
The Story of Layla and Alucard(Extra)

"Hey Layla, One more round? Let's see which of us is a real Legend!" Alucard Said

"Sure!" Layla answered

"Rule is: Legends Never Dies"


"Welcome To Mobile Legends!"

"Five seconds till the enemy reaches the battlefield"

Layla Attacks in the mid lane, Letting the minions slowly destroy the other turrets... That was her plan.

Alucard attacks the bottom lane and succeeded in taking down the first turret...

Layla is still struggling at destroying the turret...

Alucard is now heading towards her!!!

Layla uses her skill to damage Alucard and slow him down, taking this as a chance to retreat and recall in a near turret...

17 minutes later, Layla was so focus in having fun in the game that she already forgotten the rules...

Alucard already has one death but, he doesn't admit defeat...

He died trying to kill the Lord and he succeeded.

Layla is now having a hard time in protecting her base...

"Defeat" appeared to Layla's screen...

"Sigh...I lost..."-Layla

"Good Game!"-Layla


"No...it's my lost."-Alucard

"What do You mean?"-Layla

"Didn't i said the rule? [legends never dies]"


Alucard reached out his Hand to Layla and gave her a handshake and then Congratulated her.

Next chapter