
The Story of Layla and Alucard 1

There was a sudden event in Mobile Legends wherein, A game was added without any details about it.

All that was writren about the game is that there is a huge battle points, gems, and limited skins as a prize to the winners...

A lot of heroes has entered it for they want the prize.

The game was named as 'Clear' and as a lot joined, little did they know that it would be a pretty hard and challenging game...

The system was about to match up players and only two players are on every team.

The rules were only introduced when the heroes entered the game...

"Everyone shall be playing a 'Two versus Two' game wherein, they have to clear ten games straight. Enemies and Allies' rank are randomized. You will play five rank games which will affect your current rank if you lose and another five games in brawl mode. If you lose one time, you are already disqualified.By the way, If you lose, we will deduct battle points from your account. Good Luck Everyone!"

Lyla and Alucard were chose as partners and Alucard was making a fuss for Layla was known as a 'Cancer'...

"What The Heck Is With This System??? Of all heroes??? Why does it has to be her???" Alucard cried

"How Rude! It depends on the player that uses me! FYI I mostly get the title of MVP you know! Hmph!" Layla said as she pouted

With this pair... How much can they clear? let us find to the next chapters!

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