ahaha Are you suffocating?" Kadita asked as she rose from the ocean

Valir could only stare blankly there as he could not do anything for his magic is fire and he is being surrounded by a big body of water at the moment.

Kadita floated in the amidst of the ocean and suddenly asked a question out of the blue...

"Haha...Is there a more beautiful queen.. than me?"

"No Ma'am! You are the most beautiful of all!" Vale said and Valir nodded in agreement

As Kadita heard the answer she wanted, She gave mercy to the two.

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